in #steemit7 years ago

Do I really have to let another creepy bug crawl on me just to try to get paid on here?

What do you guys think, is anyone tired of putting up a front here on steemit? Is it getting harder and harder to try to fake it through a post? I share a bit of my recent thoughts in this vlog, but I'll type out a few below after the video.



No, and that was my point. My question wasn't "is anyone else tired of pretending?" it was "is anyone tired of pretending?" Because, if they are, it may be best just to quit. I don't mean it may be best to quit steemit, but rather to quit pretending. Also, It doesn't just work on steemit, but in life too.

There is no need for anyone to "wish they were like @papa-pepper" and then go get bit in the face by a snake.

You see, whether it is planting my garden, teaching my @little-peppers, loving life with @mama-pepper, or me out in the wild enjoying the creatures, I'm just being me. It's the same me that I was before steemit ever came out, and it's the same me that'll be living this same life years from now (Lord willing.) I'm not putting on a show or faking anything, I'm just enjoying what I enjoy and sharing it through video, photos, and writing here on steemit.

I think that too many in life (and therefore by default on steemit as well) spend way too much time pretending to be something or someone that they are not. They may spend a lot of money on expensive clothing so that they will "look cool" enough to convince others that they "are cool." If you understand peppers at all, you'll know that @papa-pepper just isn't concerned with "cool." It is not the way of the pepper.

Did you guys see that awesome shirt that I'm wearing in that photo? Yeah, I think that it cost about $2 USD at Wal-Mart. Pretty cool, huh? Oh yeah, let's not forget my sweet ride with the amazing paint job.

Okay, so it does have the logo going for it, but the peeling white on grey is not what most would choose. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not bragging about not bragging, I'm just saying that this is who I am. I'm more than a shirt, and more than a truck. I won't be standing next to the neighbor's sweet ride pretending it's mine, even if my neighbor eventually gets a sweet ride.


In my time on steemit, I've met a lot of REAL people. Sometimes, I even drive over to their houses and eat the larvae of hornets with them, just to make sure that they are real people.


Unfortunately, I can't do that with everyone, can I? No, sometimes I just have to settle for playing with balloons on their couch, or at least trying to play with balloons with them.


Since we can't all just hang out offline and be real together, perhaps we should be real here. I honestly think that there is no way as many people would be enjoying my posts if it wasn't for me just being real and sharing life here.

I know that some of you may be thinking that playing with snakes and balloons is more entertaining than what you are up to in your life. Though it may be more entertaining, opinions vary. Check out @jaybird sometime. Right now, he is mostly making sandwiches or music. Those are some of the things that he is enjoying in life right now, and he is having fun sharing those things here on steemit with the rest of us.

I went back into the blog history of @jaybird a bit, and I have to admit, I don't think that he is pretending to make sandwiches. I think that he is really doing it, and doing it well. In fact, just like I encourage others to take photos of the plants and animals around them in my weekly Combination Photography Contest @jaybird is actually running a Steemit Sandwich Contest. I appreciate @jaybird being real and enjoying himself while he is just being himself so much that I've actually been donating some SBD to help fund his contest for some time now.


I feel like I know a lot of you now, and I appreciate that. Hopefully, many of you are getting to know me more too. On the platform steemit is a community of steemians and that community grows bigger and stronger by our relationships. Whoever you actually are, I'm glad that you are here, and I'm glad that you have this opportunity that steemit provides along with the rest of us. It's a great thing to be a part of.

So, whether it is snakes or sandwiches, just be yourself. That crazy big stick insect in the cover photo and vlog was a gift that someone gave to me. I'm not sure how many of you have ever received a giant bug as a gift, but the only reason that I ever did was because I am real. I really like creatures like that, and people really know that I do. Therefore, sometimes when they see an interesting one, they let me know.

The same thing is true for the pygmy rattlesnake in that video. People not only know what @papa-pepper is really about, and they even support it!

I guess that the only thing that you may still really want to know is if I am actually @papa-pepper, or if I just created that alias for steemit. Perhaps this original music video from 2013 may put those questions to rest.

Sure, I may have spelled my name differently back then, but it's still me. For real!

As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

Don’t waste your time online, invest it with



As someone dealing with loads of problems of insecurities in the past, I agree with you on so many levels. There's no day like today and no one like you, and I honestly believe that being yourself is the best that you can you. I love how you've written this post, and I'm farely new to your blod, but it seems to be really interesting! All the best

As someone dealing with loads of problems of insecurities in the past, I agree with you on so many levels.

I'm glad that you made such an honest statement here. I think that we all have at least insecurities in our pasts, and the sooner that we can accept and embrace who we are, the easier it'll be to just be us!

less psychological insecurities, and more steem backed crypto-securities!

As they say in hispanic countries....


wow, that was one frickin' huge stick bug! in the spirit of "being real", that's all I've really got to add right now, except I very much agree with the other things you wrote as well, though I think I'll just leave the larvae of hornets to you! :)

I'm with you on the hornet larvae.

To be genuine is to be free. It's easy to be a genuine fake. Everyone does it, and it's probably a big cause of unhappiness in our world.

We all wear masks here and there, but it is important to remain aware of staying true within those social identities.

Thanks for your wisdom as always @papa-pepper.

Anything is better than allowing the State run sites win without objection

As usual @papa-pepper, I am happy to read another great post by you! You're right, I keep trying to tell everyone this too... my whole mantra here is "do what you would be doing anyway" If people like it, AWESOME! That definitely doesn't hurt me at all but if they don't, well, then it's not heartbreaking because I a) enjoyed doing it and/or b) would have done the same thing regardless. I don't know anyone who had succeeded (long term) while faking it... eventually it wears you down.
I used to be such a little princess, wanna-be-cool-girl nightmare, faking every second of my day with the most expensive clothes and makeup available, working jobs where I sold my soul and now, you'll find me barefoot, in charity shop clothing, my hair dried from the wind, my face free from years of being stuffed full of chemicals and I am living a life I love and I love being able to share that life here. I see great potential for this platform and for people like you who are on here, breathing their souls to the world... I would wish you success, but success already comes to you for this very reason. Sending love to you, even though you're slightly too far away for me to come and play in the garden with you. Though, let it be known, I am definitely game for a 'pepper-off' (eating spicy peppers off the plant) one day should the opportunity strike to prove I am real ;)
Have a wonderful day! Thanks for this post <3 (Oh wow, my reply is quite long... ;) )

Sure, a long reply, but a real one that blesses me to read. A lot of very good points are made there, and I thank you for sharing them.

I'll upvote your comment too so that more can read it!

Im glad i could upvote your comment with 10 cents to get it up past $2.00 !

Aww thank you for that <3 I am hoping it inspires a bit. I know I would have loved to be told to just me be back when I wasn't being me :P

Badd Assery !!! UPVOTED and Following YOU now too ! very nice comment ! It just feels so damn good to be REAL don't it ? Thats REAL life !

Read More, Reason More ... JTS

Hahaha YES! After years of being 'not' real, I am very much enjoying being able to allow myself the freedom to be me! Happy to hear you've unleashed that in yourself as well <3 I am happy to see we've not all turned into bots yet ;)

"eat the larvae of hornets with them"

You are a true mountain man sir.

Well said on everything else. I have also found that less attempting to please everyone and more being "real" is generally for the better.

Assuming you aren't a nut-job or a sociopath, there is probably a click out there that (the proverbial) you will fit right into. Actually, even nut-jobs might be OK. Heck, they might be at an advantage.

Poppa does work better for a hip-hop spelling. I think we've found your new catch-phrase: Papa-pepper make it rain. Epic video, should be in a time capsule somewhere. Totally worth a full upvote.

No pretending here. I love what I do :)

a very good post. thank you for sharing your story, success always friends!

Hi. . . Please Follow Me @ibrahim-ats

For some its all about 'fake it until you make it'. Personally, I think you're doing a good job being genuine and spreading the Steem(it) love around here!

I try to set a good example and I honestly can't be anyone else, so genuine it is!

@papa-pepper being the first to donate (1,000 Steem) to @darthnava 3 months ago proves this for me!
Steem remembers!


when I asked Papa about this... his reply was simple & to the point... paraphrased below:

"It just seemed like the right thing to do..."

LOL, is that what I said?

Papa-Pepper, you can drive over to my house any day and and eat hornets larvae with me. He he, classic. Nice post, I also believe Steemit will be much better for people just being who they are.

Thanks for that @kate-m! Let me know if you find a nest!

Really awesome post Pappa , I think being fake is to prominent in todays times, I'm personally happy knowing at a young very age that being fake won't get me any place good any time soon. Pretending won't make anyone happy in any situation no matter what.

Yeah, I thought it would be a good time to make a post like this. Let's encourage those being real to keep it up, and encourage those faking it to stop.

100% AGREE !

yeah a few people are really milking the reward pool and their posts are kind of vague and lame ....whatever though i can't really judge some might think my posts might be vague or lame but I try to wait until I have a real thought but now I have too many ideas and I have a big list of them and now Im just feeling anxiety like from school as if I have a massive list of tasks to finish and i Have to eventually start doing them but yeah I like how I have no due dates but i do try to do a post everyday so I really do have at least that due date I do follow but even sometimes I am late with that and skip a day, but the school thing, man, wow i just now realized thats whats going on with me at least, maybe others were conditioned to write a certain way from school and having to write a lot of essays all the time, i even had teachers telling me to just bullshit my way through school and learn to be good at bullshitting because only the best bullshitters end up winning,...well that teacher was pretty cynical...but yeah writing is a trip!
Imagine thinking of steemit posts like homework

Hi. . . Please Follow Me @ibrahim-ats

Hahaha that music video. You are multi-talented sir 😉

Glad that you like it! And was way before steemit!

I've been following you for a little bit, and I enjoy your posts but don't often reply, as I see how many comments you receive, and don't want to inundate you with more of the same... but I just need to stop in and say THANK YOU! There are so many out there, faking it, pretending for the sake of what others might think, both in the "real world" and here on steemit. And I think we could use a lot more authenticity, and self-acceptance. I hope we will start seeing more of a shift in thinking, where instead of trying to be cool, people will just be themselves. Because not giving a s*#% what other people think, and being authentic to yourself is cool, and I think, ultimately makes us feel the most happy and fulfilled in life. And isn't that what everyone wants?

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