Minnowshare Conversions Level 16

Level 16 gave out 2 new Free Shares. Congrats! A total of 8 Sponsorships currently still give 1 Free Share in the @upvoteshares account until 50 Free Conversion Shares have been gifted making the needed number go up to 9.
Level | Account | Sponsorships | Upvote Share |
Level 16 | @curatorcat | 8 | Share 045 |
Level 16 | @plantstoplanks | 8 | Share 044 |
Level 15 | @minnowbuilder4 | 8 | Share 043 |
Level 15 | @fullcoverbetting | 8 | Share 042 |
Level 15 | @macoolette | 8 | Share 041 |
Level 15 | @shasta | 8 | Share 040 |
Level 13 | @minnowbuilder3 | 8 | Share 039 |
Level 13 | @alexbiojs | 8 | Share 038 |
Level 12 | @mango-juice | 8 | Share 037 |
Level 12 | @jlordc | 8 | Share 036 |
Level 12 | @theonlyway | 8 | Share 035 |
Level 12 | @blessed-girl | 8 | Share 034 |
Level 12 | @gamercrypto | 8 | Share 033 |
Level 12 | @puravidaville | 8 | Share 032 |
Level 11 | @minnowbuilder | 8 | Share 031 |
Level 11 | @pifc | 8 | Share 030 |
Level 11 | @insight-out | 8 | Share 029 |
Level 11 | @bengy | 8 | Share 028 |
Level 11 | @byebyehamburgers | 8 | Share 027 |
Level 10 | @minnowbuilder2 | 8 | Share 026 |
Level 10 | @incubot | 7 | Share 025 |
Level 10 | @janton | 7 | Share 024 |
Level 10 | @team-ccc | 7 | Share 023 |
Level 09 | @fullcoverbetting | 7 | Share 022 |
Level 09 | @marya77 | 7 | Share 021 |
Level 09 | @jlordc | 7 | Share 020 |
Level 09 | @buckaroo | 7 | Share 019 |
Level 09 | @erikklok | 7 | Share 018 |
Level 09 | @thedarkhorse | 7 | Share 017 |
Level 09 | @celinavisaez | 7 | Share 016 |
Level 08 | @pifc | 7 | Share 015 |
Level 08 | @minnowbuilder | 7 | Share 014 |
Level 08 | @insight-out | 7 | Share 013 |
Level 08 | @el-nailul | 7 | Share 012 |
Level 08 | @plantstoplanks | 7 | Share 011 |
Level 07 | @fullcoverbetting | 6 | Share 010 |
Level 06 | @cicisaja | 6 | Share 009 |
Level 06 | @macoolette | 6 | Share 008 |
Level 06 | @trincowski | 6 | Share 007 |
Level 06 | @crypto-econom1st | 6 | Share 006 |
Level 06 | @viking-ventures | 6 | Share 005 |
Level 05 | @adelair | 6 | Share 004 |
Level 05 | @beat-the-bookies | 6 | Share 003 |
Level 04 | @tryskele | 6 | Share 002 |
Level 04 | @lynncoyle1 | 6 | Share 001 |
The people that earned a free share will get it added to the upvote list immediately the day after a new level is 100% complete instead of at the time that level comes to an end just to avoid confusion.
All sponsorships are inside the Level spreadsheets and posted each time a new level is complete. They do contain all the official information and mistakes here are merely counting errors that can be corrected so please let me know if I made any.
Awesome! Thanks for all of your good work and support!
Nice to see progress still happening, and people still posting and commenting. Also glad to see the person I sponsor one of those that got powered up.