The Dream Manifesting Formula - A plan for SUCCESS with STEEMIT or any other goal you have.

in #steemit7 years ago

Why people don't achieve their dreams.

One cause of under achievement, unhappiness, low self confidence and even depression is the feeling of lack control over one’s life.

Uncertainty and a lack of direction in life are a couple of major reasons for this.

All too often people drift through life without a plan and as a result are influenced and controlled by the plans of others.

They are not sure why they are here or where they are going for that matter.

Lack of definiteness of purpose keep them chained to a life of mediocrity. 

Having direction and a sense of knowing with clarity what you want in life is the starting point for personal power and satisfaction.

We live in a world full of distraction so being able to FOCUS on your dreams and FOCUS on carrying out the action required to achieve them is one of the most important skills you can develop in life.

Please always remember…

If you are not working on your goals and dreams, you’re most certainly working to help achieve the goals and dreams of others.

Aligning your dreams with purpose

I'm going to get a bit Metaphysical here, if you're not into this "new age" stuff that's okay, just skip to the mechanics of the formula below.

If your goals and dreams are aligned with your life purpose, obtaining them is much easier and will come more naturally.

This desire to live and/or achieve one’s life purpose originates in Spirit, the true “you” that is usually referred to as the "thinker of the thought."

Your mind is not “you,” however you empower it to do what mind does best, produce thought.

Mind loves to think in fact try for a moment to stop thinking any thoughts. 

This is one objective of meditation, to clear your mind of thoughts...and it's not easy because the mind is a thinking machine. It's the most powerful non-physical-to-physical creation tool known to humankind.

Everything we take for granted today, the technology and all the modern luxuries,  started as simple thoughts. 

Your life today is a result of all of the thoughts and resulting actions you have taken up until this point in your life.

Many people have never learn to harness the mind so their thoughts are unfocused, random and scattered which leads to random results, frustration and discontentment.

Successful people know how align their dreams with Self and FOCUS their thoughts to achieve what they want in life.

Unsuccessful people on the other hand are usually that way because they are in constant conflict with what they truly want from life and what they actually think about, do and say in everyday life.

A giant step taken toward being successful  is achieved by aligning that which you truly desire (Spirit) with your thoughts (mind). This will result in you thinking, saying and taking actions that are in harmony with what you truly want out of life, what you really stand for.

All of your smaller goals and dreams will come much easier if you are able to discover what it is you truly want in life.

Aligning Spirit and mind also has amazing effects on your physical health which I'll talk about in another post.

The formula below has been used for many years by people from all walks of life to create powerful, meaningful lives. It's not the only path to achieving your dreams and like everything else in life, it may resonate with some and not others.

It can be used for big dreams or small.

The Dream Manifesting Formula

The first thing you have to ask yourself is “what do I want?”

How can you expect to find something when you don’t even know what it is you're looking for?

  • What excites you? 
  • What's your passion? 
  • What would you work at day and night without pay because you love it? 
  • What do you want to be remembered for? 

Imagine you were given a magic wand by a 30’ tall purple genie and she told you that by waving it, you could have, do or be anything that your heart desired, what would that be?

What would you do for a living if you could wave your magic wand and it would come true?

Would you do Steemit full time?

  • What would you act like if you were doing this? 
  • What would doing this feel like? 
  • Who would your friends be? 
  • Where would you live? 
  • What would a typical day look like?

Wave your magic wand and create your dream life in your thoughts and then write it down on paper.

You might have several things you want to accomplish big and small so write them all down.

Chances are there will be one thing that stands out above all the others, the one thing that if accomplished would help make all your other dreams come true, one thing that you want to achieve in life more than anything else.

This one thing may be your life's purpose or mission.

If succeeding in Steemit is a goal/dream then maybe this means your life purpose is to enlighten others in some way and Steemit would be a medium in which you could do this with.

Always keep purpose in mind when writing down goals or things you want to achieve.

Determine what you want and then put it into writing! Nearly everything ever created by humankind began this way.

  • The first step in the creation of Bitcoin was to take the thoughts about it, and write them down.
  • The first step in the creation of the space program was to take the thoughts about it, and write them down.
  • The first step in the creation of Steemit was to take the thoughts about it, and write them down.

Taking the thoughts/ideas about something and putting them onto paper (or a computer screen) is the first step in taking something non-physical (thought) and manifesting it into it's physical equivalent (thing). 

When writing your list always try and use first person i.e. “I am” or “I have” as though you have already obtained that which you desire.

Add a date when you intend to have achieved it.

Some of your dreams may be as simple as losing weight and fitting into a pair skinny jeans.

“I HAVE lost 20 pounds and can fit into a sexy pair of skinny jeans by December 31st 2017.”

When you write this down, you should also have a clear vision of yourself already wearing that pair of skinny jeans on New Year’s Eve!

Visualization is a powerful tool in the creation process, it may not be easy at first but definitely something worth practicing. 

How about...

“I AM a Steemit dolphin by June 1st 2018.”

  • What would your life look like then? 
  • How many followers would you have? 
  • How many posts would you make a day? 
  • What kinds of charities would you want to help support as a result of your increased success?

The more detail you can come up with, the better. The clearer they are, the better.

Recording your thoughts this way starts the process of taking your dreams which are non-physical and turning them into the physical equivalent.

Decide what you want and write it down. After you have created your dreams on paper, it's time for the next step.


Some people live in the non-physical world most of the time. 

They daydream all day long and make big plans in their head but don’t know how to manifest the real-world equivalent of their dreams while others are masters of creating the physical counterpart of the dreams of others and never learn how to do it for their own life.

Dreams begin in the non-physical as thoughts and materialize into the physical world through actions taken by you and others in the physical world.

When you write your dreams down you plant the seeds of their physical equivalent which are then cultivated by the next step in this magical process…


It could be said that desire is the soil and ACTION is the water needed to grow these seeds into their real life counterparts.

In the physical world it is focused ACTION that turns dreams into reality. You have to water the seeds of your dreams every day if you expect them to grow.

How do you know which actions you need to take to achieve your dreams/goals?

By taking the description of the dreams/goals that you have written down on a sheet of paper with a pen as suggested above and asking the question…

“…what steps would I need to take to achieve this dream (goal)?”

Write down all the steps (actions) that would be required for you to reach your dream.

Make a list of actionable steps and then break those steps down into smaller more manageable steps.

Using these steps, make a daily “to do” list and then start immediately working on crossing items off of that list. Each time you cross an item off your list, you take one step closer to the achievement of that which you seek.

Create your “to do” list for the next day the prior night using the actionable steps list(s) you’ve already created. Move items not finished one day to the next day’s list.

Each day take some action that will move you toward your dream/goal.

Action will move you toward your dreams, massive action will catapult you to them.

When working from the list don’t worry about the bigger picture just concentrate on one step at a time knowing that with each step taken your objective is drawing closer and closer to you.

If you want 2000 followers in Steemit, don't focus on 2000, using the date you've set for that goal figure out how many subscribers you need EACH day and work toward achieving that.

Knowing what you want and creating a plan to accomplish it will set your life on course and empower you to reach new heights.

Like most things this plan can be modified to suit your needs. You can break your actionable steps down into 6 month, 3 month, 1 month and weekly lists if you want to track your progress.

What I’ve found is the more simple the plan, the more likely it is I will stick to it which is extremely important.

Using this formula or some version of it to determine what you want in life and then making an actionable plan to achieve it will immediately give you a new outlook and inspire you to do great things with your life.

Thanks for listening,


Thanks for reading my Dream Manifesting Formula.

If you liked it please upVote it and Resteem.

The picture is mine, all my material is 100% original.


Interesting post. Not only should we visualise our success, we also need to take massive action for our dreams to come true.

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