Top 3 Featured Newcomers of the Day - 6.4.2022

in #steemit2 years ago

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Hello Steemit Users !!

I'm an investor and a Cryptocurrency Trader on this platform. Today I will bring the Top 3 Newcomers who have submitted their Achievement 1 post in the Newcomers Community.

1st Introduction Post Submitted by @adeknisam

Image Taken from the Author

Hello pengguna steemet perkenalkan,nama saya
irmanudin tapi saya di panggil bang adek Nisam saya dari Nisam Aceh Utara,saya menetap di kota Lhokseumawe tepatnya di jalan pelabuhan umum desa Blang Naleung mameh dusun rancong baro.
Lahir pada tanggal 4 Maret 1973 dari pasangan HajiTeuku berdamsyah
almarhum dengan Hajjah Ummiah
Di Keutapang..

Saya mempunyai empat saudara,yg satu sudah mendahului kami menghadap sang Khaliq..dan saya mempunyai kakak bernama Rusnidarsyah,sebagai Pegawai Negri sipil,dan beliau memiliki satu putri dan empat putra..dan juga kami mempunyai adik yang juga guru honor di SD nisam,,dia juga sudah menikah, mempunyai tiga orang anak..

Saya juga sudah menikah dengan seorang perempuan yang cantik bernama Endang sari pada tanggal 22 Desember 1997. Dan mempunyai satu putri dan tiga putra.. yang pertama lahir pada tanggal 8 Januari 1999 bernama, Riza'ulhaq.,yang ke dua lahir pada tanggal 13 Juni 2003 bernama Muntasyirul Maulidi,yang ke tiga lahir pada Tanggal 1 juni 2006 bernama Arilfirdaus ,bersekolah di SMA kelas satu..dan yg ke empat Ratu Adinda humayrah, lahir di Lhokseumawe pada tanggal 12 September 2013 bersekolah di SD kelas empat,cuma dua orang yg masih sekolah.. dan kami sekeluarga menetap di dusun rancong baro,desa Blang Naleung mameh,,rumah kami begitu dekatnya dengan laut..yang kadang kadang suaranya ombak bisa kami dengar..tinggal di dekat laut, perasaan ngeri ngeri sedap.. anak kami yg nomor dua muntasyirul Maulidi dia kami panggil Raju.. dia paling senang melaut..alias menjadi nelayan yang mencari ikan tuna ke laut lepas..tapi sekarang ini dia kami larang melaut,karena cuaca lagi tidak mendukung,,angin badai ombak besar yang membuat perasaan kami sebagai orang tua menjadi takut..

Oo iya teman saya bekerja di PT Pelindo..saya di Pelindo sebagai supir trailer,dan operator forklift. Susah nya mencari kerja walau gaji pas-pasan tetap bertahan di supir trailer..di dalam pelabuhan sekarang ini lagi ada pekerjaan pengoboran,ada primeroil ada Repsol,ada eastern..tapi musti memakai cio migas.. musti lewat MCU..rumit.. padahal kami di situ sebagai tenaga kerja lokal yg musti di perhatikan lebih.. karena kami sangat dekat dengan pelabuhan umum.. banyak kawan-kawan yang kecewa.. banyak pemuda di daerah kami merantau keluar daerah banyak yang ke Batam,,kerena di tempat kami tidak ada peluang pekerjaan... sahabat steemit saya mengenal steemit melalui keponakan saya bernama

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2nd Introduction Post Submitted by @keshy

Image Taken from the Author


My name is Onyebuchi Ezeh and I am from the eastern part of Nigeria, precisely from Abia state in Obingwa local govt. I am a first male child of 6 children. I have two younger brothers and three sisters, the eldest of us all is already married with two kids while the youngest is still in junior secondary school (jss3

Educational Background

I am currently in the heigher institution studying animal husbandry at Michael Okpara university of agriculture umudike am in 300l.
Am also an entrepreneur ,who is based on small scale live stock production around my area. I also have a mini fish pond and a snail farm "mainly for family consumption" in our compound


I am a Christian who is passionate about God. I worship with living where I serve as a steward in the capacity of a choir member. I take my service very seriously.
I love cooking, swimming and travelling, writing ,and most expecially agriculture, I take pride in building reasonable relationships with friends. I love few circle of friends and i can do anything for my friends.

Likes and dislike

Humility and I hate dishonesty

I was introduced to Steemit by my very good friend @ hgw12 and i am glad i finally heed to his advice. I love writing so much and i look forward to learning and enjoying steemit to the fullest. It's going to be a great time.
Thank you.

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3rd Introduction Post Submitted by @bmaxzi

Image Taken from the Author

Good day noble house, I am honored to join this educative platform. I must admit that I am excited to be here.

I am Maxwell Owusu @ bmaxzi from Ashanti Region of Ghana. I am the second son of five (5) siblings. Three males and two females.


I began primary school education at Station Basic School, Kumasi in the Ashanti Region and sat for Basic Education Certificate Examination in 2002, which I performed creditably well. I further it to Toase Secondary School and read General Arts with Geography, Economics, Christian Religious Studies and Elective Mathematics option. I have successfully completed and obtained Diploma in Psychology and Foundations of Education, English Language and Social Studies and Bachelor of Science in Educational Psychology, English Language, all from the University of Cape Coast in 2019 and 2021 respectively. I as well have Certificate in Hardware and Software from NIIT.


I have taught Information & Communication Technology in a private school at Bantama, Kumasi and as well worked as an internet café attendant on part-time basis. I love to teach especially mathematics in order to propagate the knowledge I have gained to the young ones. I am currently enrolled in Newmont Apprenticeship Programme, Ahafo where I am being trained in various fields which include Electrical & Instrumentation, Arc Welding, Fixed Plant Maintenance and Mining Maintenance. My field of specialization is Fixed Plant Maintenance.


I love listening to music and watching. My favorite sports teams are Kumasi Asante Kotoko SC and Chelsea FC. I am a diehard supporter and crazy fun of football. I join my friends to play football sometimes during the weekends.

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I warmly Welcome all the above-mentioned Newcomers who have already submitted their introduction posts in this community.

Thank you All Steemians. Regards - minvestor


I am elated to be voted into The Top 3 Featured of the Day. Thank you @minvestor and the team for Selecting my post. I look forward to excel in my subsequent posts.

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