Why am I long on Steem; Faceboob Vs. Steemit; Posts I have published on March

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

March has been a good month. The world makes sense, things unfold according to the big plan, the future is brighter than ever before, and it's preparing for the golden age. How many more years will it take? Doesn’t matter as long as we keep our awareness and enjoy the ride.


Credit: pixabay

In my second post on Steemit, two months ago, I spoke about the fight for power. And way and behold, it didn't take much to see a clear evidence. Facebook's privacy scandal is a swing of the pendulum in this epic fight. For if you think that Facebook is the new world, then you better think again. Facebook is a centralized social system, its founder has the last and only call, and the end users have no say whatsoever. Steemit, and its counterparts, being decentralized systems spread the power between its parts. And the immediate proof for that is the distribution of money. For each post/comment/upvote you make on Steemit, for each energy contribution you do, you receive a reward, you get energy back, you gain power.

This, my friends, is the new world. This is a decentralized system that has a clear message to its participants – "You claim your sovereignty, and I will reward you". No place for victims, no room for martyrs.

Facebook Vs. Steemit

Feel for a moment the concept facebook. You know that social platform, what it offers, how it operates, which ways it uses, its business model, the people behind it, its global infulence, its past deeds. For a moment take a deep breathe and feel all that, feel into facebook.

Now, do the same thing for Steemit. Feel it for a moment, the idea behind Steemit.

The difference between those platforms can be summarised in one word. Can you feel it?

Freedom !

You, the participants on Steemit, are free to spread your words, without censorship, with no obligations. Everyone can find your publications, and if they think it's worth reading, connecting with, they will read it/watch it/listen to it. They are exercising their free will in doing so, no one forces them, no one shoves the info down their minds. We all allow our freedom and Steemit helps us in that. Do we really need a better reason than that to resonate with Steemit?!

My long attitude towards Steem

I am long on Steem, as a coin, albeit its recent value decline, because I resonate with the merits of the Steemit structure. I don't mind to be the last person on Steemit, with zero followers, with Steem power that is worth 1$, and I will still continue to publish my posts. I enjoy the writing itself and I, even more, enjoy the connection with the community and the ecosystem.

I invest in ideas. The money comes later. Nowadays, there are two coins I am following closely, both involve communities, both have great ideas behind them. Steem is one of them and it's a promising concept.

Am I currently being not rational about the value of Steem? yes, I definitely am. And I am proud of it because when things get tough, the tough get going. Sometimes cliches are to be followed!

Plans for April

I will have two main issues on my agenda –

  • I have been working on two articles relating to health. The consciousness behind impotence in men and cancer disease. I will publish two articles on those topics.
  • I am planning to publish a post about the March contest (participation ends today) and create a new contest. This time not about interpreting a dream but one that involves more your expression as human beings. Stay tuned.

March recap

At this (almost) end of March, here is a recap of the posts I have published in the past month. Thanks again for your comments. Thanks for finding the words worth upvoting, and special thanks to the Israeli community for its continuous support, in words, actions and generous upvotes!

  1. A summary of my activity on Steemit since launch till today and what I plan for the future
  2. Why do I name myself "nomad-magus" and are you princes or magicians?
  3. Are men and women really that different? And what can we change in our approach to reach harmony?
  4. Consciousness, health, and excess of weight – "How can I be loved if I suffer from health issues?"
  5. What does enlightenment mean to you? Share your thoughts in the comments
  6. "The spark has gone. Since I gained weight my boyfriend doesn't want to sleep with me. How can we solve our relationship problems?"
  7. "I lay down in bed, suddenly my body froze, and I saw a dark entity in the room" – Sleep Paralysis explained
  8. "I came across frightening entities who wanted to kill me" - The nature of nightmares and what you can do to remain safe and sound!
  9. Why doesn’t my boyfriend pay attention to me? How can I make him more attentive and loving?
  10. עשרת אלפי מטבעות יהפכו ל 10,000 אנשים - הגיגים במקום סיפור
  11. Intuition Vs. Super-Intuition - A followup on the nobel laureate, Daniel Kahneman's studies
  12. The daily Master's quote - The purpose of life
  13. From a Slave to a Master; a Memoire – Introduction
  14. The Master's wisdom # 2 - Adam & Eve are exchanging Roles
  15. "I fancy a guy that I met. Have I stopped loving my boyfriend?" - Some words about polyamory
  16. The Master's wisdom # 3 - Be your own Messiah
  17. "Why did my girlfriend break up with me?" – The answer is revealed in the dream
  18. The Master's wisdom # 4 - True Abundance is allowing energy to serve you
  19. I have fallen in love with a woman but I am hesitating to cheat on my wife. What shall I do?
  20. The daily Master's quote - in 2018 you will need to make a hard choice!
  21. "Snakes crawled out their shells and bit my boyfriend" - Dream interpratation
  22. The Master's wisdom # 6 - Compromise is not Necessary!
  23. "You can never prove your love to those who doubt it" - A painful lesson I have learned throughout the years
  24. From a Slave to a Master; a Memoir, chapter 2 – Two paths towards Enlightenment
  25. The Master's wisdom # 7 – What is so important about the now moment?
  26. "How can I ease agonizing thoughts about my girlfriend’s past relationships?"
  27. The Master's wisdom # 8 – hallucinating drugs are not a tool to achieve freedom
  28. "I keep dreaming about a wedding dress and weddings" - What is the message for me?
  29. The Master's wisdom # 9 – Be alone, with yourself only, until love comes.
  30. "Am I only good for sex?!"
  31. The Master's wisdom # 10 – god didn't grant you any land. Get over it.
  32. "The end of the world is here and I must choose between my boyfriend and my Ex" – Using our dreams to make decisions.
  33. The Masters' Contest March 2018 – Can you interpret the dream?
  34. What is so negative about "positive thinking" and why you may want to adopt a more wholistic approach to life - Part I
  35. If 'positive thinking' is not advisable - then what approach is? Meet "Non-duality".
  36. "Should I marry someone whom I am not sure I wholeheartedly love?"
  37. The Master's wisdom # 11 – How to know if we are in the right relationship
  38. "I raised to the surface of the water and pushed those sweet baby-sea turtles back to the sea" - Dream interpretation
  39. Enlightenment is effortless - drink, breathe, smile. That's all it takes!
  40. "I am married and have fallen in love with a young girl. Help!" - Why to be truthful in life.
  41. Which is better, a stable relationship or a painful one? What would you prefer?
  42. I dreamt twice about the winning numbers in the lottery! Can dreams be prophetic? - Part I
  43. Prophetic dreams - practical information and how you too can have them


Enlightenment is fun. Enjoy your life in this epic time of emerging freedom


Facewhat is centralized government’s puppet. It’s hard to deny the number of people who signed up on this site and stay clueless about what they do with the data they share so freely. It seems like it should be common sense that when a service is “free” and they grow so much financially that they are selling your data for profit.
I believe that Steem and other cryptocurency selloff is only temporary. Afterall, this bear market has repeated itself for se th time already and this time is not different. Everyone was waiting for this dip, well here you have it and surprisingly most people are selling, or staying on the sidelines. We have to be smart, more pain, more we should buy. I believe that Steem & Steemit has a huge future and potential as a decentralized social platform as well as cryptocurency. To believe in it, you have love it, once I believed in it and loved it, I felt comfortable to invest in it with fiat and my free time. I’m already invested in other crypto as well such as ETH, LTC and bitcoin. As for now, I’m happy with what I have. However, if it drops even lower, I have put aside sizable amount of fiat and I’m prepared for attack. I've already made a few of steem dollars, and I don't plan to cash it out any time soon, probably ever. I convert it into steem power of this community, as most steemiens do, because I feel that it is well worth it. To me, Steemit is a place where you can just blog about what you have going on in life and complete strangers wish you well and root you on. You can talk about things that are important to you and others from around the world can comment and share experiences. Steemit is a destination for journeyers. Yes you can receive free cryptocurrency for participating at Steemit, and that is what brings a lot of people to the site. I think it’s called “motivation”.
Your plans for April in some way personally relate to me, when it comes to cancer disease...

The advantage of steemit then facebook. is in Steemit you feel that your experience and knowledge really worth something. in Facebook everything there is a games of social.

Exactly! That self-worth issue!👍

Wow, you've been writing a lot this month. I love reading your posts and commenting on them, and I can't wait to have more time to sit and read more of them.
Thanks for making the effort and writing all those articles for others to read :-)

see a recap you made about your article (43 articles), I admit you are a great person, greatly appreciate your great work @nomad-magus

talking about stemit I strongly agree with your opinion

stemeet has brought us to share different histories, cultures, traditions and environments. steemit has been worldwide in our minds to share. We each have different friends and family to know and share experiences. Different from different traditions. always looking from eye to eye. About what we do not see for an opportunity. I am also grateful for what has been built in Steemit for all of us. Opportunity to share what we love and learn new things and find interesting people.

I really feel what difference we disteemit with facebook, we in steemit do many things that benefit to Steemit.felt for a moment, the idea behind Steemit, spread the words without censorship, everyone can see what we public without no one to fear because there is no tapping imformasion. While facebook all our data stolen and bugged, I am very bored in facebook, in my opinion facebook is a collection of silly people who post ridiculous things from waking up, eating, drinking and other silly things. Difference between platforms can summed up in one word and I'm sure all of us are thinking the same
Thanks for this @nomad-magus

People who have started using steemit already know that crypto is the future... However those who were stuck with Facebook need to now find an alternative after spam. Now there is no better alternative than steemit so its the best place to put your efforts into...

What do you mean by "Facebook could buy Steem if they would feel threatened" ?

Steem is a decentralised platform based on blockchain technology. How do you buy it ? Who is the person to look for to buy Steem ? There is no buying Steem.

I'm quite sure Facebook is already well aware of Steem. They have people doing only that (looking for treatening new disruptive social platforms). They are probably freaking out as they learn how it's built and they are incapable of stopping or buying it.

"buy" the idea. That's what I mean.
Which will be a victory for steemit!

The big advantage that Facebook has at this time, is it's ability to give private groups to those with low funds. People want to say to a group of similar minded friends things they may not want to say to all of Facebook in-particular Family. I did post on this, and I think I will post more. I want to start providing a solution now.

When i was using my facebook account, that time i was maximum time searching fashionable page or group. intersting thing, Now when i was login to facebook, thrn i just watch fashionable link here autometicly! how funny! they are always follow their user mind then they are use their emotion & sell their emotion to third party. What's going on!
Mark Zuckeberg yoh always fraud with millions of people. One day people roaring & hate this facebook. I already deactivate my account. Now this is my one great choice is #steemit
Thank you so much

Absolutely sure Steemit can beat Facebook if Facebook does not implement a convenient system of payment for posts. Once the interface Steemit will be more user-friendly and functional, Facebook will quickly lose its positions. After all, Steemit is a new idea, a social network of new generation. Similar to how Facebook (and other social networks) pushed out of the market instant messengers Steemit displace the "first generation" social networks.

I think, our mind has shifted to a global mindset and Facebook doesn’t provide the connectivity to a broader community.

In my opinion,

Steemit is on the right track to bulid something valuable for a lot of people. People across the world can now share their stories and feel appreciated by it because they receive the recognition at the same time. Writers and readers can now connect and explore more content from around the world.

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