WORLD ENSLAVEMENT.......... Euphemisms, Labeling, and Deceit--- More Tricks from Satan's Closet ....FUCK YOU CHEETAH!!! this is why i am here to SHARE this kind of information
SPELL Casting is the TRUE MAGICK!!!
By Anna Von Reitz
Today I sucked down my first cup of black coffee in an equally black mood. I hadn't slept well, my eyes were bleary. And here was my cheerful, chirpy husband already hard at work, with Sean Hannity's voice blaring on the radio. I don't have a whole lot of respect for Talk Radio personalities, because frankly, if a Great-Grandma in Big Lake, Alaska, has been able to learn what I have learned about the actual history of this country----how is it that Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and Mark Levine don't know?
(A) They didn't ask.
(B) They don't give a rat's pattutee.
In the first case, (A), if they didn't ask--- why not? I did. Seems obvious enough. Were they afraid to ask? Not intending to ask? Didn't know how to ask?
In the second case, (B), if you don't care about this country and its history and condition, how we got here and what it all means-- what are you doing on the radio spouting off about things that you don't understand and can't shed light on because you don't understand?
Logs in our eyes, indeed. Still, my husband listens faithfully to all sorts of news sources, including the aforesaid, so that's how I came to be hunched over my steaming cup of java sorta-kinda listening to Sean Hannity.
He was ranting about something important, albeit, failing to put it into context. He was talking about how the FBI goons deliberately changed the language they used to let Hillary off the hook with their pre-investigation exoneration letter.
Instead of describing her actions leaving Top Secret State Department documents on a private unsecured server as "gross negligence" --- which is the standard of the law allowing her to be prosecuted, the FBI sycophants deliberately described her actions as "extreme carelessness".
Please tell me the difference between "gross negligence" and "extreme carelessness"? The only difference, it turns out, is that one is actionable under the law and the other isn't.
So what if we call "murder" -- as in the case of LaVoy Finicum-- a "civilian casualty"? And we recast "ambush resulting in death" as "a failed arrest"?
It's the same difference as between "gross negligence" and "extreme carelessness". They amount to the same thing, but one is subject to prosecution under the law and the other is swept under the rug. Just based on words. Semantics. Lies. Half-truths. Spin. We are rummaging around in Satan's closet again.
After once reading the entire Internal Revenue Code and deciphering it, I have developed a honed ability to recognize deceptive language at a hundred paces--- and by far, the use of euphemisms to cloud or obscure the truth ranks first and foremost on the list of common sins. Dishonest language has become a plague.
We don't die anymore. We "pass on". We don't get pregnant. We are in "the family way". We don't lie. We "fib". We don't make war, we "defend"---unless of course, it is a euphemistic war like "the war on drugs". The weather isn't changeable, it's "partly cloudy". Dogs and cats aren't castrated. They are "neutered". We aren't grossly negligent. We are "extremely careless".
The dark side of this dishonest misuse of language becomes obvious when you consider the impact that deliberate mislabeling can have on us and our country---and not just its misuse in letting criminals escape justice.
You aren't an American. According to the Internal Revenue Code (written from the standpoint of the Federales) you are a "non-resident alien" (in the District of Columbia, that is). You aren't an American. You are a "U.S. Citizen" or a "US CITIZEN" or a "United States citizen" --- (and, nyah-nyah-nee-nyah-yah! -- we don't have to tell you which "US" or "U.S." or "United States" we are talking about at any given moment.) You aren't living here. You are "residing" here (according to THEM). You aren't an American. You are a "taxpayer" which equals "Withholding Agent" which equals a "Warrant Officer" in the Queen's Merchant Marine Service.
Who knew?
Do I look like a Warrant Officer in the Queen's Merchant Marine Service to you? Would I, in my right mind, ever claim to be a Warrant Officer in the Queen's Merchant Marine Service?
So I and millions of other Americans must be crazy and incompetent and need a lawyer to go to court and plead for us, because at one time or another we made the "mistake" of swearing under penalty of perjury that we were in fact Warrant Officers in the Queen's Merchant Marine Service.
We thought we knew what the words "Withholding Agent" meant, but in fact, the definition was carefully kept hidden, and we were left to assume our way to perdition.
Who knew that for "federal purposes" the word "person" has meant "corporation" for a hundred and fifty years?
That for "federal purposes" the words "state", "State", and "United States" have meant "District of Columbia Municipal Corporation" for nearly as long?
Let's try this out to find the real meaning: "UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT" actually translates as "DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA MUNICIPAL CORPORATION DISTRICT COURT". Ah, so.
Kinda puts an entirely different interpretation on things, doesn't it? How about "State of New Jersey"?
That translates as "District of Columbia Municipal Corporation of New Jersey".
I smelleth a rat, verily, a vermin of scaly tail and yellowed-teeth, a snot-gobbered foul brigand and cod-piece without merit. Or, to be more precise, I smell over 400 of them, all milling around and sweating under the Capitol Dome while their deceits pile up against them like so many piles of cow manure.
Sean Hannity was right to bring forward and comment on the deceit and ill-effect on justice that deliberately mislabeling "gross negligence" as "extreme carelessness" has, but he didn't go far enough. That's just one example, irking as it is---and the fact is that the same deliberate Satanic misuse of language has been employed to mis-characterize, defraud, disinherit, and prey upon this entire country and everyone in it.
If you want to look for examples of "Satanic Ritual Abuse" look no further than the most recent Webster's Dictionary or try reading any part of the Federal Code. They have murdered our language and ground it up and ate it like cannibals, drank its blood and meaning, all while smiling at you and criticizing you for not being "politically correct".
See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here:
A AWESOME site for TRUTH!!!
And now for my RANT!!! Your choice to read or not.
Because of CHEETAH BOT SHADOW BANNING and Passing UNFAIR & ARBITRARY judgment and punishment i am no longer able to post memes or pictures.
By dropping a reputation, down from 54 to a low of 7 is a form of SHADOW BANNING!!
At a 7, I am no longer able to post meme or my own photos.
At a 7, most will think her claims to be true!!! Without evidence to prove her claims!!!
Why am I punished because steemit does not have a place for people who share Other People's work,( who want their work shared) which I provided every link too, and corrected ANY ASSUMPTION that it was CREATED by me; when i stated in my INTRODUCTION what my full intent was and WHY i came to steemit.
I wanted people to go research what i was sharing so they could verify them self what i brought forth had truth. So they FREE them self of this WORLD system of slavery.
I made my intent clear in my introduction.
I made sure to link everything I shared with Brothers and Sisters.
I made sure to correct any assumption a Brother or Sister thought, that it was my creation.
How, in any way am I, as Cheetah Bot claims," likely as a known plagiarist, spammer or ID thief. Please be cautious with this post!"
That last part "Please be cautious with this post!" and KNOCKING down the reputation to a 7 almost makes one invisible to the greater steemit community.
She did it with MALICE and a gleefulness that shows NOTHING professional of HER operation.
Hiding behind a Bot of HER creation;
This is an INFERIOR, ARBITRARY and UNFAIR use of technology against steemit members.
It is none of YOUR FUCKING business how people spread THEIR steem.