The Human Farm- A Extraterrestial Primer on Energetic Harvesting

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

@pierce-the-veil: Your thoughts may not always be your own...

Ok STEEMIT folks, my third post in and we might as well get to the real shit.

Over the course of human development (100,000 + years not 10k) this planet has become an energetic feeding ground, akin to the Wild Wild West. 


_Bottom line folks_, the general  consensus today concerning the state of worldly affairs is, not a very bright one to say the least. To name a few: *Manufactured Death, Terror, Totalitarian State Control, Engineered Disease, Suppression of Free/Alternative Energies, Rigged Elections, etc.*

Interestingly enough, there are a number of sources both *ancient* (Gnostics) and *modern* (Secret Space Program Whistleblowers Corey Goode, David Icke/Wilcox) who are quite certain that this planet has been managed for thousands of years by certain groups of negatively oriented entities (archons/reptilians) for the purposes of absolute control and energy harvesting. 

According to Prominent Researchers, Whistleblowers, and independent persons with their Thinking Cap firmly affixed; there exist an etheric hierarchy of entities which are worshipped by the various "groups in power", as has been the case for of thousands of years.

The ruling elite and especially *Kings of Old*, were at most times, material participants in the enforcement or administration of evil off-worldly agendas.

_These "power groups"_ have spent thousands of years investing exorbitant amounts of time, resources, and energies in order to hold a negative vibration on this planet. (Ancient Wars, Human Sacrifices, etc)

This apparently serves many purposes, yet three main goals become clear.

_First:_ To Produce as much fear, confusion, sadness, destruction, and pain possible.

_Second:_ To establish long term methods or mediums of energy channeling directly to these entities for feeding.

_Third:_ To mitigate awakening, free-thinking, and self-determination (uh oh, no wonder anarchy pisses them off)

A few hours of quality research will surely lead you to a similar conclusion that, the rituals, programs, soceital conditioning, and negative energy on this planet are designed to ensure the maximum amount of damage and least amount of informed resistance.

_Now, If you are still wrapped up with the "illuminati" and "secret societies" as the source of our wordly Ills, unfortunately you've missed the mark._ 

Yes i know about CFR, Skull and Bones, Illuminati, Vatican, Jesuit power structures but they are in reality, small potatoes and all serving a higher agenda.

_Who and what agenda you ask?_

*Well*, Most notably ET Groups, and specifically the Reptilians who, primarily claim the right to harvest human energy, feed, and abduct, on the basis or reasoning that they view humans _as their creation_ and because it serves a higher order of beings (again Archons) with massive amounts of energy to continuously propagate their Holographic Realities . 


*Yep*. The general theory between most people in the know, including those "illuminati", is that the Modern Human was a product of an ancient and massive genetic experiment to, advance the existing primate life form on earth. As to the true extent of an agenda, or agendas behind such an endeavour? I leave that to the reader's further research and understanding. (Zecharia Stichin, Gold Mining Theory, etc)

Specifically, this experiment was said to have taken place many hundreds of thousands of years ago, and to which the Reptillians were said to have been a primary participant. Thus their purported claim that, they own this planet and all beings on it, along with various other groups.

Now on to the etheric or energetic side of the coin, Who or what is really in control here?

It is said that many of the negatively oriented ET races, most notably the reptilians (see above), serve a higher order of beings. Archons to be exact. 

First described by the Gnostics as "Energy Parasites", these beings are reputed to have control over the creation of holographic realities.

Which makes these links even more interesting:


And just what does an "Archon" supposedly look like?

Notice the parasitic body shape? That pic was supposedly taken by the ISS.

These beings are capable of possessing only genetically compatible hosts (Illuminati bloodline inbreeding serves this purpose) and are said to LITERALLY feed off death, destruction, fear, which they direct their minions to propagate on a mass scale. (See Illuminati Death Rituals, Child Sacrifices, Satanic Cults).

They are known to imitate or take the roles of "Gods" in ancient mythology (And we created man in OUR image in OUR likeness).

Ok, Ok, now on to the good news. 

I truly believe (like most) that we are connected to some *"Source Energy"* or *"Prime Consciousness"* which most people call "God", and in no way do I agree with the Reptilians as to the creation of the Human Soul. 

*The Human Body however?*

This i can totally see being engineered based on a more primitive life form (monkey/neanderthal, etc), and it wraps up all the "creationist" "evolutionist" drama/argument in a nice neat little bow supporting both sides nicely.

At the end of the day, no TREE OF POWER has ever failed for want of a branch.

What's that mean for you dear reader? HACK AT THE ROOTS (hack, haha)

_It's time to grab your anarchist balls_ and start addressing the energetic roots of world domination in their home turf, outside 3d reality.

Yep. Calling all LightWarriors, the human soul is one of the most powerful energies in the universe, hence their needing to "feed".

Be sure that your thoughts, feelings, and ideas are truly emanating from within and always stand your ground.

Informed resistance and Self Determination are anathema to these powerhouses of evil. 

Is it any wonder then, that Freedom, Individuality, Anarchistic Tendencies, Free Thinking, Independence, and Critical Anaylsis are severely Deterred on this Planet? I think not.

There is nothing more powerful than YOU, isn't it time to stop giving that power away?


Thank you Steem-it USERS! I hope you enjoyed this post, and there are many more to come.

I will also be posting direct MP3 links to my Internet Radio Show where we discuss these concepts and others, in more detail.

For now, find the past 25 + shows here:

Linkedin: /jmaskew
Facebook: @pierce-the-veil & @piercingtheveil86



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