5 Reasons Your Content Isn't Earning the $teem You Want it To!

in #steemit7 years ago

  > *Steemit seems like the wild west, no rules, no holds barred, anything goes. But nowhere is really that freestyle, think about it, even in the actual wildwest, the ecosystem had rules of its own. Mess with bears or rattlesnakes, you’re gonna have a bad time. Let your fire go out in winter, you’ll freeze your nuts off, that’s if you survive. Don’t plan ahead and you’ll run out of food, or water, or end up in Indian territory, or surrounded by wolves. Steemit’s a lot like that most days. *


First off, the written rules, which there aren’t too many, are hard to find, and they’re constantly changing, for example, does anyone even realize the 4 post full reward limit was lifted? You can post as much as you want and get full rewards for every vote! When I first showed up, my posts, like most of yours, got no love a few cents here, a few cents there, but I could see that some guys were raking it in, doing content I figured I could compete with, so I knew there was a shot.

I’m kind of old to be hanging out here, to be honest, but it’s fun and I like to write what I want to write and not just what they’re paying me to write all the time. So, I do what old guys do, look for the instructions. I found a few things and figured out a few others on my own and now I spend a good bit of my time trying to help other people who need it get a leg up, so here’s five things you’re probably doing wrong if none of your posts has cashed out with over $20 bucks yet. Ready?

# Your Headlines Suck! #

> *Sorry to break it to you, but it matters, a lot! While I hate clickbait as much as anybody, a clickbait headline is the way to go. If you’re not asking a hot question or providing a hot answer, it better be silly or inspiring or make me feel something if you want my vote. There’s two big reasons this matters, and if you don’t get this right, nothing else will. *


First, there’s a lot of bots on Steemit. Some are searching for something. Some are are joining in on popular posts. Either way, that headline is going to be the key to getting their attention and as much as you hate them, you need them if you want to win! Seriously, a human user might dig behind your headline to find out if its good or not, but most won’t and the bots will follow them.

Second, the human users are moving through here quickly. There’s a ton of crap posts every day and no one has time to read all of that. So, make it easy. Give them a headline they agree with, or that makes them curious to get the door open. Then, you can have a chance to show them what you’ve got, otherwise, you’ll never get that chance.

# Your featured image sucks, or worse yet, you don’t have one.

> This one is aimed almost entirely at human users, but you have to catch their attention. It can be ugly or beautiful, high res, or grainy, but it must tell a story. That story has got to get them to read the headline and make a decision. Most votes will come from bots, or people who don’t read your article. Don’t be offended. Get their attention and get their vote. *


You’re probably better off with multiple images throughout your article and a little bit of text formatting to match it. Make it scannable so they can get the gist without needing to read every single word and make it entertaining. Teach them, make them laugh, make them angry, but evoke a response.

# You’re Picking the Wrong Topics #

> Sure, you may love action TV heroes of the 1950s, but unless you can give me a reason to buy into it, I don’t care. You have to find something that people are actually interested in here on steemit. One great way is to study the articles at the top of the trending and hot pages in each category. Look for things you can imitate, but not duplicate. Write or share something like it, not just a cheap knock off. *


Topics that are hot here are related to the platform, the internet, the news, cooking, photography art, even fiction if it’s done well, can get consistent payouts, trust me, I made over $60k last year doing all of those things.

# You Don’t Have an Audience #

> My follower count is not what it was nine months ago when I was in here everyday cranking out content, but it’s coming back around. Look at the steemers that consistently get big rewards, they almost all have bigger audience than you. Only a small percentage of those that follow you will read your stuff or upvote you, so, the more  you have the better your chances. *


To get more followers, use your vote power, and comment, comment, comment. The more you engage others in conversation, the more people will see your name around the platform and become curious. If your follower count is still under a hundred, unless you’ve attracted some whales, you’re unlikely to get any payouts over $30 or $40, even on a good day. Make some new friends.

# Your Content Needs Help #

> While a lot of crappy writing gets rewarded here, almost all of it is readable. People need to be able to understand what you meant, even if English is not your first language. Take your time, choose your words carefully, review what you learned in high school English about writing and practice!*

There are some great tools out there, like Hemingway, an editor that can help you improve your writing for just a few bucks. Use your spell check and grammar checkers if you have them. Don’t post crap. Sure, others are getting paid for it, but long term, the most successful steemers are those that do quality work.

**So, if you try all of this and still have issues, try something new, try a new category, topic or style. Being funny’s not working? Try dramatic, write some horror, you never what will stick, but don’t give up, after all, many of us will be millionaires, when and if this coin goes up to a $100 and beyond.


Thanks for the tips. Before my first introduction post I spent a decent amount of time reviewing intro posts to get ideas of what other successful into posts have done. Now as I have been here two weeks and have over 160 followers, I need to do the same thing and look at what other successful Steemians like yourself have done. I comment often, but need to work on writing more posts. Thanks for your advice. I look forward to reading more!

Take a look at the series I did under the hashtag #dolphinschool you can search it using the little spyglass at the top of your profile, then scroll down past the google results and there are about three pages of stuff. I'll probably be kicking that off again.

The financial motivation really gets to people and Steemit is becoming the good old Gold Rush. While crappy post gets the upvotes, over the long run, posts that truly add value and insights are the ones that will last.

Blogging is like a marathon and Steemit rewards people who are going to stay here for awhile. Gaming the system will only take you so far....

For minnows who are discourage...Steem on!

Absolutely spot on. You know, I'm looking at the new content all the time but I'm absolutely not going to click on "pictures of my cat" whereas I'm definitely going to click on "5 stupid things my cat does that's different" - and jesus, find your sweet spot and roll with it. If "5 tips to achieve success" posts aren't killing it, don't complain, do something different. Good post - another resteem from me :)

Thank you

I'm a big cat guy!

I will follow your tips @markmorrisjr !
Couldn´t agree more about the importance of the contents quality...
I would rather do less posts, but quality ones, than a crappy post every hour.

Thanks again for the advices!

Yep, ideally, do one quality post per hour to establish an audience. It's a global platform, you're catching different users all the time. As long as its good.

This was indeed a good read with helpful tips. I just joined steemit yesterday. I'm still fairly new at this.

You'll be fine, just study the platform and contribute beauty, and or usefulness, people will find you.

Thanks for this. I've realized I'm lacking in a few of these.

They are easy to improve upon, but it's like anything else in life, the more you learn, the more you realize there is to learn. I'm very much a beginner. LOL

Thank you for this! I've only been active on here a couple weeks, so this was very helpful to me. My brother, @countryinspired, who has been at this a lot longer, has been giving me tips for earning more as well. I'm starting to notice how certain topics attract a lot more viewers. My son, @eliwasson, is also relatively knew, so your article could benefit him as well. I will be following you!

Thanks, I did this almost full time last summer, then it bottomed out and I had to pursue other gigs, but it's doing pretty well now, about half what it was last August, so it's worth working at.

Well I'm definitely going to keep at it!

Thanks for the tips! they really pointed me in right direction.

Thanks, I hope it works for you.

thank you, very useful

I'm glad you wrote this post. My son who's a very successful internet marketer just told me the same things. I'm a writer and more interested in the artistic side of things but some of my steemit friends have shamelessly exploited click-bait to the point where it makes me blush. The whales keep saying they want original, quality content but judging by what gets rewarded I seriously doubt that. Thanks for the timely reminder. Up-voted & followed :)

Well, they made the mistake last summer of playing sheriff too much and the place emptied out pretty quick, so they seem like they are not interfering much at all, which is good.

well, the thirty days of no rewards after the last hardfork almost did me in - they say they want to attract Twitter acc'ts in the 'thousands' LOL!! I have over 54, 000 real followers on Twitter and they have never 'attracted' me with rewards

Well, I guess I missed that, but I read about it. Seems they were evening out the flow a bit. Sounds like a good plan. A high tide raises all ships, new investors means higher prices, means steem goes up, value of daily payouts will be back where they were last summer and higher and there will be plenty for all of us. I don't care about being a big fish, just want to get back to $400 a day.

ha ha...I wish. But I think for you it's possible especially considering you're established with a good follower base. I'm glad I discovered you and look forward to reading more of your posts.

When I started, most of the whales that exist were already here and I started from zero just like everyone else. I don't have any following in comparison to many, but it's started growing again and soon I'll be back on track because I'm consistent. As the price of steem rises, the $2 post will be worth $4, then $10 and so on. So, while the top posts may end up at $10k each like last summer, there will be hundreds of multiple hundred dollar posts each and every day. It's not that hard to compete in that environment and come out a winner.

A very good post, @markrmorrisjr.

But I believe those are not the only reasons. I believe the system itself can be enhanced. I have just written an article about that:
Too Many Wasted Gems in Steemit!!! Why is that Happening?

Fellow steemians are having different points of views about it. Please check it out and tell me what you think. Since you have noticed the problem, I am sure you can add to the conversation.

Yes, well, it's not called the only five reasons, is it? I'll take a look at your article, but, not everyone can succeed equally, the platform would lose all interest.

Thanks. waiting for your comments

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