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RE: STEEMIT: The recent spike in New Account Registrations is showing no signs of slowing down with a total so far today of 1,224 New Accounts..!!

in #steemit7 years ago

Today we reach 160000 accounts you predicted to reach on New years day. Almost 5 month later, but not bad. We going in right direction.


You are correct. When I first joined in August last year I set about to map the User uptake and predicted 170k by the end of the year. I was using limited data and obviously feel short. Now we have more data I am confident that the latest prediction of 340k - 355k is conservative. Thanks for the support. Stephen

Now I would say that your prediction is very, very conservative. Good job.

350k is less, isn't it? Growth is always exponential, right?

Like I said, 355k is a conservative number. See the chart I blogged previously. Stephen

Gotcha. Fishing for that chart. I have personally seen rapid growth once we achieve a substantial number. Now that we have quite a good number of sign ups, it's just about user retention - and the word spreads like fire.

350k is definitely easy and very much achievable in the next few months, much before the new year!

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