Deliberations in Defense of Delegation.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Paid delegation has been a point of contention here for a while, so I've given it some thought and I'd like to share a few of my conclusions.

When I elected to move my bitcoin holdings into steem there was a flurry of bitcoin hardforks happening.

I had to choose between a currency which had increased 200x since I'd bought it, was really starting to spike and was airdropping new, exotic currencies every couple of months; and an unproven 'giving people free money, ticking off Mark Zuckerberg' model.
The deciding factor was yield. Bitcoin gave me growth, but steem offered growth and yield. For most people, that yield takes the form of curation rewards, which is fantastic, but it's not how I'm wired.
If my earnings came from sitting in judgement over the content I was reading, I wasn't going to be able to just enjoy the content.
Is this good? Will other people like this? Should she have used fewer gifs?
Some people enjoy that, but I'm not one of them. I didn't want to move my money somewhere I had the chance to earn rewards, I wanted genuinely passive, unearned income, otherwise steemit might start feeling like work.
It would have been a mistake; but I came very close to keeping the bitcoin.
The option to delegate out the attached voting power and be paid a monthly fee was the tipping point which convinced me to move it across.

Posting for profit is no longer a priority.

Don't get me wrong, it's still great to see the upvotes come in and the payout figure rise; but unless I land near the top of the trending page, I make substantially more steem each day passively than I ever could from posting content.
That's great news for those trying to establish themselves. We'll find as time goes by, that more and more of the top authors become whales, and start earning passive income from previously earned SP; but with a huge following and heaps of experience, they're likely to keep posting frequently and getting big payouts, leaving less room on the trending page for newcomers.
Those like myself, who have bought most of their stake, can't expect the same payouts, and will be far less inclined to post. I only post when I have something I'd really like to say; and considered declining payouts for a while.
Ultimately I like having some liquid SBD to play around with and still want to attract upvotes for visibility, but it's certainly something I might consider in the future.
My time now is better spent spruiking steemit in groups on other social media sites; encouraging new steemians with supportive comments, and talking to friends and acquaintances in real life.
I'm acting more like an owner, and less like an employee; which gives your hard work a better chance of being noticed.

Groups aren't individuals. What works for a person might not work for a community.

My main customer is @silvergoldbotty, the bot for a lively, growing community of precious metal stackers, #steemsilvergold, who enjoy sharing their love of all things shiny, while growing in their shared appreciation for crypto.
It's been great to watch as the old and the new bond over their shared distaste for colourful 'because I said so' rectangles. The crypto kids, like myself, getting a gleam in our eye over the coins and bars, while the self-reliant stackers hoard steem power and marvel at the price increases; its a beautiful thing. There are dynamics to groups, however.
When you lease an asset, you know that you're getting the full value of the asset for the full period of the lease.
If a bunch of friends in their early 20's all choose to live together; they're going to split the rent; they're not going to live in a shipping container and all give money to one trusted member, on the condition that he one day buy a nice house with the money, and let them all stay indefinitely. That would be a bad idea for all sorts of reasons. If they're renting as a group, everything is simple. Each only need pay his share of the rent for the period he intends to stay.
New members can arrive any time without unfairly benefitting from any investment made by previous tenants, and anyone can leave any time without leaving anything on the table.
Their relationship with me makes their relationships with each other trustless and carefree.

Paid delegations put an invisible floor under the steem price.

Some aspects of the steem blockchain are difficult to appreciate; as they largely go undetected. The account recovery option is one excellent example. Because it exists, and combines with the powerdown schedule to protect us from scammers/hackers, those bad actors focus their energies elsewhere. We can't know how many of us would have otherwise been taken and for how much, were it not for the account recovery option disincentivising phishing attacks on steemians, so it's easy to overlook it's value.
I have relationships with my customers on the condition that I have steem power. Now there's a 13 week power-down in place, preventing me from panic selling my steem, which is great; but what if I fall in love with something like @sportspodium, and decide it'll really pop over the next 6 months? I might still believe in steem, but estimate that PODS will outpace it in the short term.
Best to sell and move across, right? Except then what? Six months from now, I've taken my potential gains and moved them back into steempower, but if I want to start delegating again I need to find new customers.
My old ones have found new suppliers, and it could take a long time before I find good, reliable customers who pay on time and don't blatantly upvote every word they write, or use my voting power to jump into flag wars with whales.
These relationships have their own value. That value puts a hard support level under the steem price, making it a blue-chip cryptocurrency.
That may not be apparent yet, but it's already true.

Paid delegation brings new money into the ecosystem, pushing up the price.

It attracts investors who aren't particularly interested in trying to climb the trending page in competition with aspiring authors.

It helps to build communities around shared interests without the need to share money.

It keeps SP holders from selling, keeping that value here.

Some final thoughts on my pricing strategy;

This spike in the SBD price has driven a lot of demand for delegated voting power; many delegators have been able to increase their price and still have long waiting lists.
It would be easy, given the circumstances, to increase my price from 2% per calendar month; but again, relationships have their own value.
I don't know what the future holds, but there's an excellent chance SBD will return to US$1, and an even better chance that steem will hit US$20.
What will happen then? When it's no longer possible to pay leases from earnings, and customers need to top up their wallets with outside fiat in order to meet their monthly payments?
They may choose to end their leases, but I'll be the last one to go. They may even choose to continue wearing a small loss, speculating that circumstances will change again; determined, as I am, to continue to invest in the relationship.
If not; a new customer will get the opportunity to lock in the 2% rate indefinitely.

Sometimes the best way to maximise your returns is to not maximise your returns.

I love being at the absolute cutting edge of this new industry. I love that it would take me at least 10 minutes to explain to a layman exactly what I'm doing here.
It's so new it doesn't even have a name yet.
That's when you know you're an early adopter.

All images

As always, have a fantastic day



nice read, love steem and its innovations!!

Great article! Love the title...

Thanks mate. I was going to go with "Deliberations in Defense of Delegation and Alliteration...Dammit.", but thought it struck the wrong tone :)

You should have totally gone with that title! XD


Upvoted and resteemed. Still digesting exactly what you're going on about... Thanks.

There's a bit to chew on :)
Edit: thanks for the resteem, mate.

No problem buddy.

Great article. I've made a note of it some I can come back and read again. It's good to get a perspective from an investor.

Yesterday was the first time I started to learn about delegating but this was from someone who is a really active author too so your post adds a nice balance.

I'm very new here and earning my money through posting, commenting and entering competitions. I can't imagine I will ever be able to get on the trending page since the post payouts there are huge compared with mine.

I really like the idea of passive income from delegation whilst having the opportunity to support projects that I like. I imagine it will be a long time until I am able to delegate but I like knowing that that opportunity will be there at some point.

My primary goal at the moment is to get to 500SP so I can get a slider and curate more efficiently. Some days I'm tempted to start buying my way to that but at the moment I'm enjoying the game of seeing what I can create from nothing.

Thanks for your kind feedback.
We were all new once.
Steem is a whole lot of feedback loops. The more you interact with the blockchain the more it rewards you for each interaction.
It's a beautiful flower; just takes some love and time to bloom :)

Yep. The time to bloom is the hard part (well and understanding what all the lingo means). It's such an exciting thing it's hard to be patient both with my growth on the platform and with my understanding of Steemit and crypto in general.

I really had no idea how big this would be for me when I signed up for Steemit! Still can't believe I'm making money doing something I love to do and learning and meeting great people. Amazing!

Excellent post. I really like the idea of one day being in the position to earn that “passive income”. As someone who currently has SP leased to them by this very author it isn’t about getting a curation reward for upvotinf a post and it isn’t about giving myself more either. It really, honestly is about being able to support others when I have enjoyed their content. I don’t know why anyone would be against leasing SP to be honest. Unless they are worried about self upvotes. The way I see it, you have something that people want and they are willing to pay for it. Welcome to how Steem has a value in the first place. If they are against you or people making a profit from their SP they HAVE to be against Steem/cryptos in the first place.

Great post @mattclarke I really enjoyed reading it.

Thanks bro'
I haven't copped any flack for it personally, but a few people have criticised the practice in the past; thought I'd give my perspective.
Glad to see you doing so well.

thank you for this @mattclarke your matter a fact demeanor was calming and inspiring.
I have a IG following and I want so badly to be able to convert them to steem followers and make a side income
would change my life
so Im going through all the posts half excited half overwhelmed and scared so thank you for the post that happen put me at ease all a sudden

@mattclarke also love the quality of the post as well and the visuals are also great
Im guessing thats you and your fam?
guys look very happy :)

Thank you, Kelly.
We're getting a lot of YouTube and twitter refugees; but I don't know of any Instagrammers who've moved their support base across.
@davidpakman (YouTube left wing political commentator) is a good example.
It takes a few mentions and testimonies before people consider trying something new, but by the time steemit has proved itself to them, they're going to struggle to prove themselves to steemit.
Much better to see the potential here and stake your claim early.

yeah that totally makes sense
this is such a unique platform and totally unlike every social media before it in so many ways buy namely the content and consistency are truly king and the entire pay for play popularity icon status factor is practically nonexistent on here
is awesome but also intimidating
I want so badly to be able to convert a decent % of my following on here
enough earn a new secondary income doing what I already do more or less would be life changing for me for real
so I really praying
and studying
I have over 100k followers on IG but I already know the majority of my fan base on there are not steemit type or quality users but even 2-5 % would change my whole world
but the more I get to know this site the more and more Im starting to think/realize that Ill mostlikely have to start fresh more or less building a new fanbase/peer network that works for an on steem.
ofcourse Ill start posting to come find me on steem and no doubt some will come but will they stay and what I do to try n ensure that they do if they do and what I can do about it cause I have already been bit by the steembug and I have my eyes one the crypto fortune as my prize for all the years of working for social media networks and getting paid nothing while they make a fortune on my hard work sucking the life out us using ever last opportunity to monetize on us with our sharing #wackness!

any way sorry for the rant
Im grateful for your time and any advise you chose to share
especially any cheat codes for success you might be willing to share with me are most appreciated.

and your fellowship I wanna be a part of what every this is and becomes
So far Im hopeful with the prospect of a social media site of realness and people who are celebrated for being them self not just popularity pin up barbies so ether way thank you @mattclarke for being part o that
Lots O Love
<3 kel

::I do various types of art::

:: MΣLT MΣ ::


rainbow imoiji.jpeg
instagram original and profile

@mattclarke it out heres a post from and link to my IG =)

It's all about persistence here, Kelly.
You can't win after a week and you can't lose after a year.
You're beautiful, btw.
Very creative to stand out with the animated gifs too.
Read a lot, comment heaps, find your niche, and you'll do great.

dame thats super shage I like that
"ou can't win after a week and you can't lose after a year" @mattclarke

iv already got so many posts bookmarked Is gonna take me a month just to get through it lol

but Im loving it
I got a ton of science and astronomy stuff tagged I stoked and a ton of top peoples sure successful posts saved so I can study them
and soooo many posts about the fundamentals of success on here but there so many and that not all the same it can be a little overwhelming when trying to form a stagy or even to know what I should and shouldn't do

to promote a post
like is it a good idea to pay for promotion on a photo with the PROMOTION button option or is that bad cause your letting coin go?

Steer clear of the "Promotion" option for the time being.
Read lots, comment insightfully and supportively until you have a few followers.
You're already posting to instagram, so just post those same shots here.
I haven't really kept up with the modeling side of steemit, but if there's not a niche, that's just an opportunity to build one, with yourself at the centre ;)

so yeah @mattclarke this is a gif of me where I did some graphic animation in photoshop to make a cool little peace of #mashUp #art #digitalArt

Happy to answer any questions you're struggling with :)

Great post man, I know leases go to great use and really support a valuable community. I know we'll be in long term despite any changes in steem/sbd price. It's also exciting to see the new members flock to steemit and our community recently and I'm sure you allowing us to use your power has really helped with that.
Thx again for everything you do.
PS if anyone is inspired to do some paid delegations from this post, let me know, I have a great community you can support!

The intersection of the stacker and crypto communities is such fertile ground.
I really feel like we're just scratching the surface of what ssg is going to become.
Exciting times.

Yes, that's for sure. We have so many of the same goals and focus. I'd say though that about 20% of the stacking world is anti-crytpo and some of there worse adversaries, they are also load and outspoken, but people are slowly coming around.

I haven't heard any criticism of pm in the crypto community (not that I'm particularly plugged in), its just great to have an option to diversify, without holding fiat.

From one Matt to another, thank you for doing business with #steemsilvergold, we appreciate the support!

This is just the beginning :)

Ends the post with a picture of the family and we all leave feeling a little better about him buying his way to whale status :) there have been a few that buy in and find the balance between curation posting and delegating. You’ve always been a giver so I’m excited to see what you do with your stake over time

Thanks for reading and jumping in :)
Just sharing my perspective and looking at the positives.
Also showing off the kids ;)

Excellent write up Matt! I've never delegated before and looking at my curation rewards per day, no matter what strategy I use to earn curating I can't seem to get more than about 2 SP per day total. Usually it's more like 1-1.5. I could delegate less than half my SP and earn more than that. I've never done it before but I think I'm gonna explore that this month and probably support SSG via delegation instead of STEEM donation going into March.

Thanks for your support of that community by the way. I'm no rockstar stacker like @raybrockman or @phelimint but I do post in SSG and am a member of their community and enjoy engaging with them.

Thanks for the inspiration (earning through delegation)...I've been on the fence about it but I think you've got me convinced to try it out.

You can't go wrong with those guys.
Real straight shooters and lots of fun.

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