This is why STEEM will be the de facto base currency of the Internet

in #steemit7 years ago

Despite bitcoin being popular as form of payment in stores around the world, the reality is that the transaction cost, speed and ease of use prevents it from being used as a transaction medium. By this very simple definition, it cannot be considered money if people can't use it in way that their brain is naturally accustom to. I want to give you why STEEM is an unstoppable force that will revolutionize money.

STEEM as a form of money

Money, for as long as it has existed within our minds, and as a socially acceptable construct, must have several properties.

  1. It must have no fees to pass from one person to another
  2. It cannot be counterfeited
  3. It must be widely accepted and recognized.

If we think about each time we spend cash, we can freely give it from one person to another with zero fees, instantly and we almost never worry about counterfeit money. This is what made paypal so popular in the early 2000s, and what makes Venmo increasingly popular today. In conjunction with that, we are also supremely aware of each time we have to pay a fee to move money and how frustrating it is to pay the fee. Examples include paying for a money order, paying a 3% surcharge to counter usage fees for your debit or credit cards and so on.

Yet we have to accept this, because there is no other way around it - until the blockchain was created. Now I won't got into all of that because that information is out there already. Instead, I want to suggest that STEEM is the future base currency of the internet and the troubles that we will face as we become that currency.

Parallels and examples from real life, and why STEEM will be the defacto base currency of the internet.

Throughout history, technologies have emerged that revolutionize humanity for the better. Certain key technologies have caused what is equated to in the stock market, as a gap in price, upwards. David Morris, a Technology Journalist from The University of Iowa spoke at a TEDx event 3 years ago in 2015 and compared blockchain in the following way, which I think is a brilliant way to look at it.

The car did for transportation
The telephone did for communication

How accurate are these statements?

Lets look at each one and see if we can draw an accurate parallel. First we need to establish how money works in today's age.

Money and how it travels from one place to another

Money needs to circulate, otherwise it would not be money and it would be as useful as the extra shot glasses collected throughout your vacations.

In order for money to move from one place to another, historically, someone would need to take it and move it for you, which may take days, weeks, months, depending on where it was being sent.

Today, money moves significantly faster, but most of us won't realize that it still takes a few days to clear. Checks still take up to 5 days to clear, bank wires still take 24 hours, etc,. and everything else is setup on a system of credit rather than money. It is important to emphasize that we are talking about moving money, not moving credit!

In order for money to move from one part of the world to another, the money itself must pass through several services and verification methods to authenticate it as it travels. This is where the concept of a trusted 3rd party comes into play. Most often, the trusted party is either a private bank or a clearing house. Both act as middle men who help facilitate the movement of money from one individual to another. This service is not free and it often means that a service fee is often associated with them. Despite paying for the service, the fastest transaction will take at least 1 business day to clear in a well developed modern society. Examples of this would be wire transfers, direct deposits or services such as western union.

The only other way to move faster, would be to utilize a centralized credit system rather than money, such as Visa or Mastercard etc.

Now that we understand money, lets look at other examples in real life to compare to:

The car and transportation

Before the invention of the car, land travel was limited by trains and horses. Trains required large banks to fund and operate, which is restrictive. Horses on the other hand, although ancient, allowed us the freedom to move where we wanted to, but maintaining a horse was a rather uncommon thing and time consuming task for most of the population.

When oil was discovered, and the combustion engine developed, the car became the king of personal transportation and people knew this. A whole industry was created around the car and there was a massive expansion of the oil industry as well as massive sponsorship of public roadways. The car literally revolutionized transportation with an intense amount of speed and flexibility when compared to the horse. The car became the new standard and in comparison, the only thing that could make the car obsolete is teleportation and helicopters, one does not exist, and the other is literally too dangerous and expensive to be in common use right now.

The car revolutionized transportation.

Telephone and Communication

Before the telephone, or rather, any form of electronic communication, messages were sent physically by messengers which took days to deliver. When the telephone was invented, the technology grew rapidly, and the infrastructure needed to support it grew rapidly. Much like cars, the technology was so good, that it was adapted rapidly. Messages could be sent instantly over long distances. Overtime the original telephone technology was overcome by wireless telephones and the only way for the wireless telephone to become obsolete is telepathy, which, for all intents and purposes, is not feasible for our pewny human brains.

The telephone revolutionized communication.

Lastly, blockchain and money

Money, as we established, takes days to move from one location to another. At the end of the day, we can be charged some rather high fees to move money around. Wire transfers cost up to $50 for a full transaction, western union is based on a percentage of what you send, and all other methods that are "free", costs several days of waiting.

But just like the telephone and the car, blockchain will change all of that and turn the movement of money into an instantaneous thing and STEEM will become a key component to that.

Why STEEM is in position to transform the way money behaves

Steem has already established itself as the number one blockchain that has scalable bandwidth through its dPoW. This modularity allows it to be controlled by the people through elected witnesses rather than the mess of what is associated with pure decentralization, which is often a red herring in disguised.

Steem transaction times are extrenely fast and for all intents and purposes, it is near instantaneous with consistent 3 second confirmations times. Steem also provides built in security and trustworthiness through its reputation counter and the ability to power up your steem, which doubles as a form of safeguard from theft. It also allows anonymity if you elect to do so.

Steem has reached many parts of the world and provided instant access to steem coins (once the account is created) .

Steem bypassess the need for clearing houses and puts the control of money back into the hands of the user since a trusted 3rd party is no longer needed.

The infrastructure of steem has been laid out already and the technology has been developed. The only thing we are missing is the marketing needed to inform the public and to further the spread of this technology on a large scale. This is where the efforts of the team and any other developer in the past year has worked tremendously hard to achieve.

While the people on often find fault in the blockchain through abuse by individuals, the grander picture is that it simply does not matter because the scale of the blockchain is still rather small. All of the existing abuses is scattered background noise from the lack of clarity that small usership brings.

Once other platforms fall, the migration of users on to Steembased services will be explosive and the rewards pool will be significantly harder to manipulate.

Possible future struggles

When someone logs onto any of the steem derived networks today, they might see a great future potential once they understand it, but they will likely see a comical current usage fraught with abuses from individuals that appear to be circle jerking each other for upvotes. It is important that we evolve out of this behavior, and the only way to do this, is to increase the number of users on the network before mass marketing occurs.

This is principal reason why I think the developers have not yet marketed themselves. They are working tirelessly to perfect the communities feature and SMT's which is the main product of the steem blockchain.

The next difficulty that is commonly suggested is the "rewards pool rape". Without going into the technical aspects of it, the rewards pool is created out of inflation, which will reduce from 9.5% to 0.95% in approximately 20 years. In all, approximately 48,000 new steem is added to the rewards pool each day, which means that as usership grows, the amount of people fighting for that rewards pool grows and grows each day, and each person controls less of the rewards pool.

The reality is that the only way to have access to the rewards pool is to interact with the blockchain community. If you choose not to, then you are simply riding the wave of the growth of the platform. Everyone else is fighting to earn coins instead of purchasing them. The ability to earn the coins though, is a key component of the blockchain since it allows access to the funds without buying into, something that allows global growth. People do not understand the gravity of this right now since their vision is short sighted to themselves and how they can earn their own coins.

In conclusion, STEEM is in a good position to be the de facto base currency of the internet, and it is important to not lose sight of this. While the developers appear to be looking away from the website and letting it destroy itself, the reality is that they are focused on SMTs and communities. If they do not launch this product, everything on this blockchain will essentially becomes a novelty item and just an experiment.


I've worked in conjunction with @edgecelize to develop a fashionable way to wear your addiction to the steem blockchain! I want to team up with users to give away some free shirts as a way to promo the blockchain! If you run contests for SBD giveaways with a large connection to users and want to help me promo the shirt, by running a giveaway contest, give me a shout! Check out the link below to my announcement and reach out to me!



Great article. The analogies are spot on, but let me play devil's advocate a little bit:

"Despite bitcoin being popular as form of payment in stores around the world, the reality is that the transaction cost, speed and ease of use prevents it from being used as a transaction medium"

Doesn't bitcoin's LN network supposedly solve those issues?

Secondly, isn't bitcoin's consensus algo & network more battle-tested and more secure than Steemit's dPOS, which means bitcoin would be more trusted, and thereby capture a large share of global value transfer?

I enjoy devils advocate, but the only thing you said that is true is that btc is battle tested. Whether or not it is as secure as dpos, is a squash. Both have a balanced ledger and as far as trust goes, anyone who uses steem or btc understands both are truth worthy. People just know one more than the other.

As for the lightning network, it's suppose to reduce traffic and reduce fees, but it's still not fee less and it will never overcome the speed of steem for finalizing transactions. It's intent is to have off blockchain transactions using side chains, so you still have 10minute confirmations times once you are back in the chain.

Steem is a flawed concept in that the reward pool is a wide open target. For Steem to become this "true currency", adopted by millions, they need to tighten up a multitude of areas of the reward process.

what if there were 1 million users with an upvote each worth 1 cent? that voted on a post. what would happen to that rewards pool?

If we just scaled linearly and there were 1 million active users, considering some estimates are around 30-50k users right now... let's be generous and guess the top end, that's only 20x the users to 1 mil, I am lol'ing at the idea of how much ram those servers would need to run the network.

No wonder Dan left at first place. LOL. Need to look at EOS.

EOS is a hard pass for me simply because of what will happen when people in the wider population find out who is involved in the project.

I certainly agree that STEEM is revolutionary and has the ability to change the internet with specific regards to social media. The upside is really high, but there is a lot of work to do to stay ahead of the game and keep things from falling a part at the same time. I wish the STEEM developers crew the best of luck and I’m pulling for them to knock it out of the park! Thanks for the post!

social media has engaged much more than just the original intent of facebook, geocities and such. So i would say, with specific regard to social media based services, its going to go a long way. Look at how instagram as created a whole new approach to marketing!

Your ideas are pretty solid but it is going to take a lot more acceptance of crypto in the world for it to work!

How much of crypto is actually getting used, and how much is being traded speculatively or hoarded?

This is the main issue right now... people is translating the same old rules from the failed financial system to this new world of crypto... trying to speculate in the same Wall Street way... Not many people is using crypto to actually transact in the real world. I'm actually working on a project to promote real use of crypto by communities, because I believe is what is needed in order for crypto to go mainstream.

the key to what you are saying here is "real use of crypto by communities". The thing is that people outside of the crypto world will NEVER think to, or want to use tokens because they have zero need to. my parents still dont know how to use a credit card!

True, but when the world does realizes its true value most fiat currencies will become a thing of the past, I think we are getting there!

this is 100% not true. Crypto is still fiat!

I still think that STEEM won't be base currency of the Internet. There are more popular crypto like ETH, which will take the market. STEEM is good alternative, but it won't be that popular.

Excellent information. very disaggregated and analyzed stealthily. Greetings from Venezuela

You got a 16.46% upvote from @postpromoter courtesy of @motoengineer!

Want to promote your posts too? Check out the Steem Bot Tracker website for more info. If you would like to support the development of @postpromoter and the bot tracker please vote for @yabapmatt for witness!

This is a very good post you made here and I agree with you in several ways.. but then again I once thought of linking my e-commerce business and use Steem Dollars as a form of payment, but then the volatility seriously confused me when I was thinking about pricing of my goods. Despite having all these awesome features such as 3 seconds payment and zero fees transaction.. The volatility is still a confusing factor..

The first issue was how much should I charge my customers.. And someone suggested me that I should charge it according to USD value of the present price of Steem Dollars at the time of selling, but then again its confusing.. how do I decide about payments with my suppliers and courier service agents..

Moreover, there is still a huge fees involved, what I mean is that if I want to pay others I have to pay them in fiat currencies.. And as for SBD, I can't directly convert them, I first need to convert them into BitCoin and then to Cash. There is that big fees involved.. So I would like to ask your opinion regarding this small problem that is currently not allowing me to conduct my e-commerce business and using Steem blockchain as a payment method.. For a small scale business like mine these converting and transaction fees can get very expensive, which eventually has to be covered by my customers and thus increase in price and losing customers to competitors that can offer lower price.. That's why at present my business is limited to local area market and fiat cash on delivery payment..

I agree. Price volatility makes any crypto at this point hard to use as an actual currency.

The volatility is a separate issue. Volatility is a function of either high demand, low product volume, or very large changes in the overall sentiment of things. The key reason why volatility will reduce in steem as it grows is that more accounts will have more and more coins locked up in steem power. This will cause stabilty. Also why its locked into a 13 week vesting schedule. Dont forget that before it was 13 weeks, it was 10 months!

As far as fees go, thats a unique thing to all cryptos. Unfortunately, commerce for someone who is interested in taking SBD is great, but if they are just interested in taking in SBD and then converting it over, they would have problems. This is always going to be true for any currency, as long as it is not your home currency. The solution to this is a larger SBD only based net work, where you are spend the sbd you earn only.

I agree, transaction fees and scalability are the two biggest hurdles in crypto right now. Steem tackles both issues very well!

Yeah, you're right bro :)

You are right, but first, we have to get beyond treating Steem as an investment. As long as it's treated like an investment, people will try to hoard it.
A second problem is that we get stuck in a rut. There are very creative people on Steemit, but some of the current whales are shutting down that creativity, because they disagree with the rewards that people are getting.
SMT's might get around that problem. But then you'd have a small supply of those and people would be tempted to sit on them.
How would you get around that?

This is a problem, but ultimately, not a very long standing one. Creative people were once on youtube, and there will always be more creative people to fill the gap. Even if you disenfranchise 10,000 of the best on steemit, there are millions to replace them in the future.

At the end of the day, those that stay with it will succeed if they aren't blinded by the hate of whales. Simultaneously, no one should be quitting their day job for something that is still working out the kinks. No one worth their own salt will quit their creative endeavours because of steem whales. If you did, you lost the fight before you even began.

I will say though, that disagreement on rewards is a healthy thing, but it might be abused in negative ways that need to be dealt with. The issue is that the same mechanism that people want to put into place to combat it, is often counterintuitive because it attacks the same mechanism that allows great posters to earn on posts. This core concept is freedom of speech, and the speech component is exercise through upvoting.

Yes, but on YT there is only 1 whale of consequence: the Google.

Here there are many.

But thinking about it, there are many whales smashing YT, but they're Big Corporate and not really part of the ecosystem, other than massive investors.

I tend to be in line with Joseph above.

May i jump in with a question?

  • Why do whales hate the minnows ?
    This is new to me.. among lot's of other things i am reading here :-(

OK. There is a lot of info here to absorb. And I like STEEM, the idea of Steemit is great. The STEEM blockchain is the "best". But there are kinks that need to be worked out, which the developers are in the process of doing. (these are all my generalized interpretations of the goal of the post).

My issue with the ideology of STEEM when compared to the ideology of cryptocurrency as a whole is the aspect of decentralization. In my very basic understanding of decentralization by the various "proof" methods employed. And then my gripe with the STEEM system is that it is more of a decentralized republic or representative decentralized cryptocurrency.

And this is solely because the ideology of crypto currency is a decentralized system that is able to be self secured.

Which is where i believe the "crypto" part of the compound word cryptocurrency was derived from. Crypto = hidden. which can be interpreted as something that is hidden is safe and in the realm of money/currency it is secured.

and due to the popular understanding or connotations associated with the idea of hidden or secret. _crypto_currency gets a bad rap. people think the idea is to hide money or use it for things that want to be hidden.

And then my gripe with the STEEM system is that it is more of a decentralized republic or representative decentralized cryptocurrency.

You would be right in some sense. It is not a republic because the laws are encoded, but they can be changed, making it a democratic republic. I don't get the words "representative decentralized" though.

You seem to suggest that this is better than the anarchy employed by other security systems such as PoW. Is that right?

You seem to suggest that this is better than the anarchy employed by other security systems such as PoW. Is that right?

i dont understand either enough to say which is better. but the speed and efficiency (from my understanding) of the STEEM blockchain would lead me to superficially believe that it is better.... does that complex response clarify my position on this?

I don't get the words "representative decentralized" though.


yeah i'm basically saying the same thing as "democratic republic" or "representative democracy"

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