Steemit Transitional Housing Network... (Church And State, You Have Failed This City!!)

in #steemit7 years ago

A new way to help the homeless... It does not exist yet, but the subject is so close to 'home' that I must address it... We have a problem in most major cities, one that isn't going away... If anything it will increase, if our society continues to follow corporate tactics like the housing bubble of the last decade... Religions say they help the suffering, and then lock the church doors while people sleep in the alley out back... WTF is wrong with our world? Governments are more likely to round up the homeless and place them in mandatory internment camps... So it is overdue time for some drastic out-of-the-bot thinking... Haha, that was a typo but I am leaving it for the lulz...

Jesus Pepperspray...jpg

Steemit Transitional Housing Network... A real non-profit NGO with donors and grants and a paid staff, assets in real estate and various coin exchanges... An organization based on the pay-it-forward model, where scarcity is not a reason to misbehave... If the idea were done right, each city would form a version of the STHN and we could get them all under one umbrella for convenience... I want to point out right now, this is not me wanting power, or money, or even fame for this... I see myself as more of a Wozniak, as opposed to a Steve Jobs... We do need a Captain Kirk to my Spock, but this post first...

Bottom line is that each qualified client (homeless individual) would get a free place to stay, a steemit account, and access to computer terminals... That alone would dramatically increase the ACTUAL voice of the homeless on Steemit, and could become quite a formidable voting bloc on their own! Anyway, the pay-it-forward values come in at this point, because as lives are transformed, the synergy and community will only increase exponentially... Basically I have become pretty good at sniffing out lightning in a bottle, and I am telling you, this is that...

Whealth Starts Here....jpg

So what do we need, to make this happen? Let me brainstorm a quick wishlist, see what I end up with... (I am forming this as I type, LOL!)

  1. A person who has started or run a non-profit organization before... Even if you only consult and don't take a position, we need your perspectives for this to come together...

  2. A grant-writer and/or Outreach Coordinator, to form ties and partnerships with other NGOs, the media, donors and alumni, and also dealing with church and state... (That may be a separate position!)

  3. A social worker type person, to act as point person for the intake of new clients... Someone willing to be a sponsor or big sibling to a person in need...

  4. Things like this ALWAYS need lawyers... Please pro bono us so we can veni vidi visa...

  5. An systems-admin type person to create a network of various steemit transitional housing endeavors, for consistency and clarity, as well as covering legal bases...

  6. A real-estate person... If you also had experience with developing or renovating properties, even better... I predict we will acquire a run-down building and make it into a warehouse crypto commune... Maybe it would be cool enough that I would want to live there! "We built this city on Block and Chain..." LOL!

  7. A sustainable development person, like the Earthship guy... I would love to see every single aspect of this undertaking to reflect enlightened values... Like finding ways to do life differently, because this world sucks for most poor folks... Let's build our own rockets and moon colony! SteemX, lulz...


Okay, that is a good start for a wish list... I am not thinking of this materializing the minute I click POST... Haha, what a fast burnout that would be... Nope! I am only testing the waters here, to see if the idea wants to be in the world and have its way with humanity... As far as dynamic changes that I have caused or initiated, this is possibly my best ever... Won't you join with me, in imagining a best reality? Universal Basic Housing, and eff you if you think it is useless to dream! This could become bigger than Greedpeace!

Hopefully you will ask any questions that arise inside you, in a comment below... I don't know how well I have conveyed this vision... Did my strong passion shine through? Because this fires me up to a fever roar, people... I cannot save the world on my own, but I cannot stand and watch as dysfunction gets labeled function... Nope... I am drawing a line in the sand... Enjoy the comfort of your living space, and then come help others get one too! Occupy your PLANET!


Okay, I am just going to light this fuse and walk away...


Sounds incredibly ambitious and I'm interested in seeing how far you take it. My children and I are among the homeless population.

I encourage homeless individuals to begin using the #homelessexperience tag. Get your stories out there! You matter!

If this generates some momentum we can put it to use... If not, I will go back to making memes for a while, and revisit this as the platform evolves... Even MSP is doubling in size every few months now!


That is what makes me have hope for the human race... I have had similar thoughts,ideas. I see so many people here who truly want to make a diff.
Do you know of @youarehope ? @sircork is doing good things w/ people who are trying to be the change. check them out. they have a discord channel too.

Thanks J2u!


This sounds like a fantastic idea! I'm hoping that the people I interviewed in the Beloved Community come to steemit, to help give themselves a voice and hopefully a way to earn some cash. Maybe I'll set up an account for them 🤔 Ultimately, the major thing that was talked about was the ability to be autonomous, to determine their own destiny. Perhaps hooking up with charities that are already doing the work, and adding a crypto element to it, might be a good place to start. I was thinking about possibly getting involved with Denver Homeless out loud and see what might be helpful to get them on steemit- possibly creating an account that updates about what they are working on, that helps generate crypto for the organization... something to think about for sure.

I am putting the link to your interviews of the Denver tiny house community residents right here, because it is such a great reference point... Check this post out EVERYONE!! Hell, I will resteem it...

YAS!! I can not be your Kirk, obviously i have other plans.. but i have done research in this realm as a musician... Its a HUGE pain in the ass to form articles of incorporation without a business plan and actual results. So I think we should really start small.

The "crash pad" idea is less about transitional housing and more about people visiting different places... like steem airbnb...

if that goes off, then a non-profit arm could work.

As a person who has 3+ failed businesses under my belt, it's really important to have work experience and a for profit business to start funding..

ANother idea is to connect with local services that already exist.

Start volunteering if you haven't already, but know that a real job most likely wont come out of it.. keep time for yourself and your paid work.. do not burn yourself out into the street. It's not fun. I promise.

anyway those are my thoughts.. you have connections in MSP so id start asking people if you can share this brainstorm post with them.

Ultimately its a fantastic idea and wherever you go with it.. i support you...

I love love love your practicality!!! It's so true, I have absolutely no clue what I am stepping in... LOLOL!! It's like my analytical brain is obeying my intuition and stepping back, allowing inception from my heart... You make it appear incredibly daunting, like climbing an underwater Mt. Everest...

I guess I just want to be the idea guy... I will give to this project as I can, but will not become emotionally attached to its success or failure... I feel like it is worthy enough to flourish with a little guidance... I guess we'll see who can help... Thanks so much for bringing your voice to this table!! <3

I just dont want what happened to me to happen to you. Still crawling out of this hole actually

I hear you... And I should add that to my list of stuff to exercise caution over, to not lead anyone down a hole... I guess that is why this should take root like a weed, and thrive on its own... I am expecting big anonymous donors to arrive with crypto real estate and even attorneys to get all the docs in a row... Wouldn't that be a great sign from the universe to green light?

Hehe that would be amazing although i would imagine it but not expect it ;) as of right now we've got @buttcoins and potentially my sisters place but the probability is low that they will let me run it cheaply

I mean like if Jim Carey joins MSP and starts throwing crypto around! It is an impossible longshot, I agree...

Oh, haha! I did not make the connection from your facebook name to this name!

Lolol! Promise not to Facebook stalk you. ;)

This post has received a 0.29 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @friendly-fenix.

This is a very good idea. Ambitious, but a good one.

I think one of the the least acknowledged aspects of the problem of homelessness is how demoralizing and alienating it can be. If you showed people they had access to a welcoming community that cared to help them in the physical realm, and with their issues, that would really be a step forward beyond a lot of what already exists to help people in those situations.

Many people end up homeless for mental health reasons or after huge losses in life, and don't have any emotional support, much less any physical support. I think you're onto something. I would definitely support an active program by whatever means I could.

I'll be watching to see how this takes off. And I do wish you the best in making it happen.

Thank you, the encouragement goes a looooong way! You are so right about trauma and emotional needs... I have been divorced for 13 years, and have been less and less functional ever since...

I wonder if we could pitch to the steemit creator, for a 0.001 'tax' off the top of all payouts that could go toward worthy causes like this? What a pipedream! But that would certainly add incentive for those who want to help but are trying to survive themselves...

I know. I've seen divorce all but destroy people. They definitely don't come out of it functioning the same. They cope. Some very poorly.

You might could. Some way for all of us to be involved to the degree that we're capable would definitely be a good idea.

Sounds like a realy good plan. Dont u have to set up a foundation for something like this? I wish u goodluck and hope it wil become more then just a plan. Helping homeles people is a good thing.

An NGO would likely be set up... That isn't the most exciting part of the brainstorming, though...

The church has failed because the welfare State has claimed authority over charity.

The church has further failed because of ungodly influences in its midst. Churches have become often secular or religious states themselves that are poisened by worldly ideas and people.

Jesus hated religion. He loved charity. Jesus tells us:

But when you do merciful deeds, don't let your left hand know what your right hand does...
Matthew 6:3

But misguided Christian give loans, not charity and are in that sense following in the footsteps of the world instead of Jesus'.

A great initiative. Be aware though @occupywallets, only help those who are willing to help themselves, for there are some who embrace the 'freedoom' of homelessness.

You make it sound so appealing!! I want embrace the freedom of it too!

But I didn't day freedom...
I said freeDOOM...

Oh my, you certainly DID!! LOL, my bad... I don't want freeDOOM...

Also, sorry if I came down too heavy on the church... It was not the primary intent for this article, just a way to help set up the context... I should also have blamed the left/right chasm that blinds us to seeing real problems, or science for not dealing with it either... What I am REALLY suggesting is that we set aside all our ideologies and play Jesus for a bit... Not as a mission statement, but as a business practice... Unconditional love cannot be commodified, so it really could revolutionize earth... Could be why Christians are persecuted during revelations! But in order to not create barriers for entry, this won't force people to accept Jesus... Love may cause them to look inside themselves and notice their own capacity to love suddenly grow... But if I came out and said all that, people would start a cult around it, and it would implode like everything else...

If I had a #8 on my wishlist it would be for a spiritual guru type person, like a shaman or a chaplain to oversee our moral character and meditative journeys...

Resteemed, upvoted and supporting this in any way I can...thanks for initiating this @occupywallets

Now let's see what's possible with these innovative ideas! 😊

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