Q&A : What is your favourite social media app before Steem based Dapps ???

in #steemit6 years ago


Please answer only one. explain why it’s your favourite, How is it adding value to your life, as a user how are you adding value to others.

Please take your time to give me your own and honest answer.

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Facebook was my best social media platform before the dApps due to the fact that i had been on it for a long time. I liked the fact that i could connect and relate with very many people who are my friends, relatives and even make friendship with those i did not know all over the world.

I was so addicted to it in a way that i could spend roughly 2 hours on it every day. I liked the other fact that i could store my photos on it. I also loved checking what my followers were always upto through the different things they kept on sharing.

Facebook is so famous and trending in my country and Africa as a continent. It puts every one in a place where with out having a facebook account you are not upto date.

Despite of its benefits it never satisfied me to the fullest being that i wasn't earning any single coin from it. I remember it was at one point last year. I was looking for a job to do online rather than spending my valuable time on social media such as facebook that was not adding value to me. J was by then struggling so much financially
after my graduation and was so willing to do any legal job that could fetch me something.

I tried several online business platforms such as build something great but it was a tough one to understand.

Steemit came to my attention through a friend who shared it with me and this has been a great one ever since the begining of this year as it has revolutionised my life.

Thanks @nathanmars for sharing about this other challenging question.

Am glad to know that your favourite was youtube and tweeter.

Inconclusion Steemit and the Dapps have to become number one social media platforms that are going to solve several problems of people and nations as a whole.

I intend to use the tennis sport to engage my community and people all over the world to come to the attention of the dApps and also appreciate the benefits they carry.

Together we shall add value to community and this will attract many to the use of these dApps platforms and invest in steem which will drastically increase its value to $100.

My favorite social media before the advent of steemit which is now the most profitable social media and business alike site in existence is Facebook. I have been on Facebook since my highschool days.

The main reason I joined Facebook then is because everyone else uses it. This shouldn’t come as a great surprise to anyone, since over 1.3 billion users are on facebook, Facebook is a social media where my friends are likely to be, it aids good communication between friends and family, meet new people that you can't even imagine you could ever meet in your entire life.

Facebook has always be carrier of different news home and abroad work, I don't have to hold newspapers before I could know what is going on in my community and community of the world.

Another reason is because i can use it to build a professional profile such as creating awareness to my business through advertising my products. It is easy to use while sharing one's photos and it offers free video messaging where I could be able to see who I'm chatting with for real unlike other social media .
it’s an easy way of organizing events for people to reach be it naming ceremony, birthday and even funeral.
There are a lot of groups on facebook that offer information on any field of knowledge better than bulletin boards.

One amazing fact I like about it is because it’s the easiest method for me to remember the birthdays of my friends and family through their profiles.

Another interesting things is that facebook always get hold of other site which happens to be the alternative This explains why Facebook has been so quick to acquire potential rivals such as Instagram and Whatsapp.
I know that is not the case with my new found social media STEEMIT. It is a matter of time we reach the top through my support and yours, we surely win together. There are a lot of activities we have to put in place on STEEMIT, to make it a better site for us all. What is yours my friend and how can we make STEEMIT everybody favorites ?

Thanks for taking your time to explain your own experience with Facebook.

My favourite is Youtube, then Twitter and Reddit.

The reason I asked this question is to see how many people really understand the potential of Steem based Dapps. It’s kind of social media revolution. I’m sure you understand the potential and not many people do and they are thinking short term gains.

Wow, I like your choice, there is no site that could be compare to steemit right now for the fact there are a lot of app working differently for different purposes, such as steepshot which is meant for taken various picture of someone choice, and dtube which I believe it is a replacement for YouTube, we have discord which is meant for smooth communication amongst steemians, we have vlog, dlive e. t.c all these apps perform the functions of these of site I have ever seen. I believe STEEMIT is evolving everyday. There is the app that I had about of recent #steemmonster, it is a game. Have you heard of it brother. It is made by our amiable witnesses.

Yes STEEM is evolving everyday! So many innovations yet to be build and so many user friendly app will be released soon. I'm very excited and we must be patient for 2-3 years and contribute what we can.

I'm not into game my friend. So no #steemmonster.

oh okay my friend, we really have to think of something positive we can contribute for the evolvement of steemit day by day, do you plans for something like that my friends, like, how are you getting more people to steemit.

My favourite was Facebook until steemit came along.
I loved facebook as it was a medium to reunite long lost friends. Personally i dont really have real friends so most of the friends i had is via facebook and my girlfriend now i met her on facebook and we are still happy 1.6years later.
In respect to value added. I don't really know about others but the platform was not adding to me financially or intellectually. It was just a place people go to live a fake life, fake smile and fake everything.
Its been months i posted on Facebook. I don't know if i have the time.
For now have been able to introduce my friends to steemit

I'm happy to hear your met your girlfriend on Facebook. That's amazing :)

For me social media reveal who we really are in our real life. There are so many fake people out there in real world, so what can we expect. lol

Let's use Steem Dapps to give others value and get us value.

I appreciate you're introducing your friends to steemit :) Keep up the good work and they will be thankful for you in the future.

Yes some are already reaping the benefit tho not much but its better than nothing.

Thanks @nathanmars has given me the opportunity to share my experience while using social media, before I know steem, I used to have some social media, but what I prefer among other social media is Facebook social media, The first time I started using Facebook when I first date, because I want to know all my girlfriend activity. Haha 😁
Jealousy is a sign of love, but I am grateful today that our relationship is still continuing.
I think Facebook has a feature that is very easy to use and easy to understand by the layman. Through Facebook I can find the latest news from my friends, because my friends almost all use facebook. With Facebook, I can easily find info sharing from many people, especially info about adventure,
Info It's like the food on the table that is always ready for me to enjoy, because I really like the beauty of the outdoors.

Through Facebook there is a lot of latest information that I can know, ranging from the state of friends, news, events, music, games, news, weather, politics, knowledge, job vacancy, entertainment, and other new information.

The past is often a wonderful memory. Through Facebook, I can also reconnect with my elementary school friends first.
Facebook, I just buy internet quota and always be able to communicate with distant family through video call without having to spend credit, because my college location is far from where I live. Playing Facebook is part of a growing world. Humans are social beings, and with its various features, Facebook makes it easy. People can more easily make new friends, get to know new friends, at home or abroad.
With Facebook, I do not feel alone anymore. There are many online friends who are ready to talk, tell stories, or just joke with me.
Here's a little experience from me that I can share with my friends in steam.

Thank you for your attention and apologize for all my shortcomings

Thank you so much for sharing your Facebook experience @fadhlan168.

I'm so happy to getting to know you more and more.

god bless you :)

Thank you @nathanmars I am also very grateful to be friends with you, hopefully what you dream into reality as you expect. nice to meet you, may your life happy. :)


Hi @nathanmars! Of those that appear this image I can say at least two but as I can only mention one I will say that for now my favorite social media application is YouTube because it is currently the most used to make my videos here on this platform, for me as a user it is very important and very helpful and is very easy to use. And through this I can reach many people and bring them faith and hope through music. Regards!!

Thanks for your answer.

Youtube is best for live music and music video creaters.

I'm happy to see you're already on Dlive and please keep exploring Dlive and Dtube.

Thanks for this clarification @nathanmars, Yes! Good thing I'm already venturing into Dlive and Dtube. I will continue working to improve every day my publications! My answer was based on what appeared in the image of this publication.

Hello friend @nathanmars to continue reinforcing this publication on the networks and to continue demonstrating the good thing that it is to use dlive here I leave my cover of today in dlive, also I put it in dtube to reach more people that can listen to this beautiful song. .. I hope you like, Greetings and Blessings !!

As I said earlier your voice so amazing and I like your singing :)

Please watch what other people are doing with Dlive, For example ..

Thank you very much @nathanmars, if I have seen the work of @melissakelliee and if I love it is really good I hope I can take things from it to improve my work. Greetings and thanks for your support!

You are right @nathanmars

This time Youtube is the best dtube / dlive . But dtube / dlive improve day by day . Every steemit user use dlive and dtube its a big chang to down youtube

I'm using Facebook for a couple of reasons, the main one being that I am home bound and Facebook allows me a place to interact with friends and family in a single arena. It allows me to interact and “participate” in their lives even though i am physically unable to be with them, wherever they may be.

Also, because I am a shut-in, I play a lot of “social” games, games that depend on friends and “neighbours” to complete goals. Facebook, is the only place that offers some of these games (8ball 🎱 , for example) and, having met and becoming friends with some of my co-gamers nearly five years ago, they have become very important to me. Our friendships have developed far beyond the constraints of the gaming world and they have become very real friends – friends that, often times, will notice my absence way before family or so called “real life” friends.

There is another reason , it is more secure and widely accepted way to keep up this same sort interaction with those people that make a difference in my life, I will remain on Facebook, guard myself and my life as diligently as possible. im saying this before I joined steemit.

Steem based app will offer more than Facebook did to your life.

Bring all of your Facebook friends to Steemit and they’ll be greatful for you in 2-3 years time

Hello @nathanmars, I have used a lot social media apps and I have to say this, that steemit is way above any of them.
Well my favorite before steemit is a bit difficult, as I never was so active on any of them.
I will say Twitter and Instagram both of them are better than other social media.
Instagram allows you access to photos and videos from many different people and also it gives you an open ground to look for people who have similar interest. And facebook can only show things about people you follow.
Although Twitter is a whole different story.
I see you have started question answer blog, well that is quite interesting I would love to see more questions.

Thank you for taking your time to answer.

Yes I kind of agree Twitter and Instagram are better social media. But I was surprised no one mentioned Reddit yet.

Q&A blog is a trail and error. I’m trying to figure out what is the best way that I could contribute to make SP worth $100.

I’ll keep trying to imagine new ways and find the best strategy soon.

I likeed Instagram and youtube before steemit. I didn't use Insta for money though. On instagram I liked to see photos of my favorite people and on youtube I like watching various videos like how to, some web series, workouts, yoga, mediation and sometimes various lectures on different things from IT to religion. Youtube is my all time favorite. :D

Thanks for answering the question.

I guess now you've some idea what kind of content you want to create with Steem Dapps.

Think about workouts, yoga, mediation and lectures on different things from IT to religion. You've so many to choose from :)

Yeah, I try to do my best dear :D Thank you!

Thanks @nathanmars for sharing this question. Personally my best is facebook I must say. Why facebook?? To me I find facebook having very many users compared to the rest of the apps and it is much more affordable compared to the rest. It takes less data and so if someone is a low income earner and can't afford data they would rather facebook. So it having a lot of people, I basically use it for advertising my personal stuff. Am a business lady that sells bags and I use facebook to advertise my products. Then the other reason why facebook is my best, it is much easier for one to find their old friends on facebook than it is on other social media platforms. Again facebook summarizes all the other activities of other apps for example you can post pictures and videos just like you tube and instagram. You can do a lot. Facebook also is a social media platform for everyone, what do I mean, it can be used by different age groups unlike most of the rest. I think I have said it all, to me facebook takes it all. Thanks for sharing once again.

Thanks for taking your time to answer.

Facebook is many people's favourite! We need business ladies on Steemit and we're happy to have you here :)

Also your experience with Facebook will help you so much with Steemit!

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