My Announcement March 15 2017

in #steemit8 years ago

Yesterday Dan Larimer resigned as CTO of Steemit. Steemit will go on, but I’ll be honest... today has been a stressful day. Dan has an unusual history, so while we can't say we expected this, it was a possibility we had planned for.

The truth is, Jeffrey Paul (@sneak) has been the driving force behind development for the past 3 months. While this whole affair is emotionally painful, development is actually ahead of schedule thanks to Jeffrey and of course our amazing team of developers. He’s the right person to head development in the interim as we transition into the future.

I won’t lie; there are big changes coming. After processing these events, I believe this is the best thing for Steemit Inc, and most importantly for the community growing here on


Good luck @ned!

I'm rooting for you and the dev team to succeed, even if my posts don't always express that.

Let me know if you're ever in need of some steemit propaganda comics for marketing ;)

Thank god Ned's not dead, I invested my life's savings. You think that YOU had a stressful day.

I don't know if it's too late to say: don't invest more than you can afford to lose..

well people put their life on the line for what they believe in. Sure it's a bad business policy, but I thought this was about bringing change not profits.

I think this everyone should know from the beginning! I mean, when you invest money there is always a chance to lose!

That chance is much lower if u hold sbd :)

Yes, but if you want to have much vote power you need to invest in steem! :D

True that :)

; - ) yes but now would have been a better time than when i did !! I am still kicking myself for having jumped in like the beginner i was !! )

The peppers will do what we can to get that investment to pay of for you!

You got rich today! Congrats

LOL, I am always remembering your earlier posts on this and your votes and support @dimimp

Perspective for all of us!

To be honest, as a shareholder of Steem (which is licenced by Steemit Inc.) I expected some kind of explanation why this happen. From my point of view explanation is not given.

He’s the right person to head development in the interim as we transition into the future.

what doesn't matter because this code doesn't belong to us. If someone would like to introduce new changes which will be good for whole community but bad for Steemit Inc., that would be impossible to do that legally.

Steem code base has to be fully open-source and have open licence.

That license, which Dan came up with, has been there since day 0. That is as long as any of us have opted into participating. In the long run, I would see the license change, but not now.

That certainly sheds a different light on his (deleted) post about wanting Steem to be open source. It is okay that he changed his mind about it, but to portray Steemit as some sort of enemy of freedom by having a restricted license given that he came up with the license seems misleading at best.

In the long run, I would see the license change, but not now.

That's the best thing I've heard all day.

But again, we have to trust you, @ned. In a world of trustless cryptographically secure systems and provably secure smart contracts, asking for trust is a lot to ask.

Completely feel you on this and perhaps something can be done to assuage the concern. from my pov I am relying on DPoS, and not on Steemit or me. Witnesses can be anonymous and the system runs whether Steemit tries to be part of it or not... I'm glad we are though.

Thanks Ned. I appreciate your community involvement today, especially when it's been such a stressful one. That speaks volumes about your character and your commitment to the future.

Not like the PoW projects, actually DPOS is based on trust. We have been trusting from the beginning.

That's a valid point, but PoW has other problems, which I'm sure you're aware. With Bitcoin, as an example, we now have to trust the large mining firms/guilds not to collude together for their own benefit. We have to trust changes will be implemented that benefit everyone instead of being stalled by the powerful. I remember a point in time where a large mining guild decided to split up (against their own short term interests) because the community was too concerned with the percentage of hashing power they controlled. I was glad they did it, but it reminded me how much trust is still involved in PoW as well, even if it's trust that those involved will remain rational actors for their own long-term self interest. At least with DPOS there's a mechanism for making that trust transparent with a voting process everyone can participate in.

In the long run, I would see the license change, but not now.

the problem is.. that you can be hit by a bus and your opinion will not help us then.

Steem code base has to be fully open-source and have open license.

Absolutely. Competition and outside innovation under a GNU/BipCot/Creative Commons license benefits everyone, including Steemit.

This is crypto not stock its how we do.

Thank you ned, I really appreciate your prompt response and confirmation that Steemit will go on. I believe everyone who met @sneak at Steemfest will agree that he is eager and capable to develop the platform.

That brings me to the next point, after all this stress we need a party to shake it off (the Stress), so lets have another @Steemfest asap.

Thank you for your kind words and support.

I believe everyone who met @sneak at Steemfest will agree that he is eager and capable to develop the platform.

I certainly agree with that.

Won't lie, I woke up to the news and I've been hitting F5 all day watching for your response.

So thank you , @ned, for communicating something to us. And thank you, @sneak for following that statement up with community support.

I don't care to hear the details of what happened between the Steemit, Inc. team and @dan. Those things are between all of you and are unimportant to what Steem/Steemit is now and what it will become. I wish @dan the best in his future endeavors (which I will be keeping an eye out for) and I truly hope that he will pop in from time to time - even if it's just to judge @fibra59's meme challenge. Haha
Your promises for big changes and your honesty to the community have given me a boost in confidence and a new level of hope in this platform. I see so much potential in this platform and truly hope that you guys keep pushing forward until that potential is reached and surpassed.

I hope that your groundshaking updates and changes come as swiftly and easily as possible and I wish you, @sneak and the rest of the dev team the best of success - both on this platform and in real life!

Thanks for everything, guys! Stay awesome.

Thank you for the update @ned, I also believe that Steemit will go on... we have a great community and, like Bitshares, Steemit will prevail.

I am also sure @dan will go on to do great things for the blockchain environment, so this could very well be a win-win situation.

Cheer up, tomorrow would be a new day!

Let's hope we can recover and this isn't the final chapter. I'm very sad for the fracture. And I'm really let down by the whole community management aspect, experimenting and all, this platform has degenerated from a place where freedom reigns and communication breathes, to a bunch of kids running around posting memes.

Release the flood gates,

In @ned we trust!

I actually do trust in @ned and @sneak

Thanks for the update.

I hope we can all move on as a community and take this project forward.

Steemit is not just one person and although his departure was a shock I think Steem/Steemit can and will survive without Dan.

The team is in better shape at present than I've ever seen it. We're really kicking ass right now, and are excited to share more about things soon.

So glad to read this comment !

i have heard you speak on steemspeak and even to a non-techy person, it is obvious that you are defined in your path for steemit's development.

Cheers mate, I do wish you hadn't gone through that split. I always found the head team to be perfect as it was, two heads are better than one. I think you will do fine with your excitement.

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