How To #3 Earn Interest When You Lease Your WAVES

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

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What is WAVES?

WAVES is a decentralized blockhain platform focusing on custom blockhain tokens operations. decentralized exchange facilitates fundraising, crowfunding and trading instruments on the blockchain. okay this is some hardstuff to digest taken directly from the whitepaper.

Let's try again, WAVES is an open blockchain platform designed for ease of use and mass adoption. Anyone can use WAVES to launch, distribute and trade their own crypto token. The platform is fully decentralised, transparent and auditable.

Yes, since anyone can create a custom token, at times you'll receive spam token such Hitler coins, ETH or even bitcoins. don't be too happy since those coins are consider "fake" and only living inside the WAVES platform. for official (approved) token, in your assest you'll see a green checkmark.

the interesting part is that you can lease your WAVES to the pool to earn some interest. this is completly safe because your WAVES will not leave you wallet, it will only be "locked".

How to mine?

WAVES uses LPOS (Leased Proof of Stake). This technology enables you to 'mine' WAVES and get paid for your contribution without having to run a server or any software yourself.

yes you can also setup a node to mine WAVES but you'll need at least 10.000 WAVES.

take a look at this good explanation about WAVES LPoS

Rather than opt for a bitcoin-like approach, in which miners are rewarded for securing the network with new blocks of coins, or a vanilla proof-of-stake approach, in which staking nodes are rewarded in proportion to their coin balances, WAVES has implemented a consensus system called Leased Proof of Stake (LPoS).

The network is secured by active nodes, which require a balance of at least 10,000 WAVES to generate blocks. Whilst anyone can run a mining node if they have this amount, it is possible for users to lease their balance to a node, giving them additional ‘weight’ in the network. The extra rewards earned by the node are then shared with those who have leased balances to them, and nodes will naturally compete to offer leasers the best deal. Leased WAVES remain in the full control of the account holder, and can be transferred or exchanged at any point.

Show Me the Money!

you'll need to find a node, different pool / node giving a different percentage of reward and most of them giving you extra token.

Here are some nodes for you to explore:

How much will you earn?

Node earnings depends on cumulative amount of WAVES on node wallet. Currently on average you will get 1% of your WAVES amount per month in WAVES and MRT tokens (+additional token).

There's a calculator from WAVESgo to know how much you'll earn.
wavesgo calculator.png
go to stats -> miningstats -> mining calculator

wavesgo calculator 2.png
if you put 100 WAVES (@$4.3) you'll earn 0.00197768 and 0.16 MRT + some WAVESgo token ($0.12) weekly.

How to lease?

Well of course you need some WAVES to begin wit :)

to lease it's pretty easy, you can go to your WAVES client, click the "L" tab.

enter the recipient address, put the amount and click lease. that's it.


this is an interesting way to receive some dividine if you don't have the capability to do mining.

Of course some of you can earn more than 1% by just doing trading. I believe the wave leasing is not for a short term gain but for long term investment.

the idea is: if you like WAVES and believe it has potential, you should buy and hold the WAVES while it's still cheap. since holding a coin in the wallet doesn't do anything, leasing is a good option to earn some dividen while holding the coin.

So before you buy WAVES and start leasing, please read and know more about it first.

here are some link to get you started:

WAVES home
WAVESgo leasing
WAVES wallet
How to install WAVES


thank you for the information, i am looking to such POS definition and how to make some passive incomes from those

So how does one find someone to lease the waves?

Looks like the returns on for leasing have drastically been reduced. now has been reduced more then one tenth from 0.00197768 to 0.00012565.
You would generate
Waves 0.00012565
MRT (Miners Reward) 0.03

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