
If you didn't read anything of my comment that could sound about right.

What did you aim to get from buying a vote on the 6th day?

I bought on the 4th day, where are you getting this 6th day nonsense? maybe because your bot is set to hit anyone using @sneaky-ninja (which allows boosting up to 6 days)... shouldn't you be after sneaky-ninja instead of minnows? or does he have too much sp...

Not talking to you.

Let's just Be real here...

By stripping your rewards then upvoting himself from the same reward pool he has returned your rewards to, he is actually out right stealing your money.

Plain and simple.

This behavior is actually illegal basically everywhere in the world. He is a straight up thief, that's all there is to it.

Quick call the police or something.

I muted this moggy but then realized that other steemians ought to see what this account is doing and the kind of posts he is stealing from.

yes as many as possible should

My aim was to promote good steemians, steemit and steemfest. Any money I make on steemit gets reinvested into steemit. I have not cashed out a cent in the whole time I have been on this platform. There will always be bad actors and you are a prime example. Why did you give yourself $90+ that's the real question? How much have you taken from this platform?

Congratulations you got my first ever flag.
michael mulcahy.jpg

Did it cross your mind to wonder how much I've invested in the platform, giving value to the token you're holding?

Did it cross your mind that I too have invested time, money and travel into the platform and this post that you flagged was promoting steemit?

invested travel into the platform

How cute.

No pain, no gain.

Exactly my thought. Steals from minnows. He's a total dick. There are whales aware of his actions, expect the hammer to come down soon.

          To be fair, @grumpycat has let people know what would happen when using system abusive bots. He has also tried to illustrate the hazards of self voting to the system. To complain to him about a self vote when you yourself self voted is not really fair. The threat of violence against an individual that has not threatened violence is wrong.
          He did not Flag your Quality post he flagged you for buying votes from an "irresponsible" vote seller. It has nothing to do with the quality of you post content.
          For @steembetter based on your comment "He's a total dick." is the author of this post also one, or was your statement just to try and piss on @grumpycat, because @molometer also upvoted his own post. I guess it is only theft and that a person is only a dick when you disagree with them.

Sneaky Ninja does not fund spam or abuse in anyway and is in no way irresponsible. This cat is simply a theif, stealing your money as well as so many others. Not to mention raping the reward pool heavily in the process. This rule of his is not real. It is simply his way of covering up the massive reward pool rape he is conducting on our platform.

In fact, if you would like to see what steps Sneaky Ninja has taken to fight bid bot abuse see this post and this post. There is also much more being done behind the scenes right now.

@sneaky-ninja is a very responsible bot. This is simply slander to hide all of his ill gotten gains.

Sneaky Ninja is voting and using his vote the way he sees fit. Grumpycat is voting and using his vote as he see fit. No one is stealing anything from anyone. Your self voting or selling of your vote is your business. Grumpycats selling or blocking your selling or neutralizing your vote is not stealing. I can not speak to the terms "Slander" as I am not a lawyer.

The FAQ is clear your vote is your vote and you are allowed to use it as you see fit to include upvoting of your own post and comments. The only theft that is or can be conducted is asking people for money for a service and not providing that service.

There is a lot of talk about self votes, down votes and one person giving huge votes to another person. When you look at it there is no theft going on. Neither you, grumpycat, haejin, nor myself are guaranteed a certain amount of SBD/Steem. It is all based on percentages of what is available. is the owner of the reward pool. Not you, me, grumpycat, lordrancho or what ever his name is. It is's money. If they feel the reward system needs to be changed, they can change it. If they feel someone is to big for their britches they can fix it.

He did not Flag your Quality post he flagged you for buying votes from an "irresponsible" vote seller. It has nothing to do with the quality of you post content.

I suppose I should have phrased that as - - - what he considers an irresponsible - - -

But I do not think I have ever mentioned any of the vote bots by name until about 1 hour ago on another post. The only people that make money on a vote bot are the vote bot owners, and I have no problem with that, as I do not use the vote bots.


the action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person's reputation.
"he is suing the TV network for slander"

make false and damaging statements about (someone).
"they were accused of slandering the head of state"
synonyms: defame (someone's character), blacken someone's name, tell lies about, speak ill/evil

the action of damaging the good reputation of someone; slander or libel.

Legally what he is doing fits both of these, lawyer or not.

As far as stealing goes...

When you strip rewards from a person doing no wrong, knowing those rewards go back to a pool that you then immediately take self appointed rewards from that very same pool....

You have just stole their money plain and simple.

Disagreement on rewards - - is not stealing from anyone. @transisto has made that abundantly clear to several individuals. There can be no theft from the reward pool. Payout is done when payout is done, and payouts can be voted up or down until a certain time.