Autobiography || Be adult, the most innocent idea of a boy || First part

in #steemit5 years ago

Afterwards to having had a bad morning and the beginning of what until this moment in that I write has been a bad day, put me to think in because I am alive go through me the mind that are not usual in my as for example leave to live, as like this it would not go through these moments. Out of nowhere it arrives to me the idea to write and reconstruct my way until this moment, do this with the end that my children some day understand that be adult is one of the most innocent things that one wants to while it is a boy. I expect that this do not see as if it was sacking me or dying me, think that they remain me a lot of years and things for living.


I was born a 24 March of the year 1993 day Wednesday, is not that it agree me of the day, but to be more specific look for it in a calendar. Suelo be very olvidadizo, however, have some memory of my childhood in which I want to develop this type of autobiography. The first that arrives to my mind is when had the age of 5 years when the poverty arropaba to my family and memory that until this moment were 4 brothers and there was not at all to dine so my mum gave us a glass of water with sugar and said us that we put to bed us to sleep to this of the 6 pm and that the next day saw that we would eat, one of my brothers of hardly 3 years began to cry because it was hungry and my mother hit him a pair of nalgadas and slept crying. I know that it is not a beautiful memory, but definitely is one of the first things that arrives to my mind when they ask me how was my childhood.
My mother was born a 3 March 1976, is the second of more than ten brothers do not know with accuracy how many are. It began the school but do not finish it because to the age of thirteen years touched him begin to work since she, his brothers and his parents lived in a field called ?The montañita? Situated in the municipality Urdaneta of the state Lara, went to work to the state Carabobo and with frequency travelled to carry him money to his parents, to the age of sixteen years arrive to Barquisimeto to work home of family, was in the age in that we want to do of everything without that they say us at all. Relatively near of the house where worked remained a neighbourhood called ?The victory? There they live some uncles and cousins by part of his mum. In the middle of wanting to do his will remains pregnant of one of his cousins and which said him that it would not do charge of the baby as he already had a girlfriend which embaraza months afterwards that to my mother. She treated to hide his pregnancy almost by four months or more as far as explained me the owner of the department in which my mother worked that afterwards of my birth this woman would turn into my godmother.


The first two years of life were like the ones of a boy to the that does not be missing him at all, my godmother was professor and my godfather student of medicine they answered by me and by my mum. Afterwards my mum enamora of a man with which goes to live to a neighbourhood called ?The antenna? Situated in the municipality Iribarren of the state Lara for that then was what here calls him one ?Invasion? It was an empty terrain and a lot of people put of agreement to build his houses there. It explains me my mum and my godmother that cost me like a year accustom me to not having bathroom with ceramics neither car with air conditioned.
Regarding the one who began to be from this moment my dad calls Cristóbal Rooms was born on 10 April 1972, a good man, worker and of strong character, but did charge of me. To beginnings of his relation with my mother worked in an alfarería there managed like montacarguista, with this work attain to do a ranch (a bienhechuría of tins) and there live by a lot of years.
In the year of 1996 is born the second of the five brothers that grew together, calls Cristian rooms, for 1997 is born José miguel rooms, in 1998 is born Anderson rooms and in the year 2000 is born the ultimo carries by name Fernando rooms. Full of children and all almost of the same age, begins a difficult way for my parents and for my being the greater brother.


With the help of my mum and my godmother to the age of 5 years began to study first degree without before have gone through pre-pupil, that is to say, did not burn this stage to learn to recortar or colorear did not have orientation some and in spite of the effort that to my mother for carrying me to the school before going to work home of my godmother (as it worked several years for her), as it was to expect reproved the year, as when being a boy two lower years that the rest of my class the master Migdalia (that was the name of the first monster that disturbed me the existence) gave him the same if they did me cry, if they stole me the fascicles or the merienda as she saw me like a mosquito that only disturbed by here. Already tired to be the leproso of the living room decided to do case omiso to all what ordered me that teacher, and although it did not loan me attention any, when it saw to my mum said him that I did not go to learn at all never because the studies were not for me and the worst of the case is that my mum like this believed it. It ran the year of 1999 and with him a new president in Venezuela. My mum opted for changing me of school and when carrying me to the registration said him to the teacher ?My son is very gross are that it does not go to learn a lot but here leave it to him?. These words never will forget me and think that was the first time that carry him the contrary to my mum or at least the first that arrives to my mind.

Infancy cut

The year of 2001 is one of which more costs me forget because this year my childhood and innocence changed for ever remember that a day arrived a relative to visit to my mum said him something and went after this my mum says me that it wants to bathe me and memory that while my mum me enjabonaba said me ?They killed to your dad? I impressed me a lot because until this moment thought that the man that had been with her since I had use of consciousness was my dad afterwards says me ?Cristóbal is not your true dad, he is your padrastro? It was only a boy so I thought that what I said or did would not take it in account. That was the first big news that received. In December of this same year said me that the boy Jesús did not exist. And although had nueve years for that then thought in a lot of things.
Another of the things that more agree me of this year is that they began the hits by part of my mum and my dad think that for being the son bastard of this marriage and while more hits received I, more love gave them to my brothers. This same year my dad left to work so the house now depended on the little that my mum won, my father always was the type of man that says that cook, wash, bathe to the boys is work of women and that a man does not have to do this, and like my mum could not attend the work and our home at the same time taught me to cook and do all the duties of the house and hardly being a boy was manager partly of the crianza of four brothers because my alone father was put to bed expecting that it carried him everything to the bed and lasted a complete year in this plan.


Until here the first part, the day of morning will be publishing the second part, expect to not to bore them with this, really write me desahoga and helps me to free my mind a bit of the pressures, thank you for taking you the time to read these short lines. Greetings and a strong fellow embrace.

I apologise by the fault of imagenes but expect in the following part can include some, thank you.

The separador of text was done by my person doing use of photoshop cs6.

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