in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


Based on creativity and avoiding monotonous ink in note taking and jotting, I discovered the mind mapping months ago and it has worked for me really well, remembering information has been so easy and fun, designing my note book with different colours and putting my ideas in form pictures and coloured words connecting every word to the central theme with branches not in straight lines but in inconsistent lines.


Mind mapping is an easy way to brainstorm thoughts organically without worrying about the way the ideas or information are arranged. it gives you the opportunity to structure your ideas visually with different colours for easy retention and recall.

A mind map is a diagram for representing tasks, words, concepts, or items structured around a central concept or subject using non-linear branches that allows the user to build an intuitive framework around a central concept. A mind map can turn a long list of boring and one way colour information into a colorful, memorizable and highly organized diagram that works with the way your brain naturally does things

A mind map is used as a simplified content management system (CMS). It allows all the the data of a central theme me or concept be on one.


It is essential that you know the advantages of mind mapping. The advantages amazing and

1)INCREASE IN CREATIVITY:Mind mapping increases your creativity because it’s a wonderful tool that let you get more ideas, identify connections among the different data and information, and also increases retention rate and memory.

2)GOOD FOR SORTING IDEAS:Making a mind map is an excellent way for you to be able to sort through your thoughts and ideas. This activity allows you to quickly generate creative and even unique ideas in less time. It gives you the freedom you need when brainstorming so that the flow of ideas is not blocked or hampered like linear thinking does.

3)EXCELLENT FOR ORGANIZING IDEAS:This method is a great way for you to categorize and organize the ideas you brainstormed and identify their relationships. By using a single page or space you can already place a huge amount of information and check its connections. Making connections is easier to do because you have all the information about a particular topic in a single glance. It can even help you discover new relationships among seemingly unrelated ideas and information.

4)USE OF ART FOR RETENTION:The use of colours, images, and keywords in mind mapping aids in enhancing your memory and retention. Isn’t it easier to remember information this way rather than reading long sentences? The use of colours, images, and keywords also help make learning more interesting and fun so you become more motivated to remember important details.


Create a Central Idea
The central idea is the starting point in mind mapping, it is the topic you'll be mind mapping about.

The central idea shoukd be at the Centre of the page and with an image that best represents the topic you're mind mapping, this draws attention and triggers associations, as our brains respond better to visual stimuli.

Take time to personalise your central idea

Add branches to your map
Explore your creative world by adding branches, the branch first connected to the central idea carries the key themes and other child branches connected to this branch gives you the opportunity to go deep.
The beauty is that you can continue to add branches

Add keywords
When you add your branch to the central idea, you should add only one word to the branch and the word should be a keyword so that it can spark great associations in the brain.

For example, if you include ‘Birthday Party’ on a branch, you are restricted to just aspects of the party. However, if you simply use the keyword ‘Birthday’, you can radiate out and explore the keyword, party, but also a wide variety of different keywords such as presents, cake etc.

In 2002 a research was conducted on medical students, they were asked to mind map and it was observed that there is a 10% increase in long term memory of factual information.

Colour code your branches
Mind Mapping encourages whole brain thinking as it brings together a wide range of cortical skills from logical and numerical to creative and special.

Instead of using monochromatic images for your branches, you are advised to use different colours while constructing so that the whole mind map can look appealing and amazing to the brain.

Include images
Images are very important in mind mapping they help in long term retention and it has no barrier, it is a universal language with no barrier.

We are intrinsically taught to process images from a young age. According to Margulies (1991), before children learn a language, they visualise pictures in their minds which are linked to concepts. For this reason, Mind Maps maximize the powerful potential of imagery.

Thank you for reading
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Refrence: faithcsde.com

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