How Does Anyone Get 43 Votes on 30 Views?

in #steemit7 years ago

Nothing to tell here other than I happened on a post with 43 upvotes and 30 views. This is a neat trick, but why isn't anyone telling me how to do that?


Because some people will like a post based on pic/ value/ time of writing, without ever glancing at the content. So u can like something essentially without even knowing what’s contained. It won’t show up as read because the link was never clicked

It makes you wonder why you try. LOL

@kansuze Indeed our chances are slim when we compete with sponsored Youtubers, but I still think this platform is worth getting into. I just want to be aware what is happening so I can either deal with it and allocate time and strategy accordingly, or decide it's just a currency to get into or out of quickly like any other. I'm still on the fence on this and will not publish my best work until I have some hard answers.

You try because as the community grows the reward for shitposting will get smaller and smaller while as long as we don’t waste our upvotes on bad content, serious bloggers need to work together and incentivize liking and commenting on important issues rather than memes and trail mixes, so incentivize good content always.

I hope you're right but I'm not sure that's what I'm seeing, still a newbie though.

Really? With 10 available votes a day 13 people in a row voted for that post without ever taking a look? Look at this post: 16 views and 5 votes, because most people don't upvote every post they read because they upvote themselves. I even came across a video from some one who showed how much revenue he was missing out on by not upvoting himself for a week. What you suggested is certainly possible, but I'm still left wondering if it is likely. Either way, thank you for your time, greetings!

voted.pngScreen Shot 2018-01-16 at 12.27.13 PM.pngvotes.png

I have asked the same thing about posts with this kind of vote count and the author said it was because it was originally posted on an external site like and mirrored to the steem network, still I agree it seems problematic the data with these sites seems not to match up but we still use the same network.

Possible of course, but I also work from experience with YT, and there I found videos with less than 100 views and 1200 likes, so for me the alarm bells go off immediately.

yea,.. so much for blockchain technology

I just found out how people get those upvotes. There are voting bots out there that if you pay money to it, it will “increase” the number of votes received on a post or on a comment for a contest entry. So if a contest rule is that the person with the most vote wins, the person is guaranteed to win.

There are also trails used. It essentially allows others to attach onto your vote, so when the leader makes a vote, the individuals “trailing”” will vote along. So now 1 vote becomes 10 votes.

I’m new too and just learning all this. I won’t throw anyone under the bus. I saw it done on a contest and don’t support people who do this for contests entry. That’s unfair to everyone involved. My two cents.

That has kind of been my observation also, and I understand the great concept here on Steemit but it’s just like anything else in this world, when there’s money involved some people will do whatever to win or get the money.

Understandably. As you said, people will do what they can. As in life. It’s worse here because many are anonymous. Who’s to say the picture they post are really theirs.

I just try to surround myself with good people. Build a community with the same like-minded individuals. We support each other in what ways we can. That’s the best we can do on here. Try to make this place into a positive and supportive community so everyone can grow.

Well there certainly are voting bots out there, but don't they leave trail as to where the votes originate? I found a number of sock-puppets that are related to a paid service. Also the bigger YouTubers get a sign up bonus that is paid in Steem, but I don't know if that is done through votes. If it is, then those YT'ers will dominate the trending pages for a long time. Now, I can understand the logic that says that a YT'er with a million followers can bring more folks to Steemit/Dtube, but on the other hand, why would they come here when those guys still keep posting on YT? I still have more questions than answers; thanks for joining the discussion.

I’m sure the questions will keep on piling the more we are on here. 🙂

I don’t know much about the incentive for YouTubers. Actually didn’t even know there was one. Perhaps the incentive is for people to leave YT completely and bring their followers along and not dual post. The incentives better be really good for YTubers to do that though. I agree, they will probably dominate trending.

Not all voting bots are “noisy”. I didn’t dig into how it’s done. Check out the beer contest @bigskycustoms is in on his blog. Someone mentioned how they’re checking out the comment voting feature.

Everyone is entitled to make their own decisions. I know for sure I won’t make ‘most votes’ as a winning determination for any future contests I decide to host for our newbies community.

Well you hit on a point right there, people have little choice but to be part of a community. That being said I already found some folks who are forming groups of less than 10, ..guess what they are doing. Due to limited visibility I may not see someone's post if I log in at 5pm and they posted at 8am. Then there are those that post 3 times a day and re-steem several posts after that, completely spamming my feed. For that reason I feel I have to limit how many I follow to about 100 as I barely have time to check up on that many active posters, much less vote on all of them. I don't like to be pigeon holed like that. The net result is that I have 170+ followers here, but never get that many views; not even close. On another platform I have 150 followers, but sometimes I get 2000 views and often at least 300+. The sign on bonus info I got from @bethwheatcraft.

very enlightening thread! thank you @onnovocks you have a new follower here, I am still learning all this stuff as well, I have a couple TBI's from the military and my memory isn't that good, hopefully all the tricks of the trade will sink in eventually

We learn as we go. I understand how you feel about being selective on the number of people you choose to follow. I was the same way until I realized I need to be open to meeting others as part of our #newbieresteemday initative. Of course I will clean up my list once I know who I’ve built a relationship with or not.

Given, there are people that want to resteem and other members that help in other ways in my community. Not everyone wants to give up their blog space. I share this account with others and personally don’t resteem. I help out in other ways.

I also don’t post much and I’m not on here all the time. So I don’t have time to read everyone’s posts on my feed. But you build relationships with your community. I don’t get many views myself and the ones that do stop by are the ones I have a relationship with. So I make it a point to visit their blogs, not to just depend on my feed.

Deciding on how you go through this Steemit journey is a personal decision. Thanks for letting me know about the bonus link to the other platform. I barely have time to learn this one, not sure if I would have time to learn others. 😬

Best to you!

The point is that if I follow someone, I follow someone. I don't want to follow 100 people that resteem 5 posts a day to gain curation rewards, it clogs my feed with 500 posts I'm probably not interested in and that I now have to scroll through to get to stuff I am interested in. That means I regularly miss posts from folks I do care about and now have to make the effort to visit their blogs separately from the feed. This gets to be very time consuming; I simply can't do it. Any one I follow that resteems more than 1 post a day, every day, will likely be unfollowed, I can't read them all anyway. Good luck with the beeyou project!!

totally! its sad to see people with a workaround,.. have been there since the beginning and found ways to work their way up the chain, kind of like neistat,.. he's very good at what he does,.. through his experience starting out with HBO, got in with a good following there and then hit it off with vloggin on youtube,.. he uploads and instantly gets 1 million views,.. like that logan guy,.. nothing like free advertising with a controversial video

Good question! I didn't think much about it. Thought that maybe it was a glitch in the system or people voting on the image.

For me it is mostly the other way around. 16 people who viewed it and 1 person who decided to give it a vote.

Since we can only regenerate 20% of our voting power every day, it makes more sense if you have more views than votes. Same happens on YT where you have unlimited voting but many videos only get 40-50 likes for every 1000 views. Thanks for visiting my post.

Indeed, I like the fact that you can see how many views you had. If there are not many votes you can see how many people wanted to see what you wrote or made. It feels good

I agree barb! its nice being able to see the amount of views,.. but then again its also sometimes disheartening LOL

Yes, it has two sides. Till now it always gave me more to stubbornly create more than to give up.

LOL,.. I although i find it difficult to be able to create, then post both to my youtube channel then repost to here LOL,.. AND do my ebay then do dlive,..amazing to see how our future changes so quickly and how our present is affected by it

I came back especially to your post because I have noticed something... Everytime I post a blog I start out with a lot of votes at once. Today It were 9 votes within the first half hour in the same minute, and 2 views (I suspect maybe I was those two myself). I have no idea how this is happening but I have to say it has a positive side because yesterday my blog was "hot".

I'll have a look, but I can already tell you there are some robotics at work that may launch multiple votes in 1 shot. Some Whales do this to upvote their own comments, down vote people they don't like, but there are some beneficial ones that do this to give a minnow more visibility. Lucky if you can get that. Today I saw another blogger with fabulous writing skills get some much needed attention after months of nothing. I'm recovering from a bit of a battle for principles, but I will start up-voting again soon and gave you a follow. Groetjes oet Twente. (Greetings)

groetjes uit Zwolle :P

Thanks for your reaction, I think some good sameritan is helping me out. Only I don't know who it is.

Oh jee, een principiële oorlog! goed moment voor mij om je principes te leren kennen. Het zegt toch wat over je als persoon. Ik ga je even stalken, half omdat ik nieuwsgierig ben en half omdat ik wil weten hoe zo'n spoor terug te vinden is.

Ja, prima! Ga maar kijken naar de gevlagde posts, kijk waar dat uiteindelijk naartoe lijd. Je komt uiteindelijk op 1 commentaar uit. Laat aub geen commentaar achter bij de oorsprong van dit gebeuren, want die heeft de titel en inhoud al verandert zodat je niet meer weet waar het over ging.

Dit is echt wel pijnlijk Onno. Ik zie dat je hard hebt gewerkt aan je content.
Mijn droom is om ooit een soort kunst broedplaats/gallerie/AIR te bouwen en ik zou je filmpje met de motor goed in een expositie kunnen plaatsen en dat zeg ik niet zomaar. Ik heb er geboeid naar gekeken!

Ik heb fotos van het hele gebeuren rond de walvis vlaggetjes, ook van de originele titel, inhoud, enz. Van de 11 fotos heb ik er 2 geplaatst in commentaar van iemand die vragen had, maar ik denk dat ik het daar bij laat.
Binnenkort begint productie van een speelfilm in Hengelo, en ga mij daar een beetje op concentreren. Er zijn 2 filmpjes met de motor, maar What Ever is eigenlijk een boodschap, terwijl My Environment gewoon een mooie dag was. Je mag ze gebruiken als je wil. Op Mijn YT kanaal is een email adres te vinden als je een kopie wil hebben. Bedankt voor het compliment :)

Good trick ...

that is a neat trick. It is likely a function of the communities/voting blocks? Like @dizzyjay said, they vote without even opening the thread. Just my guess but Im still a noob so what do I know. :)

Possible, but why would anyone do that instead of upvoting themselves?

Like I said, Judy a newbie so I can’t explain that to you lol

I know there are many things people do on here @bigskycustoms. Who am I to say what is right or wrong. I wrote a comment about this “trick” below.

Everyone is entitled to make their own decisions. I feel it is very unfair when people do it for contest entries though.

they have contests and stuff? man,.. there seems to be a lot to learn

I am still trying to figure out why I cant seem to upload my profile picture LOL

You are supposed to upload it to an external website like and once that has been done use the link provided by that site. You can also use the avatar from your G+ account if you have one. In that case go to your G+ account, hover the mouse over the avatar and copy the URL.

thanks onnovocks! but I don't think it worked from google anyway! UGH!

but I was able to get it to work thru postimage! YAY!

It's tricky. I did not get it to work in 1 shot either and had to play around with it for a bit. Glad postimage worked out for ya. Have a good one!

I always figure that if it didn't work the first time it wouldn't help doing it again,.. so I just went with the other option,.. uploaded a bunch of my other files to it,.. you know,.. just in case I decide to change just to keep it fresh

There are lots of curation trails on the platform, which probably explains why that happens. Quite a common thing here.

Random question, why does your screen cap have such wonderful colors and contrast?

What exactly are you referring to?

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