The Steemit Community And Its Weird Traits – 3 Ideas

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

I’m a fairly new user on Steemit. I have not been there when it all began, I did not witness all the changes myself. You might say I’m not experienced enough to talk about this topic, or bring forward ideas to change or improve the platform. However, I spent quite some time selling stuff to people. I’ve sold inexpensive and expensive things. I’ve sold tangible and intangible products. I know what it means to present to someone a product, that is, by any objective measurement, better than the other crap he might consider buying. I’ve failed at first and I’ve succeeded at last. I have to admit, Steemit is quite addictive, but you can’t help but shake this feeling of, that something is not quite right. I see some things holding us back from mayor adoption. I want to toss out some thoughts, see where it brings us. Thanks to @donkeypong for this awesome post that helps you understand how Steemit works and why it’s such a beautiful ecosystem. You helped me out a lot with your post, yet, you won’t earn shit for it (I’ll get to that later)

1. Issue: Bots


I see bots as a mayor problem. Let’s make an analogy to understand what’s happening. Think about a small beautiful village somewhere, a village with a strong community. There’s a lot of businesses, lots of people are making money, everybody serves a purpose. Some people are robots though. Not the Arnold killer type, more like “I, Robot”. They help people, perform actions for them, they are generally increasing the output of humans by aiding where needed. Sometimes though, they get abused. Rich robot owners buy their own products with the robots, creating hype, which attracts more customers, even though the products by others might be better. The owners try to outbid each other further and further, till one day, the system collapses because everyone loses trust in the system.

Let me underline my point: When we allow anyone other than a human being to decide which content is the best, we allow people with big pockets to dominate the market. You might have to outbid someone with shitty content to even appear on peoples’ screens (there are more reasons for that, but we’ll get to that later). Let me be clear about one thing: I used bots to upvote my content, and I will do so on this one. I have to, if everyone else does. The “You don’t have to do it because someone else does it” social pressure thing doesn’t work here. MONEY IS INVOLVED. I will upvote my own content if I’m confident in it. People notice it all of a sudden, they upvote it, I made money. Someone who might not have the means will remain insignificant in this system. If no one can use bots to upvote him or herself, I am not forced to do so either. I would be happy to see voting bots gone. You can’t rely on Karma or people’s consciousness to regulate this, when it’s about (a lot of) money. Never forget that. Also: If we stop using upvoting bots, we’ll actually have to start building relationships to receive attention. That’s called a community 🙂

2. Issue: Visual presentation/ Design/ Usability


Not talking about the colors, not talking about the style in general. I am talking about marketing. When you sell a product, the way you present it is key. Our product is content. There’s a lot of it, but there's also a shit-ton of noise. Lets take an online shop as an example. I am selling chandeliers and lamps in my online shop. I am giving customers big buttons to click on and different ways to browse through. There’s more than 1000 products, if people had to scroll though endless lists with tiny pictures, I wouldn’t sell shit. They would give up the search quickly. Instead, I put it in various categories or collections. I enable my customers to set filters, which enables you to blind out all the noise. You need giant pictures, and you should make use of the full screen. Look how Instagram arranges its “posts”, we could easily fit more Steemit posts on one page too. We could categorize, displaying the popularity of the category right next to it. We could filter out languages that we do not understand, or filter exactly those in if we want to learn the language. We could set up a filter that displays only posts with a certain amount of payout pending, if we want to help out some smaller, or bigger fish. Theres a million different filters that could be easily implemented.

3. Issue: No money for old posts


There is a lot of gems hidden in this blockchain, but some will never get the payout they deserve. I understand, the blockchain goes on and on and on. But if we are constantly “forced” to create new content, the general quality might suffer, whereas if you were to get indefinite payout for great content, you’ll probably put way more effort into it. After all, if great content attracts more users, you should get paid for it, no matter when it happens, right? The person who got 0,02$ payout for the next Harry Potter - because he had no clue how the hell those bots worked – will not profit from it after one week. Yet, the value of Steem will go up if someone found his content, signed up, and bought Steem. Isn’t blockchain all about justice? If we found a way to make people profit from old posts, it could really change the quality of content.

Now, I might be totally wrong about all this. Feel free to correct me, write down your thoughts. Again, I’m new, and I might be naive, or I’m overlooking some important points. But you know and I know we gotta improve a few things here. I’m off upvoting the shit out of this post to outdo this post, not that I have anything against this guy. I actually have no idea what’s written there, and neither does my audience, but we are competing for the same space, even though that makes no sense. Right?

Shoutout to @berniesanders, I’d love to hear your take on this.

Yours sincerely,


Some of my other posts below. Thanks for reading!

How To Explain Bitcoin To A Child
How To Explain Bitcoin To Your Parents/Girlfriend/Friend
Useful Links For Bitcoin, Virtual Currencies, Finances and Trading
How To Apply For A Job - Body Language And First Impressions
Building A Career - How To Deal With People + Do's and Don'ts
Sales Sales Sales - Things I Learned At Tesla And Enterprise
Colorchallenge Friday Sky-Blue : The Sky Over Marina/Croatia
Colorchallenge - Iceland - Photography - Landscapes - Waterfalls - Polar Lights
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Interesting suggestions! Expecting great things from you.

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Wow thank you so much! 👍😎

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These are good points. When I first started I didnt use bots and believed that good content would grow followers over time. I quickly became discouraged and almost have up on the platform! But now I have decided to use bots on my own stuff and use my very insignificant (for now) vote to help others. I plan on keeping that strategy as my vote value grows and hope that in the future I will build a community that will support each other and not need to use bots. That is a utopian ideal for sure, but something to strive for. I also like the idea of post making money in perpetuity; you are right; do a google search on anything to do with steemit or cryptocurrency and you will find the top ten populated by old, but still informative, steemit posts. I like the idea of people being able to earn forever on good content. There would have to be rules to hinder abuse, but I like the idea. Great post @nate.french, I look forward to more insightful posts!

Thanks for the comment ! I became discouraged quite quickly as well. But wanting to turn this thing into something great keeps me going. Opinions should get the upvotes, and the money! We need to make all those soulless posts go under, or disappear altogether. Right now, it's the other way around. Just look at the comment section on this post. Thanks for not being a zombie @stwbll 😊👍

Another idea is to maybe have vote power decided partially on participation instead of solely on steem power. Just as your vote power diminishes as it is used, the value should increase based on an algorithm that takes number of posts, recieved upvotes, given upvotes, curation etc. into account. This way youre not soley relying on others to help increase your power or just buying it with SBDs. Thoughts?

I also thought about having the power diminish if you are inactive, maybe even automatically moving it to active users. I'd love to hear a developers opinion if any of these ideas has ever been considered or even tested.

I would think that they would have at least considered some kind of reward for activity and if that is the case, I would like to hear their thooghts as to why they didnt do it also. Whether or not I agree with a situation, i still like to understand all the sides of the argument! I would like to be a fly on the wall during development meetings!

That sounds like a good idea indeed... Moving power away from inactive users, back into a pool, and from there on towards every active user, in a percentage of activity.
Should be possible, not sure if they’ve already tried it...

@nate.french your Article is nicely written congrats you won 2.50$ for bidding 1 SBD more improvements will let you earn 3x

Welcome to Steemit nate.french. Let me know if you got any questions about Steem or anything related to it! The official FAQ can be found here and has A LOT of information - Also remember, Steemit is just ONE of the sites built that uses Steem the blockchain. We also have DTube - our very own Youtube, DSound for Soundcloud and Steepshot if you prefer Instagram like experience. I'd also like to mention ChainBB - forums, Busy - Steemit with more modern look basically, DMania for memes and Dlive for streaming just like in Twitch! You can also earn Steem by gaming now! Search for Steemgar if that's more your thing. Welcome to the blockchain! :)

Excellent points and well written.
The best remedy for the bidbot mania within a monetarily-incentivized system I have come across is using and promoting the #nobidbot tag.

In a way this all starts because some don't give a damn about justice and constantly pay their way up even for low quality posts, elbow-mentality and "me first".

Excuse me for using these cheesy analogies but: the more people give in to the dark side, the stronger the pull of the dark side becomes.
In this weird way the current situation is somewhat of a cosmic test - will we continue the old monetary system scarcity and abuse game rules or decide to not make a deal with the tyrant and stand together, helping great content appreciate organically.

I have used bidbots in the past and I am glad to say that those times are over. The trending page is a nightmare ;)


Thank you so much, exactly my point. The more people use it, the more it drags people in. I'm sure we can still make some use of bots, but certainly not in the way that we are doing right now.

You have really made some excellent points.... What I think should be done is for the Steemit ambassadors to select by hiring, by now they should have known some dedicated writers, hire them and give them why they deserve then anyone who likes the post might upvote. Also, we writers should not just write any topic. We should propose topics, then they give us the authority to go ahead, after that they should check for plagiarism and content quality, if they need to edit, they should explain to the writer what he needs to change on and on like that...You should understand what I mean... If truly we aim to compete with some blog sites out there, things need to be changed.... I'm a dedicated writers but I've always gave this catastrophic phenomenon... 0.bla bla bla SBD.... Lol
I hope this post gets to the top steemians like Sir Ned Scott and his executives, we really need to make this platform a better place for dedicated content creators....

Thanks man! I like the idea of topics, thats the direction I was heading for with categories and filters.

thanks for this post. def agree with your points about the bots and the fact that older posts don't make any money.. i've found that if a post hasn't made anything after the first couple of days, it's probably done. as someone who is trying to put out quality articles that i hope maintain relevancy over time, it's kind of disconcerting to see so much emphasis being placed on new content. it also, like you say, encourages quantity over quantity...Those bots tho--how can they be stopped? and can someone who creates good content get buy on here without using them?

Unfortunately I don't know the technicals behind the issue. I assume however, you could implement simple captchas, or use bots to track down accounts that act "unhumanly" and deactivate them. I'd be happy to hear a developers take on this. If bots disappeared, we would be forced to actually meaningfully engage with the community I guess. We could still allow a certain amount of advertisement, as long as it's restrained to a reasonable level

Your spot on with your description of bots. I think they started as a way to help out minnows by boosting their posts a little bit. But becuase of human greed they have grown to what they are now and have taken over to the point where manual curation is declining. Manual curation is suppose to be the foundation of Steemit - the USERS decide what is valuable content and not bots!

I use bots from time to time myself - we are kind of forced to as a way to get our posts seen now - sad really!

I think the reason for the limited payouts is to cotninue to encourage us to keep fresh and pumping out new content - but I agree there are plenty of gems out there that never got the recognition they deserved!

Great read thanks!

Thank you @conradt. You really are forced to use bots, since you have a competitive disadvantage if you don't. No way to determine which content is regarded as better. In real life and old school media, theres plenty of well funded crap too. We started out to do it better though, didn't we?

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