Here's me in a bikini at 15. This is a test.

in #steemit9 years ago (edited)

I feel like I'm in a dark room fumbling around for the light switch with this Steemit. I've tried a variety of posts to test out this platform and how things work around here. I've posted an ongoing personal love story in Life, a few interesting artsy photos in Photography, I've posted in introduceyourself, I've even introduced my cats with videos and photos. I also posted a few in Recipies, one in particular paid out fairly substantially and one that did not. Same basic content but two opposite outcomes - go figure.

So, as a test, I'll try the bikini post now.

This is me at 15 years old taken by my best friend. This was the time of life when we were beginning to realize (or think) we were becoming women. As I look at this I recall feeling a bit embarrassed and self conscious about my body. In fact, throughout most of my life I've always felt that way. Why? I had a great body! But I think many of us women are conditioned to put ourselves down. I always remember my mother complaining about her figure. Of course NOW she looks back at herself when she was younger and thinks she looked great. Why can't we just appreciate ourselves and our bodies in the present moment? Thoughts?

me in a bikini at 15


I'm sorry but, flagged for blatant begging, really.

Edit: I want to add that I would over look this if you tagged it under #pictures #bikini or something like that, but tagging it with #steemit makes it pretty blatant.

Hey, I could care less, really. I'm not begging. In fact I actually looked for a bikini category since it seems to be a hot topic. Just trying to play the game without the benefit of rules, neoxian.

Basically your post says above "I tried various ways to milk Steemit of money and most didn't work out to my satisfaction, so now I'll try posting a picture of what I looked like ages ago in a bikini and see how that goes". You can use the #bikini tag, if it doesn't exist, the system creates it.

Let me guess. You were the hall monitor in high school?

It's amazing that when you grow older how you think of your earlier self. I see pictures of myself 30 years ago and wonder why I felt the way I did.

I personally took your intro to the post as an expression of frustration in not understanding how things work. But I think you do need to avoid using steemit as a tag for anything unrelated to the platform, and photography doesn't quite fit either. #photographs would fit. Add others as well, I'm horrible at thinking of tags but something to do with perception of yourself, growing up, thoughts and feelings, etc. Sometimes I find you can google an expression and find a good tag.

ok, thanks for that patrice! I will do that next time. I wonder that if you create a tag that hasn't been used before will the post even get seen? There's got to be thousands of posts every minute and people are likely looking in their favorite category. I have been writing an ongoing love story and looked for a "love" category and there wasn't one much to my surprise. So I posted it in "life". Guess I will just not worry about it and see what happens. ;-)

I've had several discussions with the problem of tags. They are great in the fact they are dynamic and anyone can create them. How they are posted on the front page and the tag listing is still a bit of a mystery. Is it how many people use the tag or how many people vote for posts using the tag?

If you use a tag that isn't in the popular list for the day it might not get seen after it falls off the front "new" section.

Re-reading your post tags could be -life & -test which are popular and seen. -test could be a boon for someone who writes something really great depending on if users actually look at that section. While it is usually a tag for people who want to see if the platform works, it could also be a peripheral tag for someone writing about taking tests for example. If the post is great and people actually visit that tag, then the post might get more views.

Sometimes you write a post and can't find a tag that is even peripheral to your topic in the popular list. The only suggestions I have is to try to craft posts around popular tags that aren't overdone or try to find a group of people here on Steemit with the same interests you have and support each other to make that tag more popular.

The first tag should be the subject of the post or main category. The rest of the tags can be peripheral and even indirectly related. Take a recipie. Main would be -recipie, the rest could be -foodie (if that is your target audience), -vegtables, -vegan, -pasta, -quickmeals, -busy-mothers, etc.

You're love story would fit well in -writing as well. I would try a few different tag variations to see what works as a main tag. I believe that you could put -lovestory as a main tag, -writing, -relationships, -love, -life and you'll get added to writing & relationships just the same as if you put one as the main tag. Keep in mind you can edit and change any tag but the first one. Get the first one wrong and you either have to delete your post or live with it.

I also just wanted to say thank you for understanding and working things out with @neoxian. I take more time to work on helping others because I enjoy it most of the time. But there are days that I get frustrated with the amount of bad behavior I find here and it is easy to read something the wrong way and flag it after you've been at it for a while. We are human, and I really don't want bots doing this.

There are not set rules for flagging but I reserve mine for bad behavior not bad content unless it is something that could take Steemit in a direction I don't think it should go like lottery posts that may or may not be done to buy votes. I think simply not upvoting it or leaving a nicely worded comment is better.

You'll also find that there are days I can't have an opinion without writing a mini-book! Good luck to you!

Wow, Patrice, thanks for the thoughtful reply! The tagging advice is much appreciated. I didn't know we could change secondary tags after the fact. Makes sense to have several as eventually someone will create the same tag and develop a category if it becomes popular. Thank you!

verification photo ? lol Let me know if you want to show off your bikini today I have steemitgirl and we can rock it :)

Hilarious! Um right, this photo was taken about 32 years ago so I'm not rockin' the bikini much these days. But thanks for an actual human reply!

Oh, I see you're wanting to know this is really me. Well, go look at my introduceyourself post. I'm 50 now but I assure you that is me. Wish I had that body today, I tell you!

why thank you! So, am I supposed to upvote everyone's comments including my own?

Yes, makes easy to follow up.
But do at the end day at 11 hours
By UPVOTES it bump up your post
It benefit Boths parties

Hi! This post has a Flesch-Kincaid grade level of 15.0 and reading ease of 10%. This puts the writing level on par with academic journals.

Thanks for the lovely photo and try to ignore the trolls. He'll get downvoted to oblivion.

Thank you kindly! It is a nice photo...yes, it's a bit cheesecakey but I was a teenager and girls just do those sorts of things when they're at that age. It's just for fun! Anyway, this is a test really to see how this whole thing works. I've posted a variety of things so far. The confusing thing is when I thought I'd found something that was getting me upvoted, something I truly enjoy doing anyway (baking), I got a tremendous response and a great payout. What I thought was the thing that got the attention was the instructional video I included with the post. So, I made another video, granted not as professional as the previous, but I figured that's what people want to see. Total payout? $0.00. Then I read this post and got intrigued. If this is just a matter of strategy I figured, what the hell, I'll try this and see what happens. ;-)

Yup, rather judgemental. I did say this was a test so that person could have cut me some slack. Anyway, no harm done. Have a nice day and thanks for your comment.

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