Steemit needs more black people.
We have #blacktwitter but no #blacksteemit. I made a post about race on my own blog and a bunch of White people flagged my comments in to disappearance on my OWN blog. That happened because Bitcoin is 99% white males and as a result Steemit is now 99.99999999% White males. I think Me @trevonjb and @craig-grant are 90% of the entire black population of Steemit and it shows in our author rewards. Subtle racism of White people valuing other white sounding content is real. When I made my 3 thousand dollar comment the whales probably thought I was white from how I typed. Once I showed my face on here the pay dropped significantly. I have gotten to job interviews and the people said we thought you were a white guy on the phone so I am no stranger to this. Nor is any other black person but none of you reading this are black so.
If you create a #blacksteemit, it's bound have a slippery-slope effect where white people will create a #whitesteemit - thus perpetuating racism through pointing out the differences... Sure there are racists out there, but that doesn't mean we should curl into a little protective ball of 'racial identity'. Fuck that.
Nice keep blaming black excellence and collaboration for White racism and insecurity douchebag.
Blaming? Where am I blaming anyone? Dude, some of the first video's I watched that got me into Steemit was from @craig-grant and I told him about it as well. I just pointed out the fact that there are racists out there in the world, no matter what you say, and that if you implement a #blacksteemit, they'll implement a #whitesteemit simply to troll and piss people like you off. Get a grip for fuck sake. Haven't got a racist bone in my body mate.
Ps - I'm flagging you not because you're black but because you're a damn fool.
you should not speak. ever.
You should pull that long stick out of your ass and learn to treat people with some respect before your account gets reduced to a pile of burning shit.
fuck you. you racist clown. You are a waste of planetary resources.
@shredlord talk to me when you get over 150 followers loser.
You are forgetting @sirwinchester . He is black and does extremely well here. I don't think I've ever seen a post of his make less than 100$ . Instead of complaining the system is rigged against him, he just concentrates on being awesome, perhaps follow his example?
Edit: I'm flagging this, not because you are black, but because you downvoted me.
edit 2: and now you want a flag war, ok buddy.
Wow, a downvote? ok
That is extremely racist to point to One token black guy and say that discounts racism. Name one other black person on here with a whale bot list idiot. That is exactly the kind of thing I was talking about in my post titled "White People" lots of "non-racist" white people are more ignorant than open racists.
And here I was trying to be nice, well fuck it, now you are back on my bad side.
Token black guy...good luck on being a professional victim..
fuck you , you ignorant piece of shit @neoxian I muted you never up-vote me again.
Upvoted @matrixdweller as I have with much of your content but personally I would love a steemit community where we're all colorblind, voting on what we like or simply good content not based on what ethnicity someone is. Your reputation is at 58, most of us would love to be there, congrats and keep up the good work.
That is yet another racial micro-agression. White people have the choice to be color blind. I however am Black in America.
This is a global melting pot here in steemit, respect should be given to all ethnicities. I'm sorry you're having an issue with white people.
I dont have an issue with white people just @neoxian and @shredlord mostly neoxian because he has too much steempower for somebody so childish
@shredlord please waste more of your voting power flagging me you stupid fuck