RE: WHAT A GREAT COMMUNITY Steemit Whale steemitsunday
You are so right and this experiment brought a lot out in the open. Shhhhhhhh I could be wrong about this, but, I think it's all about automatic upvoting which overrates a few steemians on the top allowing the rewards to trickle down. If you are not on the whales automatic list you are doomed to disappear with little to no rewards. Whales keep saying the community can't tell them what to vote for > it's all subjective. Really? Automatic daily upvotes is a subjective choice? It's proven by the automatic upvotes from the whales who are ahead of this experiment it is not a subjective choice. The automatice upvote certain community members are getting are hopping mad but, hold on.... it's OK ... not to worry, because it's only a temporary experiment. Soon it will all go back to normal and all will be well. Better, yet, no one will even notice the minnows quietly leaving.