Would you prefer I lie to you and say this was an excellent post? If I did that, would you continue making more excellent posts, just like this excellent post, and continue to struggle while living a lie?
but do not forget that after 7 days you will receive a profit from the author's payment and there is little chance of going negative, doing everything thought out and competently.
You said that in your post. I pointed out how you're already losing over $20. Make up your mind. Do you want to tell people the truth or do I have to do it?
Hah, than this is my post you did not please, your blog is crap, not some useful information
So far, you're losing over $20 because of those bots and your shit post. I'm happy to see you've wasted your money.
This does not mean that you need to insult my post if you have a trauma on this basis, and you should not consider other people's money
Would you prefer I lie to you and say this was an excellent post? If I did that, would you continue making more excellent posts, just like this excellent post, and continue to struggle while living a lie?
You said that in your post. I pointed out how you're already losing over $20. Make up your mind. Do you want to tell people the truth or do I have to do it?
Your service does not count correctly, I do not lose $ 20
It shows that I spent $ 120, in fact it is not
How much did you spend?
100.368 sbd
You're still down. Good luck.