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RE: Ways to get more followers and upvotes

in #steemit5 years ago

@roleerob - so sorry for the delay, I didn't see this until now.

I WISH I could get e-mails when someone responds to my comments/posts.

I don't live on Steemit & I never get comments, so I don't check the reply area LOL

I only checked now b/c I got some replies, but they were further up on the page & yours were way down there.

If by community you mean on Discord, I've tried, but I haven't yet found servers where I feel 100% comfortable, as there's a lot of hate speech towards one race of people & I can not stomach that & all the praising of Hitler even if I am still open to studying the topic.

And I find it a pain that you can't search for servers by kws on Discord.

I asked over a year ago & you can't.

Unless you see an invite somewhere on someone's site, YT channel, FB page/group, etc., you can't get to it.

WOW, your post is VERY good.

I haven't ever seen such a detailed post for beginners.

How did you learn all of this in only one year since you only joined last year?

Unfortunately I'm very tried now, so my brain can't comprehend everything I'm reading, but I know I will have questions if you don't mind. :)

1 I was told a while ago that I should NO longer get SD, rather Steem b/c the bloody SD tanked.

Then someone else told me a month ago that's NOT true.

Who do I believe, & how & when do I know if I should get SD or Steem?

2 So I guess I'll never get that slider thingy b/c I'm not even CLOSE to 500 LOL

Is that how people determine how much they give with their upvote? Like 25% vs. 100%?

So I can't change mine?

3 Ok, I got caught up on the scam thread which exhausted me, so I'm off to try & sleep more.

How do you tell if the rep number you see is in fact real? Just by going to their profile?

That's a lot of work to do just to check, but I guess the link in the comment is what should give us pause so we then check?

Damm, I never checked you out before clicking on it LOL

Do they always put links in there?

The article says the link is also under the images, so that right there is an issue even if there is no link. People will end up clicking on the images to go check their profile.

And the Steemit profile never works a lot of the time.

How many times have I see no rep on my account, or no number where the posts are.

This happens a lot & I'm not even on here that much or looking at my profile stats that much.

4 A while ago someone told me the rep number doesn't matter, but you say it does.

Why would they say that?

I'll be back later even if it takes me a week or so.

Sorry I wasn't able to upvote you.

Thanks again
P.S. I can't even comment here b/c once AGAIN, I ran out of SP after ONLY 3-4 comments - sigh

P.P.S Day 3. We'll see if I can comment today - sigh


My first comment to you @ourfreesociety was about the importance of communities.

Here are the ones I myself focus on and which were listed in my "Annual Highlights" post:

Great Steem Communities Engaging, Curating, and Powering Up!

The Curation and Engagement League Posts of @abh12345

The Minnow Power-Up League Posts of @steemcommunity

The Redfish League Posts of @paulag

The Pay-It-Forward Community Post of @pifc / @thedarkhorse

Of these, three of them are available to you right now. MPL (Minnow Power-Up League) would come after "graduating" from the Redfish League.

With that, on into my day ... 👍

Okay @ourfreesociety

”… so sorry for the delay, I didn't see this until now.”

… I understand. If you wish to avoid this in the future, with whomever may choose to correspond with you, my #1 recommendation, if you have not done it already, is to learn about SteemWorld.

In there, you will have access to all you are likely to ever need to know about your Steem account. For example, on the left, click on the ‘Mentions’ button. You will be presented with a listing of just what the name suggests. Anywhere on the Steem blockchain where someone has typed in @ourfreesociety – whether someone is writing to directly, as I am here, or simply mentions you in comment / post somewhere else. With a link to click on to open it up.

I have provided a link, just in case, to get you started.

Nice to know you have elected to read my post. I don’t spend near the time on Steem others do, so not sure I will get to all of your questions, but I did say I would help and I am a man of my word. So … I’ll start and, if I don’t get through them all, I will come back, as time allows.

I will begin to provide my answers on a separate comment, so it will be separate from this initial response. In advance, I will just suggest that you do your own research, as your time and opportunity permit. I am very sincere in my beliefs and I do the same myself, but … At the end of it all, you are only reading the opinion of one man. Who could actually have something useful to say, here and there, or … A complete “whack job” … 😉

[Note: My answers will appear first, "over the top" of this one, as they will have been posted later on the Steem blockchain than this one ...]

P.S. I’ve given you a small delegation, to get you over the “50 SP line” – temporarily giving you more RCs. From what I have read on other posts, this will significantly improve your ability to comment and post more freely. You can let me know whether, in fact, this is true. It will be a good test for me to know. Specifically, I will match the 20 SP delegated to you by @victoriabsb – an attorney from Venezuela …

P.P.S. Obviously, I am completely unaware of your personal circumstances, but … If you have found enough value in participating on the Steem blockchain to consider investing in it, you may wish to consider buying a few STEEM and powering them up. To get yourself over the 50 SP line, at a minimum. At today’s prices, < $20 USD ...

is nice to see a nother steemian helping her! @roleerob thank you so much!

Helping each other seems a sensible way to help add value to our Steem blockchain. Thank you for your support as well @victoriabsb!

Okay @ourfreesociety, answering your questions …

  1. Discord servers: I know of no way to simply search “in there” and click on ones which may be of interest to you. I cover this in one of the posts cited above – those with “open door” policies and those with “invitation only” policies.

  2. How did I learn all I posted about? Hard to answer that one, but I was a Business Systems Analyst, so “attention to detail” is just sort of … uhhh … “built in” to how I work … And I ask a lot of questions myself … 😉

  3. SBD vs. STEEM: Yes, there’s a lot of info on this question – on both sides of it … For what it is worth, I have always left it 50 /50, so I will have some of each. At times, when SBD is down, you may consider the conversion process, which changes SBD to STEEM. This option available to you on SteemWorld …

  4. Rep numbers: As far as I am aware, these are maintained by the core code of the Steem blockchain, so they are real enough. Again, like with the SBD vs. STEEM question, there are “raging debates” about how “real” the value of them is, since they can be “bought” in a manner of speaking, through the use of bidbots. I simply focus on getting mine as high as I can. For two reasons: 1) Helping others – when I upvote the higher mine is, the more it will help other reputations grow, and 2) Protection – The idiot “downvote goons” will have very little effect, as long as my rep is higher than theirs …

  5. Any link: ALWAYS hover over it, to see where it will actually take you. If the wording suggests one thing, but the actual URL suggests something entirely different, “alarm bells” should go off and you should generally just avoid it. Personal preference as to whether you still choose to take the chance … I almost never do …

  6. The interface I use is SteemPeak. In association with KeyChain, which is an add-on I use with the Brave browser … I do not experience the problems seeing reps and such you are describing, so don’t know specifically what that represents. It has been quite some time, though, that I had any need to use the SteemIt interface. I am not a fan …

Hope this helps you a little. Until “next time” @ourfreesociety, all the best to you, for a better tomorrow.

Ohh, I wish I could upvote you. Not that it would HELP, but I still wish.

What's the point of me upvoting if my vote doesn't give them even one penny??? (frown).

Months ago it gave people a penny, but I noticed in the last 1-2 months they are getting nothing from me.

Thank you for all your help & sorry for the delay. Your responses actually got buried beneath someone else I'm talking to.

And it's not just the rep that changes all the time, the other day my posts were down to zero.

This site has HUGE coding issues which gives me not real faith in the site.

I was using SteamPlus, but I keep forgetting to log in. Steemit is always open & I forgot to log into there.

I tried the Peak one once b/c I was bitching about the terrible text editor here (if you even want to call it THAT LOL) & someone told me to use Peak.

I tried to use it & had HUGE problems.

I just don't get WHY they can't use WP's text editor. It's open source, or Tiny MC (I think it's called) is.

I have 2 other replies from you. I hope I can get to them before I crash. Really tired.

Thanks AGAIN!!!

Upvoting values go up and down @ourfreesociety, with the value of STEEM. As far as I understand it, right up until payout ...

Yep, there is no perfect interface. In fact, a lot of this new asset class technology linked to blockchains is "immature" ... 😉

We'll each have to figure out what "tools" we are most comfortable with, while they steadily improve.

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