Steemit Promotes Upvoting Posts Early; What Is The Downside?

in #steemit8 years ago

The System basically works in a way where early upvoting result in larger amounts of curation paid. The downside of that system however is that most posts naturally get upvoted based on the Headline or the Picture of that particular post, without even reading the article. What the upvote is obviously NOT based on right now: The actual content of that article. Which is the most single important thing in participating in a information-based social network.

Just compare the number of upvotes of a particular article with the number of viewers that have actually read the article. You will see that the number of upvotes almost always exceed the number of viewers. When we want to create a new social network where especially new content will be supported, we need to be more aware of how we deal with our voting power.

I am fine with the idea to find posts that might perform well in the future and get a curation paid afterwards. What I want to encourage is that you at least read the content of that article so you can assess if the content is really worth spreading or not. Eventually, you support the author not by upvoting, but by actually reading the content provided.

Please don't base your vote on Headlines or Pictures, cause that is a superficial judgement and most of the time does not reflect in any way the real content or message of that article. Please have a mind about it, we have a voting power on Steemit, which eventually shapes the future of this Network. Please upvote responsibly.

May you have a great day.


I am fairly new on Steemit and I only recently noticed this. I agree with you. It is kind of disheartening when you put much effort and love into a post and then only a hand full actually read it, even if you have a lot of upvotes for the post it feels a bit empty. Perhaps there could be a system where the post has to at least be opened before you can click on the upvote button. At least that way people would at least have to read the first part and also they would see if there is only a picture there and nothing else. Good point.

I actually like this idea of having to atleast open the post.

You have a valid point. Sometimes, unfortunately, I'm sometimes guilty of not reading when press for time.

I understand you.
I think that perhaps sometimes, more often than not, people upvote those they follow because they want to support them. If they have not got time to read the post then they will just click upvote anyway.
This is understandable and shows loyalty (a good human trait)
But in the bigger picture it could be harmful for in a way you reduce the whole thing to being only about money.

There are many incredibly creative people here on Steemit and I feel humble to be among them. Although we all want our posts to earn, I am sure that creative people are motivated by the drive to create not the drive to make money. As my old art teacher once told me: "Arthur, if you want to create then become an artist, a writer, and actor or a poet. But if you want to make money then become a stock broker, a banker or a businessman. But whatever you choose, make sure you choose it for the right reasons"

If content creators on Steemit begin to believe that their posts are not read or seen, then in time I believe they will become disheartened and may leave. That would kill the golden goose and no one want that.
It is a fine balance but an important one.
One solution could be to link the percentage of voting power to posts that are looked at and posts that are not.
For example: If you just click on the upvote without opening the post them only 50% of your voting power will be used. But if you open it and comment on it, then you can use 100% of your voting power.
In this way, if you really wanted to support those you follow, then you are forced to open the post and look.

If you were busy, all that would happen is that you would either look properly when you have time, or just click upvite to show support. Then everyones conscience is clear.
OK so some might just open the post for a second and then close it again but that does not matter for it still makes it more awkward. And once you are in the post then you might as well look at it right?
Just some thoughts I had.

Thanks for sharing the detail thoughts. Interesting idea on lower percent if don't open but sometimes I vote then open and read for the people I follow :-)

I felt that myself, more than once. Funny: it's essentially the pain of rejection.

Exactly. Thanks for getting back.

I agree. I have sometimes had 200 upvotes and 0 comments. I would have rathered 1 upvote, no payout and 1 comment that informs me that someone actually bothered to read the article or chapter I just spent an entire day or more preparing.

I have upvoted and resteemed this because I like the message you're conveying.

Thanks Mate. I think we need more awareness about this issue. I am pretty new to the network, because I like its idea, however my primary reason for being on Steemit is not that I get paid for what I write, but that I actually share my thoughts and opinions for other's benefits and to encourage discussion and exchange of information. I am probably not the only one who feels mistreated to have 10 upvotes but only 1 read. That just entirely misses the point.

Well a lot has changed for the better since my arrival. They are constantly tweaking and refining the system. So, there is plenty reason to be optimistic that this issue will be addressed before too long.

In the mean time, I shall give you a follow and you will know if you receive an upvote from me it's because I read it, for I am very careful not to upvote anything that I do not agree with morally, which creates a necessity for me to read through everything before I upvote something.

I agree. There have been many times that I've tried to explain to folks that having a lot of upvotes or money is one thing and it might sattisfy som need, but it isn't the same thing as engagement and it can't alone drive the building of a social network.

I try to avoid looking at the reader count for just that reason. I don't think it should be removed, but when I have a big upvote count, I'll look at it and say...oh

That seems to be what is needed more here...commenting and interaction. I can understand if some posts don't warrant any comments but still a little acknowledgement about it is very much appreciated.

This post has been ranked within the top 50 most undervalued posts in the second half of Jan 27. We estimate that this post is undervalued by $6.80 as compared to a scenario in which every voter had an equal say.

See the full rankings and details in The Daily Tribune: Jan 27 - Part II. You can also read about some of our methodology, data analysis and technical details in our initial post.

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