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RE: A Beginners Guide To Success on Steemit - 2.0!

in #steemit6 years ago

Next you should make a video explaining the benefits of pushing veteran content producers away by encouraging others to buy votes so those who've been here trying to make something of this place no longer have the visibility they worked hard to earn over the span of two years.

Make a video explaining what I should do next because I don't know. Should I, as a veteran, buy votes so my work can be seen instead of these new members you're trying to "help"? I have the money. Should I just push my way to the front of the line? Should I power down and leave, like so many before me? What's the next step? Now that I know I'll never have the chance to advance or have my work reach the top of the charts, where do I go from here?

If these people you're trying to "help" last two years producing content, then want to stop buying votes, will you be around to prepare them for what's next? Will you tell them, after putting in so much time, effort and debt into this platform, they must eventually start at the bottom someday and begin to face the challenges they could have already overcome within two years? They'll have to sit and watch their work get pushed down the list into oblivion simply because there's no way out of this mess you're setting them up for.

Should those who've been working hard for two years now feel hopeless?

I've made 23300 SP through curating and posting. One would think that's a sign of success, but since I didn't buy my way up, I guess it's not success? Just dumb luck? Worked my butt off to the point of physical burnout multiple times and I'm viewed as someone who simply won a lottery?

Many people know me or know of me. I don't see those who've had an opportunity to support my work at some point but didn't vote over the past two years having a sudden change of heart and begin supporting my work simply because I buy a vote or two. I don't see how that makes sense. If they weren't interested before, placing $100 beside my post won't help.

I don't expect everyone to enjoy my work; never did, never will. That's life, especially in my field. I prefer a genuine response. I don't really trust people if I have to pay them to be my friend, fan or follower. Maybe on the surface, if I was purchasing votes, I'd look like I'm having a great time and doing a good job; but inside I'd be a mess.

I can't turn actual art into advertisements and buy laughs if I feel like being funny. The arts and entertainment industry generates billions of views and dollars every year. We come here and can't even compete with a picture of corn on the cob? I still don't see how sacrificing those billions is wise. Music for instance; huge draw. There were hundreds of musicians here eager to perform. Look at Youtube trending page. There's always a music video. These independent artists here are just as talented. Instead of that gracing the front page, we have your advertisement, Joe. "How to get rich quick online in three easy steps" nonsense. The ad people skip so they can hear the music. The infomercial nobody watches at 3 am. That's success? Pushing talent away puts smiles on faces these days? I guess I need to get out more. I had no idea the world has come to this.

My biggest concern though isn't about me or the countless individuals being pushed out. It's those new members, the majority of them, who won't know those OTHER posts at the top have FAKE rewards. How they will feel as if they've failed because their post only made a buck. How they'll compare their effort to the lackluster effort we see in promoted posts and think, after all that work, they're still not good enough. Will they stick around long enough to find out the truth or will they give up after feeling defeated? I think about THOSE people, Joe. The ones you don't realize exist. That's what I meant in your last post when I said you're actually making it more difficult for people. That comment received around 50 organic votes. Do you know how rare that is?

P.S. Please don't respond with more of your sales pitch. I've heard enough.


Vote bots help drive Steem's economy but also significantly reduce the quality of front page content.

I think you drank the bot Kool-Aid. Drive our economy?

That's what they want you to believe. More like destroy it. Have you ever take a look at how much abuse bid bots are sponsoring towards accounts that siphon Steem /SBD, power down and move the value as quickly as possible to fiat. For lower and lower cuz they don't give a shit about Steem or it's future. Cheat to win is in.

This is instead of sticking around, participating, making this place somewhere where people WANT to be that they would even invest. With less and less community and more and more meaningful votes going to the sellers, gonna see less and less money come in unless something drastic happens. Guaranteed.

You think that is good for our economy? Hell to the no.

"Vote bots help drive Steem's economy..." Where did you hear that? A vote bot advertisement perhaps?

If I sold votes, you bought steem, then gave it to me for a vote, and I sold it; we're right back where we started.

I don't have anything against promoting our post(s) (some let's say more special ones) here and there if for some reason we want to reach a wider audience for the particular topic, occasion, event or what so ever. But, I'll repeat - here and there - not constantly, not as default. And completely putting aside profitability of boosts through the bots on Steemit which is whole another story with quite an ugly face if we want to be honest.
(Besides and apart from Steemit, even Coca-Cola doesn't run their advertisements all the time on the same media or even in the same area. And allegedly they are the ones who invest 90% of their earnings into promotion and only 10% into the product.)

Never the less, what triggered me the most to write this reply is the following sentence.

I don't really trust people if I have to pay them to be my friend, fan or follower.

I feel exactly the same regarding this matter! I have been around (Steemit) approximately the same amount of time as you did @nonameslefttouse and I didn't manage to collect even 10% of the SP that you did, but I still feel good!

But the fact is that not all people are capable to face with their true popularity or better to say unpopularity, and they would rather pay no matter to whom, why and how much (at least as long as they have some fresh funds for that) or even kiss (no matter how dirty somebody else's filthy rich) asses, just to keep living in their fantasy world. Unfortunately, that's how it is!

I agree with you 100% on this. Here:

I basically wrote a response to this whole mess and there I say everything I really needed to say.

Oh... now I'm really curious. Going to read it.
Thank you for letting me know!

Good post! Def make some good points here about the system, doubt it'll be around long term working like this but we shall see. Thanks! By the way, feel good about your Steem power, at least for now it's still worth something!

I'm proud of my accomplishments whether these folks like it or not. I'm proof the system works as intended and I'm not the only one. I know of quite of few people who've done as good if not better than I have without ever buying into this sales pitch that it's "hard to get noticed". It's hard to get noticed everywhere. The moment someone comes along, creates a problem, then offers what they call a "solution" for a fee, you know they're just feeding you a line of BS. They're also using a tactic big tobacco used long ago. They say things like "once you're ready and have confidence in your work, promote it." So if you're not buying votes, does that mean you're not confident? Is it a sign of weakness? They used to say smoking was cool. You're not cool unless you smoke. That made people feel inferior to smokers, so they started smoking. These are old tricks but I'm not surprised people still fall for it. They're weak, they need a crutch, they hear someone say something like "this makes you look confident", and they jump all over that shit.

Much like a smoker, they'll spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars on these bots and have nothing to show for it. 23333 SP now. That's what you get for working, discipline (even though I'm a freaking nutcase on my blog), and not handing out your hard earned tokens to pay for the toll road leading over a cliff just because someone said you can fly.

The biggest threat to those who are here for passive income generation, are those with an actual product to sell. As the pond grew wider, your circle didn't matter as much. Clearly, you guys are really threatened. I suggest you calm down and try to work on your posts. It won't be like back in the day when all of you circle-jerked each other and good content never got noticed or never earned anything here. Now, people are going to trend with their hard earned investment - some may lose, others will win. But the days of passive circle jerking are always numbered. Just get used to it and stop pathetic whining - it's embarrassing

Now, I will save all of you the effort - yes, I'm a newb who doesn't understand anything. No problem, I still have my self respect and my confidence. This post is a good post. Well promoted. Good luck to all the winners in this thread.

Do you feel better now?

I've handed out 287 votes to 129 different accounts in the past seven days. I can usually do better than that. Many of those accounts have far less SP than mine, some have more, and I certainly didn't vote for all of those people you just insulted so I get something in return. If I could help more people, I most certainly would. I nearly made the top 100 on this list of the most effective curators last week. I'm there quite often. I guess I made this list. Top 250 in all of Steemit for one day.

I've pressed that button manually 21492 times. You could spend all the money you have to get yourself on trending. You still need someone like me to come along and vote for your post in order to make any money.

I read your comment below as well. You're the guy who said, " I prefer paying my ticket to get to the top to jerking people in a circle. I value my freedom and I don't do anyone any favors." You value your freedom so you're willing to become dependent on a middleman to get to the imaginary top? That's interesting.

In your other comment you also displayed how you've fallen for the sales pitch "believe in yourself first then come to us and give us your money" line so I'm not surprised to see you come here to tell everyone how confident you are.

A lot of what you said proves you're new, especially the "back in the day" stuff you speak of, as if you were here to see someone like me start at the bottom and work their way up. I didn't know anyone, started with nothing, and I don't appreciate you downplaying my efforts and making it sound like earning 23300 SP as writer/artist/entertainer on Steemit is a bad thing or insinuating I did something wrong.

Anyway, thanks for, nothing. And don't forget to tighten up that helmet before you go out today.


I don't have time to read your entire content. Please forgive me for that. I read your first line - to answer, yes. I feel great. Always do. If you want my attention, produce good content, I will read it. Thanks for reading mine.

AND fuck you again.

As eloquent as always - at least it's a short comment this time.

Shouldn't you be responding with your other account and voting with this account to make it appear as if someone agrees with you?

LOL! Have a good day dude.

I appreciate hard work and dedication, I am going to follow you and hope to learn some stuff on what it takes to at least swim with the dolphins one day.

It's hard to get noticed everywhere.

I think @joeparys is preying on newbs who's never created content and don't know what it's like doing these kinds of things.

He knows perfectly well what you said but well, whatever gets upvotes right? One look and you can see he's doing exactly what Tai Lopez did, "teaching" people how to be a millionaire and only then become a millionaire from the lies he sold.

For sure yea. Depends on what kind of content people want to see. And of course if that content ever shows up on their feed

LOL, Read this... The Flintstones knew more about money than these crypto crazies do...

Would be funny if I got his damn bot to upvote this but I don't self bid so there's that.

Just tried. He doesn't do comments. lmao.

That's a cool picture but I didn't come here to get mixed up with the trolling stuff. I get the humor but I'm sure, since I'm not praising this stuff or kissing anyone's ass, I already look bad enough.

Not trolling. I earnestly believe he is a parasite and want to ridicule him accordingly.

I want him to question himself everyday about his gains being direct result of being a manipulative toolbag.

Look at your wallet and look at his. I know you. I know you are genuine and not a pretentious asshole.

If someone wanted me to paint their house and said they'd give me $1000 but I only get $100 while the other $900 goes to someone else who did absolutely nothing, just some random dude; I'd tell them they could shove that contract up their ass.

Why should someone else earn that much money for doing nothing, and the only way it's possible for them to see that cash is if I do all the work.

So we have promoters here, which is fine. Promoters take a cut; that's normal. If they start acting like the famous promoter Don King though, you fire their ass.

This Joe guy is leading people to believe that painting contract I mentioned above is a good deal and in so many words claiming Don King was a good guy. Anyone in business knows you can't be successful if you make stupid business decisions like that. I can see why so many are hostile towards him. I think I'll leave it at that.

That's where we would agree to disagree. Suggesting vote selling is mere promotion is a gross oversimplification. How do I know that? Ask them to decline rewards and you'll find our real quick.

See you around @nonameslefttouse. We may differ in views slightly but I think we at least at least agree on the important point. That this fella is a deceptive weasely marketer. Always a pleasure seeing you rip into him.

Don't think you "look bad" to honest folk. You're just calling bullshit where you see it. That's a virtue way I see it. Peace out.

I salute you sir, for making one of the best comments i have seen in recent times. I don't have much more to add as you have hit the nail on the head.

He is literally a bid bot. Of course he's going to encourage people a buy votes. That's sleazy marketing 101 @nonameslefttouse.

Guess our kind is just on the wrong side of Steem history. Maybe, we should all just sell votes and say fuck it.

BRB going to photoshop Joe's face onto a tape worm cuz that's pretty much what he is...

Dude I get what you have to say. But a few months ago for example @berniesanders downvoted this account's reputation to 1. So what did I do to get back on my feet? I paid for upvotes. Nobody was willing to help me. I think my reputation is at 18 now, but if it wasn't for joeparys's bot which is one of the few bots that allows people with low reputations to upvote their own posts, then I would've been able to recover. I want people to read my stuff and if my reputation is 1 then most of my posts are hidden on the steemit frontend.

What did you do to get flagged?

You did say this:

I really just don't care though, so berniesanders do what you want. I don't care about my reputation on steem

So I guess, in the end, unfortunately, you're still responsible for your own decisions.

I was flagged early on by a much larger account than his. Instead of going off and trying to make the flagger look bad, I simply wrote a couple of posts that made sense, didn't include insults or any of that stuff, I ended up making money. That was way back when before I even knew anyone. Before I had even 100SP. I guess it's all in the delivery.

Well I didnt care about my rep back then. But yeah he did run a fake anti abuse service and I thinl everything I wrote about him makes sense. All Im just getting accross is that there are bigger villians out there than @joeparys and i dont consider him a villian to be honest. Also you assume this whole system isnt rigged to begin with. Look at some of the earliest posts by the steemit dev (cant remember what his name is) where he gave himself only the ability to "mine" while other people couldnt. This whole thing is rigged to begin with.

Joe made you give him money to get you out of a jam. He could have done that for free. He made money off your shitty situation. If bernie flagged more people, I'm sure joe would love to bail them out.

If you think the place is rigged, why are you here caring about reputation and stuff?

You do make a good point about the buying votes thing.

"If this place is rigged , why are you here...?"
Um good question. Maybe I think I'm one of the first million users of steemit so this might apply:

Just kidding. There are things I like about steemit, the API's, the good info on here, the stuff I learn on here, the potential I see here etc. I have mixed feelings. Will be following you. Thanks for an interesting conversation :)

Forgot to mention thanks to @freespeach:

Besides that had some friends helping me along the way and yes upvote bots.

Excelente comentario!!!!!

please vote this comment to make my first cents :D

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