in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

There has been a lot to talk about self-voting on steemit lately, so I thought I'd share my thoughts openly on the subject.




First off, let's remember a few things. People are free to use their votes however they want. This means that if they want to post ten times a day and only vote for themselves, they are completely free to do so. However, I think that many of us would realize that we are all a part of a community. You are not a community.

If you support what you do, you should feel free to vote for yourself. For minnows out there, it really doesn't make a huge difference anyway and you are not even coming close to "draining the rewards pool" by doing so. Feel free to support yourself, but I would highly recommend supporting others too. Some people vote for themselves far more often than others, and a fun way to check is to use this tool :


I left my name in the search engine, but swap it out for any other account on steemit. Also, you can adjust the days to search from 1 to 31, so you can check the votes of others over the past day to the past month. Try your own name, and see how you are doing.

Personally, while people are free to do things however they want, they must remember that their actions have consequences. If you want to hear more of what I think, just watch the video above. Thanks!

As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

Don’t waste your time online, invest it with

GIF provided by @orelmely




I stopped self voting a while ago, my votes are so small still I'd rather share them with others. Do you have any idea where I can find out how long new accounts are taking to be approved? A few people I'm trying to introduce to it have been waiting like 10 days

@adammillwardart This Post by @timcliff should help you learn to create accounts without waiting. (Self voted for visibility.)

I'll vote some for visibility too! Thanks for the help!

Same here, I invested money so I can upvote myself! But nobody posts 10 times a day so I got upvotes left to like people in my genre.

voted ur comment :)

I do not know, but I'll upvote this comment to help others see it. Maybe one of them has an answer.

Thanks! Hope so, I'm friends with a lot of artists and independent clothing brand owners etc.. A few have already started Steeming, but a few are still waiting ;)


Same here. I figured I could give myself 4 upvotes a dayish, or I could give those votes to minnows with few votes on good posts or to certain people who have supported me to this point. I go through and look at my feed and the main feed regularly and when I find the posts I want to vote on, I vote, give a relevant comment and maybe resteem. If at the end of the day I have any voting power left I will upvote comments or posts from a couple of people who have supported my journey to this point. I have met a nice little group of people, a few through @papa-pepper's posts.

I try to post a few things each day to build my blog content and build my follower base, not worrying about the money at all. The value of my own posts and comments will be determined by others.

That's a good way to do it!

I found that with the people I brought to steemit, some email address they use take longer than others, when I joined I used an icloud email address and it took 3 weeks for me to get in.
my friend used gmail and was in with in 24 hours, another used gmail on the saturday and was live by monday.

there are other ways of getting on steemit, you can by a steemit account using : this is the quickes and most simple way. but costs 5 steem to get one. hope this helps :)

Within the last couple of weeks it has taken my friends around 6-8 days, but I have a friend or two still waiting. It may just be a big influx, which will put strain on it. Growing pains means growing so its good news. Also, go to and watch your voting power, I noticed you upvoted his reply but it was below .01. When you are starting out, you have to keep an eye out so that your votes are making a difference!

Thanks! I'll let my friends know there's still hope. I've heard different opinions about voting when your full votes are only worth .01 or .02. I lean towards better to let 50 people a day know "I dig your content" or "Thanks for your comment" than be stingy with votes that are worth so little anyway.

I think with the rule changes to youtube have alot of people coming over and its taking longer because of the flood of new people coming to steemit. Not 100% sure but i think this is maybe the reason.

As a new steemer I found your video informative. Thank you

As a rule, I do not upvote myself. As my upvotes only give a few cents, I don't exactly see a reason why I shouldn't give it out to other people. I think that it would only make sense that way. If you can't give, you can't receive.

Agreed. 100% go ahead and give yourself a vote the same you would anything you come across, if you find value in it, if you are proud etc. People know when they are being ding dings- voting every comment they make etc. Also, many don't realize that they have wasted their voting power and it means nothing and just looks tacky. Use those votes to thank and cheer on authors/artists you want to see more of and you will have a world with interesting ideas available to you!

Right... I think, over the long run, you will get more votes from others when you don't upvote yourself. Occasionally it is necessary, but you are better off doing it only "as needed".

Very well said and a great attitude to have.

People know when they are being ding dings- voting every comment they make etc.

I loved that point too!

Humans sure are a bunch of ding dongs lol x)

This is really great advice.
Predominantly self voting one self is absolutely unhealthy for the community at large, if everyone did that, the community would get really stagnated and only a couple of people that can significantly upvote themselves would be rewarded.
This will be very discouraging to newbies may actually reduce the number of sign ups.

Let's keep our beautiful community healthy.

Thanks @papa-pepper

Predominantly self voting one self is absolutely unhealthy for the community at large, if everyone did that, the community would get really stagnated and only a couple of people that can significantly upvote themselves would be rewarded.
This will be very discouraging to newbies may actually reduce the number of sign ups.

Very, very well said. I think that if we look at it that way, we will all try to spread the votes around, regardless of whether we give ourselves some of our own votes too.

Wow that’s really amazing. But don’t be so strict to self voting. People who finds it difficult to blog, can self vote. Just personal opinion

But don’t be so strict to self voting

I wasn't.

People who finds it difficult to blog, can self vote

Oh yeah, there is nothing wrong with that.

Uhm.... Up voting others actually does more for me than up voting myself. Ive gained a few new friends and acquaintances just by upvoting their posts
Asides the curation rewards

It encourages others when you upvote especially newbies... No matter how small your upvote is worth it encourages them

Uhm.... Up voting others actually does more for me than up voting myself. Ive gained a few new friends and acquaintances just by upvoting their posts

Very good point!

Well said. I agree totally. Selfvoting makes sense and especially for small users.

In fact in the early days, you might be your own audience. However, stake grows like compounding interest, so new users shouldn't be too disappointed.

Good morning sir.
Personally I feel that some big fishes are still fighting for sbd with the minnows.
Most receive upvotes from their minnow followers and yet can't take the pain to go through minnows quality posts and share their upvote. Even if it's 1sbd

Yeah, a lot of that happens too. That is one reason I was glad to see that I almost supported 500 different steemians with upvotes in the last month. We can't get them all, but we can try.

Yes sir that's an awesome way to start..
And I'm so happy you're a beacon to other whales 🐳 out there....

A good, good, good video.

The issue of self-voting has perplexed me since I started.

I don't self-vote, but I don't now have any problem with anyone else doing so.

As I have journeyed from minnow to dolphin it becomes a more interesting issue to work through for myself.

When my vote was only a few cents it didn't really matter either way. Now as I grow on the platform and my vote is worth a couple of dollars it is something I think much harder about.

It will always be a moving target but at the moment I have a fairly defined voting 'strategy' :

  1. I vote for people I have brought to the platform - particularly until they have become established enough to look after themselves.

  2. I vote for the people that help me with my radio shows, and for those that participate in the shows, either as guests or winners of the 60 Second Quizzes.

  3. I try to vote as much as I can for a number of charities I support on the platform. Generally the more relevant posts they put out the more I can support them.

  4. I vote as often as I can for people who support me with their votes. I can't keep up with the feed so often I will just hop on to their profile once a week or so and vote up as many of their current posts as possible.

  5. And finally I will go visit any homesteaders and preppers, new and old, I come across and vote on posts that catch my eye with quality content. I particularly try to home in on any posts with only a few cents on them. If I can I try to get them up to a dollar. I'm sure my grandma used to have a saying "Every Good Post Deserves A Dollar" or something like that...

Well summarized and ditto... as I said below if you are using it to help others and give back to the community I don't see a problem at all!

Nice way of doing it. It helps to plan a lot of the time, or at least some general idea of what you are doing! Thanks @pennsif!

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