TOP 3 Articles of the Day - Selected by @mintvoter

in #steemit2 years ago



Hello Guys, I'm mintvoter who is an investor in Cryptocurrencies. I hope to do some projects on this platform within a few days. Until then, I will select Daily Top 3 Trending and Quality Posts on this platform by keeping the suitable respect for the original Author.

Image Taken from the Original Author

Mushrooms are a delicacy that can be used to cook a wide variety of dishes. That is why mushrooms are now used in many restaurants. In addition, many people use this ingredient in their daily cooking at home. Because for those who like to eat vegetarian food in general, mushrooms give the opportunity to taste a lot of delicious food. That's why a lot of people are now buying and using mushrooms every day. So the mushroom business has created a very simple and important opportunity for today's young entrepreneurs. So if you want, you can start your own mushroom production business.

Starting a mushroom business requires a number of very simple ingredients that you can easily collect. And if you can collect all these ingredients, you will be able to produce very high-quality mushrooms very easily. So if we know what materials we need to collect before starting this business, it will be helpful for us to plan our business.

Wooden pot: Mushrooms are cultivated completely inside a wooden pot. To do this, however, requires detailed knowledge and a lot of skill in mushroom cultivation methods. So depending on your skill, and how many mushrooms you are willing to produce at once, you need to buy the required number of wooden pots.

Straw: Mushroom tea is not grown in the soil like other crops. Is made of straw. It is possible to pick mushrooms easily by keeping the straw in a wooden container and processing it in it. So before you start this business, you need to see if you can raise the hay regularly.

Any sharp tool for cutting straw: When the hay arrives at you in the first place, it will be convenient for those who have sold the hay to you. However, in order to start mushroom production using that straw, you must first cut the straw in a certain shape so that you can keep the straw properly in a wooden container and produce mushrooms there. And for that, you need to have some sharp material with which you can do this.

Plastic sheet: The mushroom business requires a little sunshine in some cases, but it is not usually applied directly. However, in most cases, mushrooms are produced without exposure to the sun. And to do this, you need enough plastic to keep the sun from coming in contact with the mushrooms.

The mushroom business is a business of a very modern nature. So starting this business will bring some benefits that will help us a lot in today's situation. So this business can be started, but we will get many benefits that we will not get in any traditional business. So let us know about these benefits.

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Image Taken from the Original Author

Another concern for many people since the plague struck Indonesia. Surrounding the financial situation to remain stable, not many people try to start small businesses like in the catering industry, because food almost never loses its ability to buy even in the face of an epidemic.

But the name of the business will be difficult. Especially for beginners who do small business as a separate area, the obligation to record the availability of stock and building materials, income and expenditure will feel heavy over time. Not always in the end, business revenue is mixed with personal money in personal accounts. Even if this is not good for you, during business hours. Now, to make business matters easier, from financial management to good business management, Jenius introduced his new version, 'Business Jenius'.

Bisniskit was introduced to make it easier for entrepreneurs, especially those who are just starting businesses. Bisniskit is a new financial technology program launched by Jenius to make entrepreneurs less anxious about running their businesses. Because based on a survey conducted by Jenius, 63% of business users have not yet separated their personal and business accounts and withdrawals, which is really important to keep separate so that they do not get confused in the future if you want to spend money.

Therefore, with two Bisniskit Business Accounts and Jenius services, Jenius Business will help anyone starting a business manage finance separately, as well as complete business management from inventory to sales. Bank BTPN's Head of Digital Banking Product, Waasi B Sumintarja, said Jenius for Business came up with a process to bring together users, non-users, and professionals. Therefore, the features featured in these two services will be tailored to the needs of business people, especially beginners.

Jenius business accounts are automatically available in the Bisniskit app to make it easier to manage business and personal accounts in one app.

Waasi also explained that the Bisniskit Business Account service is automatically available in the app. For those of you who want to use it for business purposes, all you have to do is open it without going to the bank, re-verifying, or submitting documents and there is no deposit limit. Opening it is enough in three steps. First select the top left menu of the Jenius app and select "Business". Then choose to enable and activate the business account. Then create a new $ cashtag for your business account, and the app will ask you to enter your Jenius password and your business account can be used.

By opening this business account, it means that you have a different account number and a $ cashtag to make it easier to separate your personal money and money from your business. Business accounts also provide important features such as Send it to send money, Log In & Log out to record and view transaction history, and m-Card which is a visual online shopping card.

Bisniskit is a business owner-friendly application that can help business operations from inventory management to sales.

Now, with a second service called Bisniskit Jenius, this unique app, however, can be connected to the Jenius app. In this app, which you can download for free, there are two main menus, namely Store and Cashier. In the Store Menu, you can manage your business using features such as dashboard that provides sales data, cost, profit margins, and product information that can be accessed quickly and professionally. Additionally, you can also use the Store Settings feature to manage your business by giving employees access. Employees can therefore participate in monitoring store-related information in full.

While it can provide access to employees, Waasi stressed that users do not have to worry about financial security. He explained that one of the security protections granted to Jenius for the division of Jenius for Business services into two applications. In addition, Bisniskit Jenius' job is to manage the business only

Now, in the Cashier menu at Bisniskit Jenius, you can access a simple cash register to process transactions in four payment methods. Cash, debit cards, credit cards, and transfers to a Jenius Business Account that must be linked first. So this Jenius Bisniskit app can be used to manage any business. From online stores, to home grocery stores and free users. Additionally, in order to emphasize expertise in doing business, this simple cash register can also be attached to the printer to print receipts that can be issued to customers.

All in all, by using these two Business Jenius services, you can manage your business easily and efficiently, from inventory, marketing, to financial management.

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Image Taken from the Original Author

If you're a newbie or this is your first bear encounter, I'm sad to say you you can expect a pretty rough ride. Since you probably already know from the market's recent performance, let me officially welcome you if you are reading this. This is the first step toward becoming a long-term crypto investor and holder.

The bear season has thus finally arrived. I anticipated it because, like the bull season, it is unavoidable, but most newcomers weren't ready or anticipating it. What will you now do? Give up, liquidate your assets, and stop trying? Really? If you choose to do that and the bull market resumes, would you truly desire to buy the top once more? The simplest way to lose money in cryptocurrency is to sell at the lowest and buy at the high, which is what you just did.

However, there are things you can do while the bear market is performing its duty during the bear market. You have no control over it, so leave it to continue bearing.

However, you can pick up some ideas to help you make it through the market. In this way, you are ready for the upcoming bull run. Nothing is worse than seeing your money going doww, and most individuals are experiencing this as the value of their cryptocurrency portfolios plummets precipitously. This is not financial advice; you can take advantage of the opportunity to buy the dip. Despite the FUD and fearmongering that are being pushed, some people are taking advantage of the chance to purchase the dips. They see a buy opportunity where you see a bear market.

The power of knowledge

Currently, knowledge acquisition is essential since it allows you to learn a lot, acknowledge your mistakes, and develop the ability to use them to your advantage. If you previously invested in shitcoins, now is the moment to understand why they are referred to as shitcoins. What makes them special is unclear because they have no utilities and can only be used to make payments, which is how 99 percent of all cryptocurrencies are utilized.

It's acceptable to cut your losses if you invested in shitcoins but don't see a future for them or no longer believe in them. This comes when you've gathered the required knowledge.

Learn about them and keep an eye out for the new ones entering the market because there will be many new crypto projects since they have spent their Bear days developing. Investing in cryptocurrencies is extensive; there are various categories of coins and various utilities.

Be open to everything because the cryptocurrency industry is here to stay and has already gone through this phase. We have seen it previously on both the stock market and the internet.

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Above are the Top 3 posts for Today and I will bring another Top and Brilliant Article tomorrow.

Have a Nice Day !!!

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