Top 10 the most intelligent dogs

in #steemit8 years ago

Hi Steemits! Today i want to tell you about most intelligent dogs! 

Dog is men's best friend. But it very smart. Sometimes a dog can distinguish more than 200 commands, and give a paw in hard live situations.

 Let's begin!

10) West Siberian Laika

West Siberian Laika is a list of the smartest dogs in the world. It is a natural hunter with excellent working qualities. Dog impractical to keep in the apartment, since it regularly requires physical exertion. As host Husky selects only one member of the family, which is loyal to the end of life. According to others it is not being aggressive if feels danger of them. Huskies are not only talented hunters, but also reliable bodyguards.

9) Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkshire Terrier is not only one of the most intelligent, but the small dog in the world. Terriers easily trained so well to taming. In addition, pets have a well-developed intuition, and they feel any changes in the mood of the owner. If the owner of a terrier something to upset the dog hurry to rectify the situation. A good example of the breed uptake and availability of high intelligence - terrier named Smokey. Pet entered the ranks of the reconnaissance regiment and made a lot of jumps. Over the entire period of the Smoky service he was awarded 12 awards. This is a very fearless and courageous pets that despite its size ready to stand both for themselves and for the host.

8) St. Bernard dog

Bernard is among the ten most intelligent dogs in the world. Originally the breed was used in monasteries in mountain rescue purposes. On account of St. Bernard thousands of lives saved. With a phenomenal intuition, the animal is able to predict impending natural disasters. In the mountains, this ability is vital, St. Bernards have been warning of an impending avalanche. Four-legged rescuers found and dug out from under the people meter layer of snow. Among the furry heroes known dog named Barry, who gave his life for the rebirth of forty people. One of the most heroic acts of the dog - saved the child's life, which he carried on himself for five kilometers to the nearest health center. In honor of Barry in Paris, a monument was erected, a symbol of heroism, kindness and love. St. Bernards are not only brave and loyal pets to people, but also very smart, which is manifested in their lightning-fast response to commands.

7) Australian Cattle

Australian Cattle Dog is considered one of the smartest breeds in the world. The pet dog blood flowing dingoes, as deduced it for the purpose of grazing. Australians needed a good helper, who could manage the large flocks of sheep. With its main task mastered four-legged friend on "hurray", forcing to obey even the most stubborn animals. Australian shepherds to understand and master perfectly well to taming. To teach commands to any four-footed "shepherd" in the cellar, even without special skills to do so. Also from the pet gets a great watchdog.

6) Labrador retriever

Labrador retriever takes sixth place among the world's smartest dog. The animal of this breed easily trained teams, thanks to the ingenuity and intelligence. Labradors get along well with other pets and get along great with children, manifesting itself in the role of nurses. They do not give preference to any one member of the family, and willing to communicate with all residents. Previously retrievers can drive only the English know. Now they are the darlings of pets and those who prefer this breed. In the US, Labrador is the most popular dog. From chetveronogo get a great guide dog. Also widely used in animal rescue purposes and for work in the police.

5) Welsh Corgi

Welsh Corgi have a well-developed intellect and incredible intuition. This pet is able to feel the mood of its owner and will not be bothering him at the wrong time. Originally breed pastby output for cattle, which affected her intellectual abilities. flock guard should have intelligence and dexterity that is peculiar to Welsh Corgi. The animal excellent memory, which contributes to their incredibly fast learning. The dog is able to remember the place where the owner stores his personal items and things, and the first request brings them. Welsh Corgi is not peculiar to the aggression - this is a very friendly and fun pets.

4) Border Collie

Border Collie is considered one of the smartest dogs in the world. According to experts, the pet is able to memorize words, vocabulary equal to two-year child. The legendary dog

of this breed is Rico, who perceived and discerned by listening to 200 words. Scientists conducted an experiment over a four-legged phenomenon using objects. They called thing that Rico had to bring in the next room, and in 38 cases out of 40 he would bring the desired object. Border Collie can execute commands and tricks of increased complexity.

3) Siberian husky

Siberian Husky opens three smartest dogs in the world. These pets are able to understand the meaning of the words intuitive and well feel the mood of the owner. They are very intelligent and without special training can perform simple tricks. One of the oldest breeds used as a sled dog. Currently, out of the Huskies excellent companion dogs.

2) Akita Inu

Akita Inu in second place among the most intelligent dogs in the world. The breed is not only a highly developed intellect, but also capricious nature. They have an excellent memory, which confirms their ability to remember the team for a long period. Dogs have the endurance and equanimity inherent samurai. Not for nothing these pupils are respected and honored in the land of the rising sun. Leafless whole world the story of Hachiko Japanese PSE, confirms not only the dog's mental abilities, but also its commitment to a person. On the day of the death of Hachiko the Japanese declared mourning across the country, and later a monument was erected in his honor, which symbolizes loyalty, love and hope.

1) German Shepherd

German Shepherd tops the list of the most intelligent breeds of dog in the world. Animal actively used to work in the army and the police, as they are well teachable search and guarding skills. Initially, sheepdog herding and conclusions for official purposes. Pet able to memorize commands from the first time. The dog needs constant training and strong-willed host, whose team will unquestioningly perform. German Shepherd does not like strangers and treat them with suspicion. For proper psychological formation "German" require regular, close contact with the owner and taming an early age.


Interesting post. Well done :)

A youth is to be regarded with respect. How do you know that his future will not be equal to our present?

Keep up the good work!

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