#Dolphinschool # 9 Not Getting Paid? Here's What You're Doing Wrong!

in #steemit8 years ago

I see a lot of posts in my feed whining about not getting votes

enter link description here

I feel you, I do. So, I thought I would explain to you why I am getting votes, why Eric Vance Walton banks $ 2k per day and why you may still be collecting 10 cents.

First, you need to understand some things about how Steemit works

  1. Votes are weighted, so the number of votes you have is not in direct proportion to your payout. However, if you are getting lots of votes, but no payout, you should keep going, you're building an audience and the votes you need will find you.
  2. The bigger the vote, the more time is added to your initial payout window. Also, categories like "trending" and "hot" only open for posts with weighty votes and cash behind them.
  3. It's all about who follows who, who follows who, that follows you. Want more followers? Be a good follower! Want to attract their attention? Go comment on their work. Make yourself valuable.

*Those are just a few things you might not be considering. Now, onto what makes a profile profitable. *

Here are a few things those writers have that you don't.

  1. Reputation score. Where is yours? You start with 25, if you are below this, there is your problem. Either your posts or comments are offensive, or poorly written. You've had downvotes, something I avoided from the very beginning.
  2. Followers. Every single day, I've added followers! How? I post good content. I reply to EVERY single comment and I comment on others. I also try to be helpful and share what I learn.
  3. STEEM power. Did you take your first payout in cash? I didn't. I waited until I had a single post hit over $ 50 before taking anything. I powered up my small early posts into Steem power, making my vote more valuable and raising my profile. Little by little, I'm gaining on the big boys, a little each day.

Now, let's take a look at your posts

For many of you, it's simple, your posts are adding nothing to the conversation. Sure, you write well enough, you may be even clever, or amusing, that's why you're getting votes. But, that's not what the whales are interested in. They are building something, you need to contribute or get left behind.

  • Your content should be attractive to outside users. Write stuff that is interesting to Steemit outsiders. Even if you write about steemit, tell people why it's great here, bring someone in.
  • Spell check and edit. I'll be the first to admit, I'm not far enough ahead yet to properly edit each post, but for the most part, mine are easy to read. I don't make huge spelling errors, or have grammar that sounds like I'm translating from Russian (no offense to those that are, you just need to have even more compelling content)
  • Stop complaining! It's not attractive. It won't get you what you want. Want to point out flaws in the system? You'd better articulate your position well and offer a point of view! Whining will get you exactly what you deserve.

Quit expecting instant results!

I write for a living. May be hard for some of you (grammar nazis) to visualize this, but I make $ 50 to 100 an hour in the real world for my writing, even with my occasional typo and horrible comma splices. But, my first few posts didn't do much. In fact, the majority of posts on Steemit get NO PAYOUT!

  • Post at least twice a day and don't make them throwaways. Can't write that much? Curate interesting content from other places with your commentary.
  • Determine to do this for two weeks straight, before you complain.
  • Sign up for a site like scribophile and get some critiques on your work to improve it.
  • I cannot say this enough stop complaining and get to work!Study those other profiles, what are they doing that you are not? Who do they follow? What do they write?
  • Be patient, look at Eric Vance Walton, the fiction writer I most admire on this platform. It was nearly three weeks before one of his pieces hit big. Was his other stuff crap? NO! It just took some time.

*So, while it's easy to think that those of us getting paid a little are just like you, understand, we work hard. I've been writing for over 2 decades for hire, and for 35 years for fun. What I do isn't easy for some. It wasn't for me either. I've paid my dues and I am finally cashing in just a little of all the hard work that went into developing my talent. *

**No one is shutting you out! Find something interesting to contribute that is attractive to outsiders. Edit it. Add some images. Keep it positive and be persistent. You'll start to see payout if you do these things. **

Here's a way to get paid for nothing! Upvote and comment. If this post goes over $ 500, I'll share the wealth with one lucky commenter!


As you know, I followed you from FB and you always have words of encouragement for fellow writers over there. I only wish I'd seen Steemit earlier!
Keep on doing what you're doing, Mark, I'm certain you're on the right track.
Thanks for the help and advice. This is an exciting new platform, I'm going to keep on with it and follow your advice.

Great information. The best of the bunch is DON'T WHINE! Enjoy yourself. Read stories and posts you like, give helpful and positive feedback and be honest with yourself and others. Don't worry about the money and have patience! If you are doing it solely for money and don't enjoy it you will probably fail. You can tell @markrmorrisjr has been doing this for a long time and enjoys it. Read this post again and learn from it. It is a playbook for success.

Im trying and im learning a little more with every post. Its finding your place on here at the minute I'm still lost.

Well, talk about things that interest you. Explore some of the topics. Find others who are successful and mimic what they do.

I will do some exploring then see what I find

I hope your post gets you much more than $500.

I just posted a post that violates most of your rules, but I have in mind a post that might start me on the way to profitability.

It's never too late to start doing better.

The truth I think you're absolutely right, many may think that this is easy but the truth is that every day I see more complex, It is quite difficult for that as I only speak a little English, but that does not mean that we don´t have an opportunity here, I think the best strategy for me is to start commenting on the post that please me, and so go about building a better relationship with the community.

Thanks Mark I'm saving this in my email drafts for a future article comprised of nothing but links, for future Steemers not "born" yet.
I've personally walked two people through the entire sign up process - including a man in his 60s who hates Facebook, and one in his 50s who didn't even have FB but his wife did. One co-worker told me he'd joined already based on my prior conversation with him, and him telling me this sparked the very high interest of two more.
The fact that I now have an article at well over $200 didn't hurt to spark interest either, but my point is, I am saving the best articles I run across, to help the people I personally bring in to Steemit, and this shalt forever be amongst them! Thanks again.
Best Guy

That's awesome

Nice great tips @markrmorrisjr! Also I would like to add that most people on here aren't going to make $2,000-$5,000 on every single post unless we have 50,000 Twitter followers like @dollarvigilante. Wow you are a great person to follow you are even giving away SBD woohooo!

Yep, it's all about audience,isn't it?

Yep true that!

Nah dollarvigilante is just spreading the news on how he made thousands of $ here in the community which opposed by many because that was not the purpose of the platform. But even so, he still rakes thousands a day. Good for him.

I don't think that's it. I think the whales recognize that he draws in a lot of users, that want to hear about how much he's making. I think its strategic and very intentional.

Good advice. Too many new users play Steemit like its twitter. Which its not but you do need to network pretty much the same way. Where as on twitter people basically try to trick you into clicking on a useless link to senseless article so they get better analytics. That game will lead to punishment and no vote on steemit which i like.

Well Twitter is the same. I provide quality content, and I get about 100-300 new followers there every week, depending on how active I am. Thanks for the comment.

well stated Mark. There are some members on here who really do seem to have a sense of entitlement. I posted something, you should all upvote me even if it's crap. Why? Because if you don't, then the system is unfair and I'm getting screwed.

The system does seem to have some flaws, but you know, no system is going to make everyone happy. Work with the system and put the sweat equity in. I haven't gotten too far ahead but that is more because I have not posted a lot.

That is on me to change. When I do, it will be the best work I can muster.

Well, don't get me wrong, I'm blown away by how much I'm getting and extremely grateful and leery of how long it will last, but I have been writing a long time.

Thanks for the guidance. I believe one of the challenges is staying visible for as long as possible... and that is NOT easy and getting more difficult the more Steemers get active. My posts are generally in the wee wee hours for the America's..... hence the smaller audience. Nonetheless, I plug on as I see this as a cathartic exercise {grin}

Well, every vote adds time to your payout window. Even the minnows. You might try adding #minnowsunited they are giving upvotes.

Thanks for that.... will unite with some minnows ..

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