HF 19: self voting ahoy!

in #steemit7 years ago

Hey Steemit,

Yep, people are definitely voting for themselves, no surprise there. Here a particularly egregious example.
Sorry @kingscrown , but I have to call you out on this one.

Check out this exchange:
You can find it in my auction post:



Ok, so what happens here is that @parker.hammer is new in town and he asks a question about delegation and what the auction is all about, perfectly understandable.

And, a minnow @nnnhhh steps up the plate and actually gives a pretty decent answer. So @stevescoins and I upvote this user and give him about $1. Great! This is how Steemit is supposed to work. Give a nice answer, get some money, wonderful.

Then @kingscrown comes along and gives a very half-assed answer and acknowledges that @nnnhhh gave a good answer...

Then proceeds to upvote himself to the tune of 13$ and not that minnow at all....


(look of disapproval!)

Come on man, geez? Throw those minnows a bone here. Doesn't the system reward you enough already? Every post you write earns at least 1000$ easy, share the love a little. I'm sure @nnnhhh would have been tickled pink to even get...like $5 for that comment, but you just stuffed it into your own fat pockets instead.

And check out his comment history:

Tens, Twenties, Fifties ..fuck. Welcome to HF 19 I guess, this is the new normal.

Look, I know I'm not a saint in this regard. I upvote myself plenty too, but I'm very aware when I'm doing it, and usually it's like...30 cents... And if I do go higher, it's because I feel like what I'm saying is pretty important and I want visibility.

You might not think people notice this stuff, but they do. The other day you were asking me to vote your Peerplays witness, well I remember stuff like this.

Oh, right after making this post I'm going to revote @nnnhhh and give him a better reward.


actually i was sure i have upvoted him - fixed now :)
u could pm me though - would be faster and less messy!

my posts get 100s (literally) comments and 1000s (literally!) views. the only way for me to sort stuff is with upvotes.

also the very post of your that you linked.. has a top upvote from me.

so sure i may miss a good comment or a vote sometimes yet took me 3 minutes to find this two but still im sure i upvoted more newbies to good money than many others..

not speaking of 100s of posts i upvote. so imo - case closed.

im sure attacking popular author is a cool thing though ;)

Honestly, you 2 are probably some of my favorite whales here on Steemit... if you are indeed whales. I don't really keep up with that.

I see more good come from you then most.

This conversation proves it, poking and picking yet still civil and polite. I sense a little bit of good fun here and it is great.

Thanks for making even a friendly bout be fun to read for members like myself.

haha, whales on the offense!

Very well said. There are people that keep it classy and civil regardless of the actual situation and we should take a hint from them!

Ok, thanks for giving that guy a good vote, I saw it. I guess I'm off your christmas card list now, oh well. I'm sure you do a lot of good things for Steemit and bear you no ill will. Sorry if it seems like I was picking on you, I'm sure there are much worse things going on here.

Next time I'll just PM you.

So I just tried upvoting come of my comments and I only got about a penny. How is someone else getting so much?

The payout value per vote is based on the amount of Steem Power you have. The more SP you have, the more your vote is worth.

You get a 100% too since you actually answered him lol.

lol I'll take it!!! By the way, since HF19 you only get 10 full power votes per day, unless you use the slider to drop the % when voting.

I hear you. Makes sense really. But I'm flying tomorrow so I won't be able to like...should use it all up and be fun now (before into back to being a hermit and voting for myself. Here have another one!

Hahahaha, just tossing them out left and right like Payout Santa lol, love it. Thanks again man!

You're welcome! Here comes Santa Claus, bam! Another one!

I've read somewhere that the slider option is available only if you get over 500 Steem Power.

Ill give you a 100% vote from me. I've been on vacation and letting my 40 per day go to waste. :
Edit: and a 100% for me too because im selfish.

Thank you very much! That is so kind of you! I hope you enjoyed your vacation. Where did you go?

I'm in Germany right now actually. Drinking too many beers hence the generosity. Also I've been lazy with voting in steemit recently. Here have another 100%

Ah thank you! Maybe you should stop upvoting until you are sober!!!

I'm glad you're enjoying yourself there and have fun!

And another full power for looking out for.my health!

Love how many beer fans there are on here. I finally have a way to share my love of beer with the world lol...or is Steemit an excuse for me to go have new beers every week so I can post about them??? hmmm. Either way, beer lovers unite!

Ill be posting a review of some of these German beers. Maybe one long post since descriptions will be short (memory fuzziness).
I wrote a sarcastic beer review a while back. Thought it was quite funny but it's when.I was just starting out. Check it if you wanna laugh. (I laughed, bit I wrote it drunk again )

Someone said beer? :)

Definitely going to check it out lol. I'm down for a nice drunken review hahaha.

And a 100% from me which is 0.05 lol since I just made $51.81 on a comment below! More then I ever made on my posts! And I didn't upvote myself yet!

Wow that's awesome though. I bought Steem as an investment so I've only earned a fraction of my wallet. Most was right timing in the market. I can't match 51 but take one of my 100% votes

I did buy some Steem as an investment too I guess and then I though I might as well Power Up as I am HODL. But already made some author rewards left right and center which add up to a nice amount. Thanks for the 100% upvote 3.07 is massive.

Take another whatever it's worth now

Haha damn my lucky day!! Thank you!! Still worth a lot lol. You're making it sound like your giving a few cents away.

You are right. Whales have enough money, no need for upvoting own comments.

How much is enough? :)

Valid question.. Enough might seem like a $100 a post but when you make a $100 and you want to commit to Steemit, as you see more money to be made here then with your 9-5 job, then $100 a post might not be enough.
I get you point @neoxian and we should support newbies and people trying hard to grow but you never now what the exact situation is. Maybe @kingscrown invested thousands of dollars in his account and wants a decent ROI and paycheck. As you can see below he also upvotes a lot of other people.

We do not have to personally agree with anyone's upvoting decisions (i.e. whales upvoting themselves or anyone upvoting poor quality content), but that is the beauty of Steemit. We all have the freedom to operate in the Steemian universe as we see fit.

Ideally, quality content will be rewarded regardless of a person's status - minnow, dolphin, or whale. But as you build influence (and the whales have the most influence), you have more freedom and more responsibility in how that influence is used.

It is a problem with some people. However, there are some other pretty amazing whales. For the people who have less influence you can either invest a bunch money if you have it. Or you go to grind and slowly bulid your way up here.

I choose not dwell on the people who vote there own comments. At this time there is nothing we can do about it. Changes will come and we can push for the but at this time it adapt or be frustrated.

it's system's issue, how do you expect to people (whales they are or not) to limit their own rewards ? you can't force them to, and you can't complain about it, if you don't like it, then propose your solution to this (but this will very likely met with concerns)

I think its fine upvoting your own comments if you're an investor of this platform provided you will follow an acceptable time frame to get your ROI. In that range of time, you should put value to the system and appreciate the community thru giving some influence. In that case, it's a win win situation and no abuse will be practice.

In regards with ordinary user that built up their own empire(becoming a dolphin), its also allowable to upvote your own comments for you're putting so much time in the site and provided that you're re-investing it to the system and giving back something to the community.

omg, @neoxian is my hero. here, take my measly 100% upvote!!!

I've seen that some of the bigger fish are getting a 4% growth rate per week just upvoting themselves since fork 19.. It seems very unstable. Hopefully that corrects it's self over time.

Bahahahahah love it, I had to resteem. That's why you got my vote Neoxian!! I know you have our backs.

Bah how can i not upvote such an awesome username!

I do get you two confused.

And if i join in the fun

Yes, you're right. We have to support fellow steemians specially minnows who writes relevant comments/posts of sharing their thoughts.

Hi Neoxian,

I upvoted this for the potential of an interesting conversation. Thank you for bringing it up.

I have the same reaction, and although my account is small compared to some in the conversation I do vote for my posts, and depending on circumstances my comments. (mostly to raise their visibility)

So, asking a challenging question. At what level should someone quit voting for themselves? (In my opinion, there is no "right" answer) Just trying to get a feel for the reaction.

I "lol'd" at your "disapproving stare". :)

I think it can also become an issue when you are being delegated a bulk of your stake for curation purposes...then those votes go to yourself at much larger percentages than you're giving out to others.

It's like that Steem Guild issue all over again...

"One vote at 5% for you...three votes at 100% for me!"

I agree with that. The responsibility for it should be in the hands of the delegator to ensure their stake is being used well.

How about 50/50?
I talked on @neoxian about his sp rental or delegation. 50%/50% upvotes for me/others sounds fair to everyone. That gives me 10-20% interest on my investment on delegation if steem will have a stable value or good median value. If I'll make it 30%/70% upvotes, Im throwing so much love on the community but there's a 30-40% chance that I can't get my ROI to rent SP again.

Above all these, I am only giving 5$ or less with my upvotes. A value that's incomparable to a 50-100$ self upvote. And lastly, this is still a mere plan. :)

Do you mean 50% of your daily votes to yourself? If that's what you're working out with your delegator, then that's between the two of you. That's not something I would do though and I don't think it's very helpful overall. Why not just buy the stake yourself instead of renting it at high rates?

I have delegated stake. I've been using it mostly on others. I only post about 5 times per week on average and only rarely vote my own comments. When I do, its a low percentage. For my blog posts, I generally vote right around the same amount that I use on other posts...sometimes slightly higher. But again - I only post about 5 times per week, and two of those are contests where I give away the liquid rewards.

Even doing that, I'm making some very good returns. Upvoting myself at 100% while giving a small fraction of that to others would make me feel pretty dirty. I don't understand why people feel the need to do that, especially when they're using stake that isn't even theirs...that they didn't invest themselves. It just seems very cheap and greedy to me.

Hmm, that's a really tough question and there is no easy, cut and dried answer, like most other voting in Steemit, this is subjective proof of work.

Certainly the two extremes: never voting yourself and always voting yourself sound wrong to me. It's ok to vote yourself sometimes, as long as you don't do it too much, too often, or too high value.

I vote myself when:

  • I want visibility, to get my comment to float to the top, because I think it's really important
  • I want to speak with authority, like if I'm flagging someone for spam and explaining why.
  • And yea, i'll totally admit, sometimes I just want a few extra pennies from the system

The situation I describe above in my post just felt wrong to me. If kingscrown had voted himself 7$ and nnnhhh 7$, I would have been fine with that.

Great answer, and from a really honest place. I knew there wasn't (1) answer, so we are all just figuring this out. (I do the same)

I enjoy the conversation around it. I am getting close to the place where I need to define this for myself.

lol @ your 'disapproving stare' comment :)

All this and grammar correction! Love SteemIt.

lol no, no no you got me all wrong ....I 100% agree with your comment. I was laughing at those glaring eyes too.

lol, got it. :) Either way, I wasn't offended. I thought about changing mine. Enjoy. (laughing again)

I'm LOLing at these comments 😂

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