I've been around the block here on steemit a few times, so I'll offer up some observations.
These are just ten things that newer users may experience here on steemit. I am certainly not trying to be exhaustive, but thought that I would touch on these. Many of you may agree with what I share here, and for any newer users experiencing any of these, just know that you are not alone!
At first, you'll probably go through the skeptical view of steemit. It'll seem "too good to be true" and may even seem like an impossible opportunity. I'm guessing that the majority of steemians once felt this way. I know that I did, and when my intro post showed those dollar signs next to it, I really began to wonder about what it all meant. As it turns out, steemit is for real, and while it may be "too good to be true," it is still true!

This is usually the phase that newer users enter once they find out that steemit is for real. Among other things, potential money is a great motivator. I think that all around the world, so many people have a hard time making ends meet, so any opportunity to potentially get ahead an really motivate people. At this stage of the game, you'll probably put in a lot of effort trying to make some posts and hope to get noticed by some whales.
Sure, you'll check the trending page and see people earning hundreds and even thousands. Then, you'll check back on your page, and see that your most recent post is still worth a nickel. You'll read through a few posts on the trending page and may not even be impressed. You may compare them to some of your recent posts and believe that your posts are even better, and you may be correct. You'll get confused as to how your incredible work can go unrewarded and yet some guy on the trending page is raking it in with infantile nonsense.

After being confused for a while, you may get frustrated. What you may not realize is that some of these other steemians have been here for years now and have built a lot of relationships. Some of their rewards are more of a reflection on who they are, who they know, and what they've done rather than the rewards being an accurate reflection of the value of their content. Even if that is so, you'll have the opportunity to get frustrated. Don't let it get to you though.
As you continue, you'll find that some people have actually read your posts. Not only that, but they left you a real comment to let you know, and it was encouraging. Perhaps someone else finally found one of your posts and they even had some Steem Power, which allowed you to finally make a couple bucks on a post. At this point, you're not only making friends, but you've started to make some money too, and that is encouraging!

As you continue on with steemit, you may suddenly realize something. A lot of the negative internet interaction that you've experienced elsewhere online is for the most part absent. You're not as worked up or stressed out when you're spending time on Facebook. Suddenly, you find the internet to be more peaceful that you remember, and that makes you feel relieved.
The more that you read and interact, the more you may feel inspired to create. Maybe you stumble onto a photo contest post, and pick that camera back up. Maybe you've been trying to write a book for years and steemit inspires you to release it chapter by chapter, starting with the few that you've already written, and then finishing the book as you go. Perhaps you've always been looking for an outlet for your poetry, artwork, or music. Suddenly, you've got some followers all around the world who reward you when you share it, and they are waiting for your next post.
While a downvote or negative reputation may gray out posts or comments, steemit is uncensored. Maybe you've ran into censorship issues on YouTube, Facebook, Sola, or somewhere else. Maybe you haven't. Either way, perhaps you've tasted the uncensored freedom that steemit provides and have finally be encouraged to really share your thoughts on some touchy topics or sensitive issues. This freedom can certainly be enjoyed here!
Whether it is about blockchains and cryptos or just knowledge in general, steemit is a great place to learn and grow. Many of us here have learned a ton of things on a wide variety of subjects. Many intelligent and helpful steemians exist in ever corner of our platform and a lot of us have been challenged to learn all sorts of new skills; I know that I have! Even in areas that we already have an understanding many of us have been blessed to be able to discuss, share, and interact with others from all around the world who are enjoying the same hobbies, dealing with similar situations, or researching some things that we are too.
10: HOPE
This is the final one, because I have saved the best for last. For many reasons, many of us have experienced hope on a new level. Maybe it came from cashing out some crypto and paying a bill. Maybe someone encouraged us when we really needed it. Maybe we love documenting things on the decentralized blockchain. Whatever it may be, steemit has become a community of hope for many of us, and it's made the world a better place to be in many ways too. If you have not yet felt this way, I hope that you hang in here until you do! Be blessed!
Until next time…
Don’t waste your time online, invest it with

Thanks @papa-pepper that was a good read...I also passed the majority
of these 10 points ✌️
you have spoken like a true steemian , like a true king of steem its very hard for some people its really hard for poeple to be around its mind mindbogglingly hard but its way better than facebook
It can be tough, but it's still the best thing going. I was hoping that this would help people to realize that they are not alone and we all go through it. Hopefully, new steemians will stick around and be blessed. Thanks @monjan.
you are most welcome papa.
True! Been in that way too as new one :D
What's hard about loving yourself and sharing that love with others?
Steemit seems to only become difficult for people when they associate steem with money and treat content creation like a job..
If we associate steem with love rather than reduce true currency to worthless money, everything is easy except dealing with capitalists who want to reduce your currency to money.
Maybe that's what you guys mean by it being difficult. The part where everyone seems to be reducing our currency to money and behaving as capitalists do.
What makes steemit different from facebook and other platforms is not just the liberty of content being used by monopolies but also the freedom to earn from ones content , ok lets be realistic steemit has not yet archived the number of users that make facebook exiting and effective what makes steemit unique is people earning an if they can not earn then they will not be interested.
That's a good point. I also think that the content is ultimately a lot better if it is created with a passion and love, instead of a capitalistic plan.
Very good point. I've seen this happen to many.
Good stuff papa-pepper, thank you for taking the time to write it up. This is an accurate rendition of the Steem blockchain. It is what you make it, who you follow and interact with.
Very good point!
I'm quite new, but I have done some interaction on steemIt. I think this post nails most of the good points to find on the internet: here we can find personal improvement through learning and a sense of community without the "internet trolls".
Nice post @papa-pepper.
Right, I love the sense of community!
Wow man that has been put into words greatly. You have described the journey of a minnow like myself from the introductory post to becoming a whale. I think I'm at the frustration and the encouragement stage both at once. I'm getting frustrated that some people get rewarded for regular stuff, but I accept that they have worked really hard for this over time and I totally understand that now. Anyways I think it's such a good post to describe the journey on steemit. Thanks
A lot of these things can happen at the same time. It seems like an emotional roller coaster for a long time, that is for sure. Good to see you at a 47 rep and growing, just hang in there!
My life on Steemit has also followed so similar to the mourning process:
Nice way of putting it!
lolz...i am here for you man...we will grow together
Welcome to Steemit brother.
It was thanks to these points that I chose Steemit as a means of helping other people. I decided that if I was just going to help financially, it would not do anything, except temporary material benefits. If I give them knowledge of Steemit, it will help my friends and acquaintances to reveal their talents here and get a promotion for it. Develop and decide for themselves what is most important for them.
Nice! Teach a man to steemit....
It is necessary to change the mentality of people. In the meantime, they have little faith in virtual rewards ...
You definitely nailed it, Papa. You also saved the best for the last. The early frustration is always evident, and passing that stage, always set the tone for the other points to follow. That stage is really vital. I know few people who fizzled out when they noticed they don't warn much. I know how little my intro post fetched me and even after several months too. Some of my posts still struggle, but then, what can i do? The prospect is always higher than now. I know how inspired, blessed, and helped i have been, since steemit. Not giving in to frustration is key. Well done sir.
Superb post my friend, I have resteemed with pleasure for our newer members in the newbieresteem network, we number more than 500 now, and the advice in this post is excellent. Thanks bro.
Great! I hope that it blesses and encourages many!
1 and 4 are my main hang ups. Steemit is overall a rad project thought. hope to see more members in the near future.
Yeah, I can understand that. More people are joining by the day though!