Tour of The Thousand Islands in Jakarta-Indonesia
The Thousand Islands is one of the popular natural tourist areas in the Capital of the Republic of Indonesia, Jakarta. The location of the Thousand Islands which is not far from Jakarta makes this destination often become the target of a weekend escape for the citizens of Jakarta and other areas. Thousand Islands is an island cluster area located in the Bay of Jakarta. The Wilah itself is an administrative district of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta.
housand islands are different from the northern coastline in the region around Jakarta which is famous for its slums, dirty and poorly maintained. Thousand Island is just the opposite, very regular, clean, clear sea water and the scenery is very beautiful. In fact, the Thousand Islands get the nickname Maldiven van Java which refers to the beauty of tropical islands lined up like in the Maldives. The Thousand Islands has hundreds of islands that are largely uninhabited.
taste in heaven ..😊
The Thousand Islands has hundreds of islands scattered and uniquely most of the islands are uninhabited. Although many are uninhabited, but it does not prevent tourists to visit and enjoy the beauty of the dish of the existing islands. @tours @photography
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