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RE: Oslo Steemit Hackathon with Ned Scott
Attending! Great concept by the way. Maybe I can not make it on Sunday, but the other three days I am in. So sign up Mindwheeel. So far I have mostly been reading on Steemit, but I plan to be much more active now onwards. I think Steemit is a brilliant concept with lots of potential if we do it right. And a big part of doing it right is to organize real life events where people can meet and share ideas and prepare projects.
Til alle norske steemere her : hva tenker dere om å få istand et knallsterkt norskt steemit community der vi setter de beste hjernene sammen om å sette igang heftige nye prosjekter? Isåfall er jeg all in :)
Let the adventure begin :)
Awesome. Updated the attendee list. :)
We've had a few gatherings in Oslo, a Steemit Meetup and a BitSpace project focused on "Reinventing Media," There's a lot of potential as you say, and organizing a community with a common mission is definitely a priority for us.
Just let us know if you want to visit us at Fornebu before the event as well, we're 5 people working here full-time now so feel free to stop by :)