Ciri's from the Witcher's world. Cosplay. Review of the best works. Part 1

It is difficult not to notice that recently the character of the heroine and the fighting girlfriend of "our all" the Witcher – Ciri, in the original Cyril Fiona Helen riannon, causes keen interest of cosplayers. Today I want to present a small review of game cosplay of the image of the heroine of the immortal work of Andrzej Sapkowski from the best representatives of this genre of art. And you, dear readers, can show in the comments opinion about whose image is closest to your own idea of the appearance and character of the legendary child-purpose.
Let's start with the unique work of the well-known cosplayer Darya Kravets ( Photographer - well-known akunohako (

Agree, the work is done elegantly! The costume, the entourage, the work of the photographer - all causes amazement. In the Golden Fund of cosplay by far.
We will continue the presentation of the works with a photo session, a little beyond - the authors presented Ciri, if she found herself in the nshem world. As looked and behaved Ciri if she was among us?

The work is worthy of all praise, I am very impressed with the idea of the authors of the photo shoot that Ciri and in our world would not look confused, but quite hard and assertive would join in everyday life. The author of the image as well a well-known personality in the russian cosplay: Kseniya - ( Photo/processing: Мария __GREED__ Ильина ( And bonus couple photo, not included in the main set:

Cosplayer Kseniya, hiding under the name Fal'ka Cintrijskaya, uses an image of Ciri is not the first time. Here is another of her earlier works, which is also worthy of a lot of flattering reviews. Photo-Taras Trushkin ( MUAH - Ira Reucoj.
Do you remember that story that Ciri tells Geralt in Corvo Bianco? The story of her order of Garcina of Angren, its very first order. It is this story and tell us today cosplayers eyes of a young witch

It is Kseniya - Fal'ka Cintrijskaya in the image of Ciri on stage:

Is Kseniya and more explicit scenes from the world of the Witcher. Photo: AndrewFire ( As you can see, sometimes a good cosplayer doesn't even need a costume)

And in conclusion, a review of images of Ciri, presented by Kseniya, I will add some images from the photo session " Friday tavern - evening gatherings of Ciri and Triss." Cosplayers: Leia Rardny and Fal'ka Cintrijskaya. Photographer: Eugene Popadynets. The location of the shooting - an Irish pub Grace O'Malley.

If you, dear reader, have already thought that the image of Ciri in russian cosplay, finally usurped by Kseniya, you are wrong. The proof is this wonderful work, which is a game episode: "Ciri. Murder on Skellig."I propose to evaluate the quality of acting, I'm not afraid of this word, the game of cosplayers:

Accurate data of the cosplayer and the photographer has not been found yet, nick girls Akarana ( The photo session amazes with the elaboration of the image and the dynamics of the scene. It seems that you watch the movie or once again you pass an episode of your favorite game.
nd now from the snow-covered forests of Skellige will be transported to the ocean. Imagine-a Lion Cintra on Board almost this Viking Drakkar. A cosplayer from Minsk Alena Shvidkaya, as well as a photographer Alexander "akami777" Kaminskaya share his latest work – a beautiful photo set of Ciri, one of the heroines of the Polish action "the Witcher 3: wild Hunt", in which the girl is on Board a very realistic Drakkar, decorated in the style of the game. The rest of the work of Alena you can see on its pages и The photographer can also be found at the following links:,

Excellent work and I do cosplayer Victoria "Milligan" Romanova in the role of beautiful Ciri (photographer The Witcher carries on a great cosplay, isn't it?

Let me remind you that the canonical image of Ciri in the game looks like this:

Agree, our girls coped with the work perfectly well)

In conclusion, I want to present to your attention a wonderful video about the adventures of Ciri, the child-the destination of Geralt! Cosplayer: Mariya Negoduet - (cameraman: Yency -
On this until all. In next releases I'll try to tell You about other favorite characters of the game, the images of which are revealed in their works, cosplayers from different countries.
with respect, Megalucker
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