TOP 3 Articles of the Day - Selected by @mintvoter

in #steemit2 years ago



Hello Guys, I'm mintvoter who is an investor in Cryptocurrencies. I hope to do some projects on this platform within a few days. Until then, I will select Daily Top 3 Trending and Quality Posts on this platform by keeping the suitable respect for the original Author.

Image Taken from the Original Author

We can do many things outdoor and indoor, and the grill is something we can use when making foods such as pork chops, burgers, sausages and chicken and much more. And it is cozy and nice when being together with the outdoor grill with family and friends when it is spring and summer!

George Stephen went on to create the first modern BBQ grill in 1952, he was a welder at Weber Brothers Metal Works in Illinois. He cut a metal buoy in half to make a grill that was dome-shaped, he welded three steel legs onto the dome and then he used the top half as a lid to the grill.

So, the idea with the grill is fantastic, and we can make food outside in the garden when we have time and availability of that. Whether you're preparing a tender, seasoned grilled fish or a stack of juicy hamburger patties, having an outdoor grill at your bar, in your garden, in a restaurant, or in a catering business is essential. In the markets, the organizations selling outdoor grill offer a variety of built-in or portable styles, as well as gas or charcoal options, providing you with virtually limitless opportunities to find a grill that best suits your needs. Before we head into the warmer months, make sure you're prepared by selecting the best outdoor grill for your establishment with the help of this grill buying guide. So, many things you are using at home or in other places, are used to the utility, pleasure and inspiration for doing food at home or in other places.

The top three reasons for cooking outdoors, in order are: to improve flavor; for personal enjoyment; for entertaining family and friends. Now for the really interesting stuff: Gas grills are easily the most popular style, the choice of 62% of households that own a grill. So, you can use the grills with natural properties, or you can use a gas grill. If you are using them with natural properties, you have a grill, and you use fire to get the grill in question in the shape and in the condition that is required.

The philosophy of using an outdoor grill, is to make good food fast. There are several small films and videos on the internet about how to use a grill, and you should have much heat on it, and it can be between 200 and 250 degrees with temperature. So, we are using an outdoor grill to make food outside, and if it is raining or bad weather, we can do the barbecue work indoor, so we are just doing things where we find them appropriate.

So, what is the science behind grilling? It is about knowing how to grill with the human nature in the naturee. Charcoal produces radiant heat. The grates absorb heat and produce conduction heat on surface of the food making grill marks. The exterior of the food absorbs radiant heat from below only. The bottom of the food converts the absorbed energy into conduction heat, and it moves to the center of the food.

So, what is the secret behind the grilling? We should not oil the grate. Besides barbecue sauce, brush your ribs—not the grate—with oil. Why? Before grilling ribs, brush a little vegetable oil on the ribs—not the grate—to prevent sticking. The oil burns off the hot grill and can leave a bitter taste.

Before you use your grill for the first time, spray the grates evenly with a high-heat cooking spray like canola oil while the grates are cold. Then, turn the grill on to medium heat for about 15 minutes until the oil burns off or starts to smoke. That's it.

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Image Taken from the Original Author

Taking a slightly different direction from my usual content today to talk about something that often comes up, and often is a topic of discussion here: How do we build the community beyond the modest group of core users who are already here?

People have lots of different ideas, and that's great... but one of the things I often find myself considering is "what are the most common OBJECTIONS from those 'outside' whom we tell about this community?"

One of the most frequent I hear is that "it's just TOO COMPLICATED, with multiple passwords and resource credits and several different currencies" and so on and so forth.

If you have ever recommended Steemit to anyone, you might have heard something like that.

One of the things we'd do well to always remember is that we think certain things around here are fairly straightforward to understand because we use them all the time, but the vast majority of the world operates at the level at which the idea of "joining a new community" pretty much amounts to "Log in with Facebook," or "Log in with Google."

We can sing the praises of "blockchain" and "decentralization" till we're blue in the face, but those concepts make no sense to most people (and are even less likely to be IMPORTANT to them) until after they've pretty thoroughly studied and learned about them.

The main thing people want is to log in and start posting without getting lost or frustrated!


Yes, really.

One of the reasons I perhaps don't share Steemit as much as I could is that I know most of my friends and acquaintances well enough to know that they would most likely just shrug and give up because this is far harder to use and understand than most web communities.

When I first joined here, it took me several days of doing nothing but reading and clicking around before I even posted anything. And I have 25 years of web experience, 20 years of blogging experience, have built probably 30 web sites and have volunteered as a system admin and moderator in at least a couple of dozen web communities. And I was confused and lost for a while!

Playing "Connect the Dots"

I know there are a few initiatives in the works around the community to build a more user-friendly and intuitive front end experience for Steemit... and I only hope that the developers working on those truly understand the importance of Ease Of Use as a primary design component.

And I don't mean "ease of use" for a seasoned developer, I mean "ease of use" for that person who's used to "Log in with Google."

Because having that is going to be a key element if we ever hope to move this community our of the shadows and build something significant!

Thanks for reading, and have a great weekend!

How about YOU? Have you tried explaining Steemit to your friends or work colleagues? What was their response/reaction? Do you think Steemit would benefit from the start-up process being simplified for newcomers? Do leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation!

(All text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is ORIGINAL CONTENT, created expressly for this platform — NOT A CROSSPOST!!!)
Created at 20220528 08:34 PDT

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Image Taken from the Original Author

Despite signing up several years earlier, it wasn't until about two years ago that I started posting more seriously and continuously.
Looking for a community that seemed interesting to me and closer to the type of content I was interested in publishing, I came to WOX and made my first publication with a tag that turned out not to be the most appropriate, so I received a very kind comment inviting me to subscribe to WOX and telling me the correct way to publish in the community.
Within a short time of posting my work, I was contacted and wanted more information about me and my work.
Since I have nothing to hide, I gladly agreed to provide all the necessary information and in fact, I was pleased to see that there were people who care about the quality and honesty of the content that is published in the community, verifying that it is not plagiarism. or offensive content for example.
Days later, @ art-venture made a post highlighting my works and confirming that they had verified that I was who I claimed to be and that my artwork did belong to me. Obviously, this only brought me benefits like more acceptance by WOX members, more followers and upvotes.
Over time I have gotten to know the community better and I am very happy to see the concern and dedication of the moderators to make this a meeting place for participatory and supportive people, which fills me with admiration and pride for belonging to it.

I don't know who @ xpilar is (or rather, I didn't know) but I have always seen him present with his vote and sponsoring good initiatives in WOX and I really consider it very unfortunate that situations like this occur in which someone tries to tarnish the image of others hidden behind the anonymity of a false identity. This fact alone seems to me reason enough to discard his words. I believe that complaints or accusations against others should be made bravely and transparently, not anonymously and cowardly.

Have a nice day!

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Above are the Top 3 posts for Today and I will bring another Top and Brilliant Article tomorrow.

Have a Nice Day !!!

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