Five Ailments You Didn’t Know Sex Could Cure
Sexual intercourse is a pleasant activity that favors your relationship or helps to create an intimate relationship between partners, but from the field of orgasm, having sex has its health benefits. Sex is cardiovascular exercise by itself and can prevent too many diseases.
Here are some of them:
It kills depression
Apart from the fact that your orgasm naturally makes you happy, scientifically, chemicals released during sex have a calming effect on your body. The sperm contains serotonin which, upon release, gives the woman an antidepressant effect.
Arrests heart attacks
Most of the time, people think it's easy to have a heart attack by hitting the blow that accompanies sex. This is not exactly true because sex is good for your heart. In fitfam term, the circle of sex is the same as walking miles and for women; Increasing levels of published estrogen help fight heart disease.
An anti-aging formula
It's not just a glow that makes you happy and rejuvenated in ten years. By introducing into the act, there is the release of animal endorphins that help protect collagen from the skin. And because of oxytocin, which reduces the level of stress, it also frees up; it seems that you are always younger than one year old.
Sex is the ideal substitute for pain medications because it activates the release of endorphins, which are natural pain medications that can reduce or even eliminate headaches.
Of course, this is pretty obvious. When relieving the joints that occur during people with arthritis pain, they can be relieved. The sex ratio produces a good amount of cortisone in the body, which reduces the inflammation that causes joint pain.