Why are Post Payouts and Voting Power going down?

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Since the HF 19 euphoria has for the most part ended, (I'm still not totally down off my voting high) I've noticed a substantial decrease in my author rewards along with the monetary value of my upvote. I've been pondering why this is happening the last several days, as I imagine quite a few others have as well. I've read through quite a few other posts and found some really good explanations, but wanted to put everything together here in one place to figure it out. I'll be depending on those smarter than me to help out, so no pressure, but don't let me down. :)


@exyle brought both topics up in his vlog earlier today, and I'll rehash on what I commented earlier in that post. I had found a post from about a year ago on why author rewards will go down in value before payout. It basically stated that there is only so much Steem released on an every day basis to cover reward payouts, but that if the number of monetary upvotes exceeds this set amount in potential payouts, it will readjust all previous upvote amounts to balance this out. This is perfectly understandable and makes perfect sense. If this is right, then mystery is solved. If this is incorrect, please step forward with the correct answer and receive your noble prize, which will be a well deserved and much appreciated, "Thank you!" I know it's not much, but hey, it's the thought that counts!

On the monetary value of your upvote decreasing, that has been a little harder to discern. It has been brought up that your upvotes monetary value is directly correlated to the price of Steem, which seems perfectly logical, but I haven't been able to ascertain 100% certainty on this. Time will tell. It could just be the after effects of HF 19 slowly wearing off. Originally the word around town was that HF 19 would make your upvote 4 times more valuable. Well, we definitely shot the moon on that one b/c upvote power increased a whole helluva lot more than that. So my question is, are we slowly on the move down to that original number of 4 times our previous upvote power depending on how much Steem Power we hold, or is our linear monetary upvote directly attached to the price of Steem in relation to how much Steem Power we hold. Inquiring minds would like to know.

In the grand scheme of things, this is small potatoes. We love Steemit and we all know where it's going, but in the short term, I think we'd all like to have a better understanding of why the current author rewards and monetary upvote power are decreasing.

Would love to hear any and all thoughts on this matter. Some re-steems would be great to get this in front of the eyes that could shed some light on this.

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right after hf19 my upvote was $5.10 and now its at $3. I wonder why as well? I am thankful for hf19 dont get me wrong.

Agree. I'm very thankful for HF 19, but the value of my monetary upvote has decreased now by about half since HF 19 while my Steem Power has went up. Just like to know how it works, as I imagine everyone else as well.

What may be the cause of that? Am wondering too

It's a way to Ponzi minnows. It's like cyber essential oils.

I don't see it that way, but I do understand how you could. Thanks for the comment.

Maybe I'm just too late and adopter with nothing but garbage posts, haha. Just saying there are tremendous whales that post nonsense. Maybe I need to get into the stream-of-consciousness stuff. Anyways, Steem on!

@writtenbird, I sure hope you are wrong, but if you are right then you said it in the funniest way possible.

All I know is I went from Wow! to WTF in a day. I may be a minnow, but something smells fishy ...

I am pretty sure that all minnows, myself included, could not imagine what voting power meant until after HF19.

Originally, my upvote at 100% was $0.00002. Now I can pass along a solid $0.06 with a recharged upvote.

Before I could not even tell if my power was decreasing because I could never see how my minuscule vote made an impact.

Now you have thousands of users that can actually see patterns and it is both exciting and terrifying to them.

Great point and couldn't agree more. HF 19 was such a blessing to grow the community. It really made being able to contribute & getting rewards a tangible experience for new users.

I still consider myself a noob - and don't fully understand (or 1/2 understand?) the economics of steemit - though I know after HF we also have less votes we can use at 100% before our upvoting power is diminished. So people are more likely to save their votes for what they deem to be 'really good' content.

I agree. The thing that baffles me is that I keep adding more Steem Power to my account, but my upvote when even at 100% has dropped by about 45-50%. That makes me think we're slowly decreasing back to 4 times what the old upvote was before HF 19. We will soon see, lol.

Ohh wow. I need to keep track. So, I powered up the other day and increased my voting power by quite a bit (easy when you go from practically nothing to a bit more than nothing lol) Have you been making sure to wait a full 24 hours to let your voting power get up to full force? I know I haven't - and I also notice my voting diminishing - I'll need to do a steem detox for a day to see if that changes anything

Yes, when HF 19 became active, my 100% upvote at roughly around 1600 Steem Power was around $1.60, now I'm at 1780 and my 100% upvote is roughly around a $1.

Thank you for sharing the question in an effort to get a clearer understanding on the author rewards something that I had been wondering about. As a newbie I will be watching this post for responses and updates from those that know and can expound on the compensation etc. Thanks again for sharing and look forward to reading more informative content from you and others that have the know how on compensation and how to maneuver in this space.

You're very welcome and thank you for the great comment! I think a large portion of the community has been wondering about this. Getting some clarity would be great and give us all a much greater understanding of how things will work going forward.

I agree. follow us at @fshllc

Thanks for raising the question orionschariot and creating an "education opportunity"

Very welcome! Was hoping we could get more of a conversation going about this. We'll just have to keep trying. Someone will figure it out! :)


some of us got a mite carried a way...

and voted ourselves into oblivion.
my vote power was in the single digits.
It's taken a while to recover.

Yeah Everitt, it seems to take longer to regain voting power after HF 19. Which is fine, we'll just have to get used to the new sheriff in town.

I agree
as far as the Steem BlockChain is concerned
it's not a Sheriff
it's natural law.

Where'd you get that ? I wanna see mine lol. And - does it take over 24 hours to recover? Maybe I pulled that number out of....a dark spot haaha

https://steemnow.com/ It's a really great tool. Just put your Steemit username in and away you go! :)

Ha awesome. Love how an entire eco system is developing around Steem.

Thanks!! Booking marking this post in my steemit tools folder :-)

go to Steem Now
and no
...it takes much longer than 24hrs to recover.
I don't know how long.

a 100% vote loses 2 percent of voting power....and restores at a rate of 0.8333% per hour. Which translates into 20% in a day. Meaning if your voting power went from 100 to 0 it would take 5 days

ooohhhhk. I get it. I used to think that the voting power will stay at 100% untill you begin to exceed the 10 daily votes at 100% voting weight

Awesome, I'm glad it makes more sense now - I can totally relate to your experience...as it was like 'what is going on here'.

Steem On Brother

Yeah. you know I was quite amazed to see my voting power at 98% after just passing one upvote and I thought something fishy was taking place

lololol oh man I hear ya...hahaha

:-( oops. Must restrain myself so I can recover!

it's hard to do.

This is not what I wanted to hear lol.

Yeah. I wonder what happened to the voting power. It went down and is changing by going up and down in an unstable routine

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