How To Make 1000$ A Day On STEEMIT Step By Step Guide !

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Ladies and gentleman today's episode is going to be dedicated to how to make a 1000$ per day easily on steemit !

so lets get started now...

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I've been working with steam it for a while, and this is a new plan I've devised and with we go If we work together. If we all work together this is gonna be an easy way to make a 1000$ a day on steam it's. So steam it for those of you get they don't know steam it's decentralized a social media platform that rewards the users for contributed content by uploading. So in other words when you get the more uploads you get the more money you get and they pay in steam. But you can transfer the steam to other cryptocurrencies and it's a good way to make a few extra bucks. Now a few people are doing extremly well on steam and how you succeed on steam it obviously the main way people think is by having mor followers. But in reality i got like 500 followers on there and most of them don't really pay a lot of mind to my posts and upvoting so i came up with this idea and so this idea is to use a tag so we're gonna start a new tag called Vincent Be ok.

Nw this tag you inserted when you start a new page I'll. I'll use a new post that is when you put the post down underneath it'll have keywords or tags. It says tags you can use up to four tags you know spaced with no comma, four tags now we're gonna have our own tag. Our own tag our own tag it's gonna be Vincent B okay.

So you're gonna put that all one word Vincent to be it's gonna be one tag the last tag that you put on there so, then you publish the article, when you open the article that you just published. If you go and scroll down and you see the tags, if you click on that Vincent B tag it's gonna open up another page on steem it.
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This shows you all of the articles in chronoloical order that have the tag Vincent to be on there, so here's what we're gonna do as a community. Nobody is using this tag at the moment as a community. We're all gonna start using the Vincent B tag now daily. I'll do it a few different times a day. I will go to the Vincent B page and i'll upvote everyone that has used the tag Vincent B.

Now i have two steam accounts, all we really need it's about 500 people to join this circle. Every day publish articles and upvote articles with the Vincent B tagged. Because all it takes is about 500 upvotes and you make about 1,300$ USD! You know in steam dollars so that's a pretty penny because i know we've been doing picks, and picks have been doing great.
But a lot of people don't necessarily have enough capital to really make some serious money investing in crypto. So i said well what's a good way for people to earn money online using the decentralized platform, like well steam, it's good. So how can we optimize steam it well if we create a community and it's kind of built on trust. Because everybody has to contribute to get back , if everybody posts and nobody upvotes then we're not gonna get anywhere.

It may take a little like an hour everyday to upload 500 people, but if we do it diligently every day we can all make a great deal of money. Like i said we need 500 to 1000 people in our circle anymore and it get you know it gets over the overboard.

There is a Facebook group, it's like steam a promotion and i post there sometimes but people are not engaging each other posts. They don't up vote everybody's stuff; people just go on that facebook page and they dump their links and leave. Now this is not what we want here and that's why i said i'm thinking the tag is the best way to do it.

So you don't have to open new pages every time, when you open up that tag you can just upload people's articles going scrolling down without event opening up the article. Now this creates kind of a snowball effect, because once you hit about hundred up votes, your article will be trending and more people will see it. There aren't necessarily involved in our little inner group, this is the key so this is how we're gonna test it out.

I have two accounts, so that's two off the bat i think you know even with one video we can get a few hundred and few days we'll have 500 people in our circle. Telling you take an hour out of your day to open up that tag, after you publish your article and upload at least a few hundred people at least a few hundred people will be able to tell. If people are giving back to the community as much as they recive, because it'll be a disportionateately telling you, you get back what you put in and it's not a lot of time to upload some other people's content.

So they'll get more ice and it'll start trending and i'll create the snowball effect, so let's start doing it like i said you use the Vincent to be tagged or one word in the text. So you can only choose four so you're running a cryptocurrency article, you start with like crypto Bitcoin, crypto currency, and then put Vincent B tag in there.

When people open that Vincent B tag from the newly created article, it'll show all the articles with that tag just scroll down and give them some upvote. So you really want to do good, leave some comments you can follow them. So you can follow each other and we can gain more followers on our steam it too.

But this daily ritual of going and uploading everyone's stuff, is gonna allow us all to make a lot of money. Now this is I know, this is a little you know should be shady if you want. But in the end we got to get whatever advantage we can the system, it's not necessarily built to help you succeed.

I haven't gotten anywhere in life without breaking a little bit of the rules, i'm not saying break the law but break the rules. You got to do what you got to do to get where you want to be and this is a good way for us all to benefit as a community. So try to do it like i said, i have a steamie account. I'll put in my Steam account in the comments, and you guys tell me what you think post an article today, any article share, anything and it doesnot have to be our crypto.
About anything and in that section put the Vincent B tag and once you publish the article you can click on that tag inside your article, and i'll open up that page showing everybody's articles that have the same tag.

Just go and just start uploading; I will commit to up voting at least 500 per day from both my accounts. As you guys know i work from home that is what I do, so I have time on my hands. If anything else and i will put this time and effort to be the first, because you know I can't say to do it in that I'm not doing it myself.

So I'll invest and does this invest in time to do this and hopefully will reap som rewards. I mean think a thousand dollars a day, if we all start making an extra 1,000$ a day. A lot i know it'll help a lot of people get enough money to really start doing some serious crypto investing i'm telling you, you start doing this you could hit that million dollars in a year easy, when you combine it with cryptocurrency investments.

Listening to my picks of course so we're going to start doing that I'll leave some detailed instructions, i guess in the description but i think this pretty much sums it up. You know we're gonna do it with this tag I think that's the most effective way to use it it's an obscure tag right now. Nobody is using this tag, I posted the first article that has this tag so we're gonna be using as a community. Aanyone using the Vincent B tag is part of our up voting circle.

So let's be kind to each other and let's try to reach our common goal. Also in closing one last thing, my mother recently got a corgi puppy. It was adorable, here's a picture the name is Buttercup. She's asked me if I could help her get more followers on her Facebook page, i think ultimately she's gonna try to do a Facebook page instead of youtube with little video.

The Corgi you know i said i would help and i gotta get back in my mother's good graces, I took a real big Rhino poop in the guest bedroom, a while back when i was really drunk. So you know now I'm not really in the good graces, so if you guys could I'll leave a link and if you go to the Facebook page and drop a like it'll take you five minutes, and really it will do a world of good. It make my mother very happy right now.

I think she has like 20 likes, on there so it's just like friends and family and I'm trying to give it some attention. Because it's a really adorable dog, and for me i think that it would be a good thing for her to do little videos. A lot of times people want to start off the day, by seeing something cute, something adorable and with something like that it the niche is huge. Because everyone like animals, erveryone loves puppies, what can you go wrong, so you guys will do that for me.

Thank you so much like I said, you can do this immediately as far as steam it, post an article use Vincente be tagged and do it I will be throughout the day today up voting everyone's tough to kind of get this going. So we can all make some profits this obviously is not as much for me you know, because I already make decent money but i can always use an extra thousand a day. But it's really because so many people i know, don't have the necessary capital to make some serious crypto investing so like. So what can we do here, well let's start a group, let's go to Luke with a tag other people. Have tried to do this but no one's did it with the tag, and I think that's the most effective way because if you have to open everyone's post that's a lot of time that is you know the vault opening each page. Like with using the tag you can just scroll down and then why use another social media platform to you, were working with steam then let's create the community !

Happy Steaming !

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