Steemit meetup & Motorcycle probs

in #steemit7 years ago

The good news first! I got to participate in the video that @kommienezuspadt is doing and was fun to meet local steemers! After we all hung out yesterday then I went home to take care of a few things and of course wheelie!

We went to a bonfire that night and that was really nice. I loved getting to know everyone personality and at the end of the night @lovejoy asked a few funny super power questions and I really had a great time! My favorite way to hang out now is just spending quality time with like minded individuals! Pic below is me and @vermillionfox she is soooooo adorable and so encouraging when it comes to my drawings!! I will make an art post soon <3

I was able to go home before the bonefire and I found out my sticky back phone case sticks very well on my car to get video of me doing wheelies on the xr50. Unfortunately, I could not get it today on the bike. I kept losing control, tire was slipping etc! Well my rear tire is flat ughhhh swear it never ends! Always something :/

Least I rode since Sunday – Friday well.. tried to but now I need to fix it. I think it’s time to put my big girl panties on and go try big bike Sunday. Since I am still leery of everyone and upset how it all went down that day. I decided that I will go early before anyone shows up and then if I get hurt my friend R1 is on call via text since he lives only 10min away from the lot. I am nervous but I know I need to do this. I will document tomorrow er today technically.

I have a lot going on especially with my motorcycles errgh. My F4i stunt bike needs the brakes to be bled, yellow bike needs oil change and forks done, and now 50 needs a new tube maybe for the tire. So much going on and I just want to wheelie! I feel so behind everyone else at the lot and really want balance point idle wheelies to click in my head.

I will keep posting my progress, attempts, fixing shiet and what not! Still can not believe how long it took before I realized that tire was flat... lmao WOW! [facepalm] I always forget to check my bikes before I ride them.

Also, I should intro my bikes to you all! I need to name the 50 yet and then I can do a intro post on each of them and how/why I acquired them <3

I don't mean to post so late but my days get wrapped up in soooo many things! I will post tomorrow in the afternoon since I will go to the lot in the morning!
xoxo Moony


I bought my first motorcycle about 6 weeks ago... I crashed it the second day, with a mistake I shan't make twice, and broke my jaw. I no longer have that bike, but I'm getting ready to buy a new one and start learning anew (against the advice of most everyone I know who doesn't ride a bike, lol). I moved to Acapulco some months back, and it's quite clear that bikes are far superior for cities and mountains alike, and Acapulco is both.

That story is on Steem: Part 1, Part 2 -- just in case you're interested. :-) Part 1 has pics of the bike, part 2 has pics of a badly damaged me. As always, many thanks to @lily-da-vine for having documented and written up that story. She just posted her reflections from that whole ordeal yesterday, which includes some of my own, secondhand.

I don't know much about bikes; I'm primarily a blockchain architect/engineer by trade, and a student of life in general. Perhaps by following your content I'll start learning a bit more. :-)

Thanks for posting! Until next time... :-)

Oh shit man! That's rough... I love your spirit, and the desire to get back on a motorcycle after that is admirable.
I didn't know you moved to Acapulco! ...also epic. And yeah, motorcycles are the most versatile modes of transport.... well, provided you have the right tread. I tried to ride out of some podunk Northern California farm once, uphill on a dirt road with my Honda CB500 on street tires, in the rain... I will never do that again! I laid that bike down several times, it was gnarly. I'm off to read about your adventure now! :) Cheers.

Good to hear from you, @lovejoy! Yeah, motorcycles just make sense here. And they're fun. :-P There's no good reason not to get another one, plenty of reasons to do so!

While I had that first bike, I went riding on a beach, and I definitely got a feel for what you mean about the tread. That was tricky business.

And yep, I'm in aca now. I'm loving it so far. It looks like a great place to start building a community of likeminded people, probably not dissimilar to what it sounds like you've got going on there in Minneapolis. We've got lots of plans. :-) I'd love it if you came to visit sometime! I'll have room:

With any luck, I'll be closing a lease on that place on the morrow. :-)

Good to hear from you too! I still have footage of the 'you're going to miss me when i'm gone song', hah! glad that didn't become prophetic! It's too soon to miss you permanently!

I'm only in Minneapolis for certain, until 9/1, and then I've got two months to travel about / prepare for travel. I'm setting up a mobile, tactical, crypto film production unit. ;) So I will definitely consider a visit to Aca, before or possibly after Steemfest. Will you be at Steemfest?

Holy smokes that mansion looks amazing!

Ahh that's right, I read about your upcoming adventures. Good luck! Sounds like a lot of fun, and I look forward to watching what comes out of it. Hope to see you out this way :-D

Idk about being at steemfest, haven't seriously thought about it yet. Possibly. :-)

Yeah the mansion is crazy. I never saw myself as the Acapulco mansion type, but now I'm here and it's so cheap... Why not? It'll be great for renting out rooms or hosting friends, even if I don't live there all the time. We'll see what happens. I don't see myself as a mansion dweller long term, but I'll be fun and useful for a while. :-)

@modprobe That is insane! I haven't had an accident involving anything other than me sending my own bike for wheelies. Many were against me riding for many reasons but didn't stop me! Get back on! It is so worth it :)

I read the stories and that was gruesome! Were you wearing a helmet at all? I lived in Cuernavaca for some time but I don't really remember if helmets were common.

I don't know much either; I have been riding since Aug 2014 and learn something new about them quite often!

Haha, it was quite an experience. I'm glad I had it, though, I learned, and continue to learn, a lot about myself and the world from the ordeal.

Nope, no helmet. I think I'll probably wear one on now until I get comfortable with motorcycles, but in general, helmets aren't my thing.

@modprobe I may squid but I always wear a helmet/gloves. I've seen nasty spills and hit my head learning to stunt. Thankful for the helmets protection and I think they just look bad ass! Glad to hear you will wear one for awhile at least!

Hey, glad to see another post from you! I had a lot of fun the other day... that was an epic Steemit day. Thanks for coming out and kicking it at the bonfire... The minor super-powers convo got crazier, and crazier, with @mada @mbarr and @bede bringing it to ever greater levels of absurdity. I will of course, make a post about it. ;)

@Lovejoy Hey thanks! Documenting my bike stuff is really fun! Currently working on another one :) haha That was a great question to get all of our creativity going! I really hope you convince @kommienezuspadt to illustrate them haha! Thanks again for having the bonfire was so nice!

The photos are excellent, you looks pretty, great positions, the bikes is machine, the hangout is cool. I admire the way you mix picture and give detail explanation. keep it coming I am enjoying every bite of it.

Beautiful photos

thank you!

nice post, love my bikes.

Upvoted and followed

@handsolo Thank you! What do you ride?

You're welcome. I'm on foot at the moment as I live in Venezuela and the roads here are death for bikers. My last bike was a CBR400 Rossi replica with full race tune. It was a great little bike and fast. I've had quite a few bikes over the years

Nice to meet a fellow biker. Have a great day