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in #steemit5 years ago

if you're looking for online tutoring jobs, or you want to become an online, instructor and work from home well this is going to be the article for you, you know I post an article every day helping, people and showing them how to make, money online

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so if you subscribe to my,channel right now what I'll do is I'll,send you a notification whenever I come,out with a new video and that way you,guys do not miss a thing,also if you guys want to learn how to,earn a full-time passive income online,so you can make money while you sleep,check out my most recommended,opportunity I posted a link below in the,description of this video so you guys,can go ahead and check that out alright,let's go ahead and get started so the,first website we're gonna look at here,is elevate k12 now elevate k12 looks for,virtual instructors to provide,one-on-one instruction to students in,grades from kindergarten all the way up,to 12th grade all right so you must be,able to also work between the hours of,8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Eastern Standard,Time and you'll just need to make sure,you have that those hours set aside in,case there are students that need your,help you can go ahead and reach out to,them and they really have kind of a,unique system elevate what they do is,they match tutors to students to work,together long term in a virtual,classroom so to speak because you know,they feel like that builds a stronger,relationship with the students okay and,they're gonna pay you around $12 an hour,and you must have had at least 13 years,of formal education to be considered as,a tutor for elevate k12 alright so check,that out it's a really good website,they've been around for a while the next,one is cambly now Camberley hires

Check Out This Online Tutor Jobs:

English speakers to practice English,with learners from all around the world,using your smartphone actually so,Campbell you what they do is is they,track your time through the app and,they're gonna pay you 17 cents per,minute of,tutoring time okay and so for for an,hour of tutoring time you're gonna be,looking at somewhere around a little bit,over ten dollars an hour it'll just kind,of depend on how busy you are all right,and so but cambly is great for the,occasional side hustle because you,really won't know how busy you're going,to be so it's probably going to be very,part time for you but go ahead and check,it out it's pretty popular a lot of,people use the site and it's been around,also want to let you guys know that they,do pay out through PayPal as long as you,have accumulated at least $20.00 in,earnings for each pay period and some,requirements you guys will need also a,computer with a webcam and also a,high-speed internet connection okay so I,just want to let you know about that,okay so the next one is tutoring or,tutor comm and this is a site that hires,people as independent contractors to,students who need help with their,homework through a secure online,environment alright so now they're gonna,pay you anywhere from 9 to 13 dollars an,hour during tutoring sessions you must,be a US or Canadian resident with the,eligibility to work in either country ok,so you must have all must have knowledge,in math English science and social,studies ok all right now one thing the,last time I checked for for tutor comm,

their system I believe at this point it,only works with Windows on a Windows,computer so if you do have an Apple Mac,unfortunately I don't think they're,upgraded to work with that yet so for,those of you on the Mac you may have to,pass on this for now but maybe in the,future they will have something more,compatible with an apple system so I,just wanna let you guys know about that,but far as the application process goes,it's actually very quick the application,process goes very quickly however they,may do a background check and that takes,a little bit longer maybe some are like,up to a week you guys have to wait for,that but check out and the,next one is,Kaplan and now they hire me most they,hire remote based tutors and teachers,for a wide range of different subjects,okay and they're looking for experts to,teach finance accounting business,insurance IT stuff and also real estate,and much much more and so the average,pay is around like twenty one dollars,per hour okay so they pay very well,although that's a lot of that is,depending on your experience as well so,interesting website lots of good,information here you guys should just,come down here to the bottom of the,website and just click on teach

that'll take you over to this,page and you guys can read more about it,there okay and the last one here is,study pool and if you guys want to be a,study pool tutor you'll need to be,either enrolled in a college or,university or have a higher education,degree a steady pool is a tutoring,marketplace okay so this is you kind of,have a unique twist on everything it's a,little bit different now what they do is,they match tutors to students who need,questions answered so how it works is,that students will post questions on a,variety of different subjects and tutors,can bid on these questions that they,want to answer so it's kind of like,tutoring like kind of like an eBay,tutoring type of platform it's a little,weird it's kind of like an auction,almost when you're you know you're,bidding on different questions and,whatnot but they can you can definitely,earn some extra cash with study pool,though some people I've earned as much,as $500 a week or more with the system,so something to check out it's gonna,take about three days to process all the,payments when they do pay you and they,will send the funds to your PayPal,account okay so there you go guys check,out these websites

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