My Story Of Being Diagnosed With a Permanent Disease & My Idea Of How To Give Back With STEEMIT

in #steemit8 years ago


So I was visiting family and on the last night before my flight i was up the whole night using the bathroom and going through every drink in the fridge. By the morning i had gone through 20+ bottles of water and apple juice. I was scared i would get in trouble but instead there was more concern then anything else. I rushed home on a plane ride and went to the doctors. They took my blood glucose number and it was 542. (normal range is 80-120). I was rushed to the ER where they ran test and 10 min later.....I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 10 right before i went to middle school.

With my extremely huge phobia of needles you can imagine how hard the first couple months were with the reality of doing 3-5 shots a day, and stabbing my finger to do a glucose reading 5-8 times a day! I obviously had to get used to this and through the 14 years i have adjusted to where i dont even think about it anymore. Although i was very fast with adjusting to dealing with this disease in everyday life, not everyone i ran into with diabetes was the same. One of the biggest things i realized was an issue for type 1 diabetes other then staying with a good routine to stay healthy was the fact that many people really cant afford to pay for the amount of medicine that they need. This is especially the case when type 1 individuals turn 21 and insurance companies dont want to pay for LIFE SAVING MEDICATION because now they want to slam a "pre-existing condition" on your policy which allows them to only cover 20-50 % of the cost.


So my idea is pretty simple on how i can contribute to this cause that hits pretty close to home. STEMIT! Obviously if post get upvotes and comments you get a payout. I recently received $150.00 which if exchanged to BTC then cash was about 60-80. So my plan is to once a week do a posting of me donating the proceeds of a particular post dealing with individuals with diabetes who are struggling to pay medical bills. This will obviously be run through a charitable non-profit organization and not just me giving random money out to people. I will also be showing pictures of how much is donated to what organization and if possible to the individuals and families who are receiving the donation.


So obviously i plan to use this first post to see if the STEEMIT COMMUNITY would support something like this and if so my second post will be about the first proceeds being donated and continue from there. You guys let me know what you think about this and obviously i will continue putting up content about the other topics i LOVE!


That's a pretty cool idea. Plus, I like the fact that you took a difficult situation, and took it upon yourself to make it one of empowerment. It shows a lot of strength, and character. Keep up the great work!

Thanks a lot! I appreciate the feedback and support!!!

Very respectable. What you are doing is what needs to be done to make a better world.

appreciate at it my brother. cant wait to see your post as well!

This is a very wonderful thing you are doing. I bet your mother would be so proud :)

I upvoted you.

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