¿What to think when we vote?

in #steemit7 years ago

                                We need to Warn the world about the importance of responsible voting


We are currently experiencing times of significant change on many levels, we have managed to develop or undertake many routes to continue advancing as a predominantly evolutionary race, it is no secret to anyone that the human being has modified their standards of living over the years at an increasing speed in an accelerated rhythm, the same technological advances did not exist in the first decade of the century as there are in the second decade, we passed the front page of war conflicts to the most conservative diplomacy and we have turned our backs on the frontal and antagonistic politics to which he was accustomed with a century as violent and as tense as it was the twentieth century, there are exceptions and parentheses nowadays that question these lines right now, terrorism, civil wars in the East and other distant lands , drug trafficking accustomed to endure and settle in certain nations where it is not persecuted so hard and some where I dare to say that it is promoted by the same people responsible for stopping it. Despite all this, humanity has proven to be up to the challenge when it comes to proving itself against the same challenges that it poses. We have caused diseases that have managed to be contained, we have been the cause of the deterioration of our mother earth and at the same time we have found signs of new horizons in which to think as the cradle of the new evolved form of human beings, we have fought to contain peace that in previous times we have promised ourselves so fervently.

 For all this it is prudent to remind all nations of the importance of knowing how to choose our patriarchs and to take root in our fundamental bases of collective way of life where it is different to be Mass or to be a People. Well says Ortega y Gasset "Masa is one who does not value himself because he feels like everyone," he says the dynamics of every society composed of two fundamental factors: Mass and minority, the latter being what is considers the best of society that was previously configured as aristocracy. However, in today's world there is no such distinction, in today's world all people aspire and seek the best conditions of life that allow them to stand out in society, for the most diverse and varied reasons, but with a single purpose, go beyond the previous level of life, we all seek to overcome all we want to be our best version of ourselves, every employee wants to become a boss, every professional wants to be a specialist and every nation wants to reach power, that can be achieved together forming the cradle of our journeys, our own nations.

Human capital is the greatest source of growth for countries, those nations where it is possible to establish a high human development index are the nations that exceed their capabilities and set a new limit on achievements. In a public and notorious fact that not all the time is made use of the same natives of a town to achieve this task, but the fact of stimulating the wishes of foreign professionals with academic and labor offers aiming at high performance and talent (case Canada or the United States) the same result is obtained. It is logical and reasonable that if at home I do not know how to repair my pipe I will not look for a plumber to do it every time, I will look for it once to teach me how to do it and be able to take care of my own plumbing problems in the future. I want to establish with all this, that it is the peoples and only the peoples that can determine the future they want for their nations, only the governments of yesteryear were allowed to establish themselves for the benefit of the same rulers and it was the town's task to satisfy those benefits . Today a different role is played, already in the countries of real development with full understanding of the functioning of the dynamics between government and people has been completely erased the concept of "ruler = privilege", be composed as a total sovereign who chooses who will represent effectively and clearly the aspirations of a people gives birth to the formula "governing = responsibility" and this reality is not unattainable for the rest of our nations for it must be considered the vital importance that is in knowing how to choose the rulers and know exercise true sovereignty. On that you can start by considering these points:

1. Demagoguery is the mortal enemy of every society.


Nobody claims that saying in all honesty the failures of the current state of a nation and the management of previous governments may not be the strategy to follow, however when done only with the aim of gaining followers based on political studies and surveys that can Increasing preferences is where the problem lies. The main attraction of a candidate in any governmental instance should not be his words in campaign, you have to look at his career and achievements, in his professional preparation and not in his personal aspects, that someone tell you what you want to hear does not necessarily want To say that he is a specialist in the field, only means that he is someone who has paid attention (which is also good).


2. The sovereign exercise is not just the vote.


Rousseau said in the social contract that people come together to guarantee welfare for themselves and for their goods as a single body, choosing for themselves the protective image of that security and that well-being (governments), of this the power is worth sovereign, to be ourselves who choose we are ourselves who can undo our decisions, no ruler should be above the will of the people that must be known. Note: This only applies to those nations that know and have known how to settle differences in a civic and peaceful way.

3. Beware of violent speeches and false wars.


What allows political campaigns in every election is the approach of the candidates to the people to be able to promote in the most recondite places of the nation and to increase the levels of popularity. When it seeks to be obtained through hate speech, revanchism and accusations that point to advances of non-existent attacks we must stop and consider that in a civil world where peace should reign is not the kind of discourse we want to hear, it is strange that in the XXI century we intend to speak about freedom and the Left versus the Right when they are concepts that are technically completely eradicated from political jargon. These signs must be met in time by the people and reject, the reason? Simple, history has shown us that every government that is obtained or sought by violence ends up being authoritarian and tends not to want to abandon its position once it begins to be rejected.

4. It is not a popularity contest it is a competence and preparation contest


You should never get carried away by comments, scandals or even if a political candidate is criticized or not for silly reasons, preparation and trajectory in the world of public administration and political positions is what counts, in an era like is within a race for a legislative post more votes could get a famous singer than a professor of political economy or constitutional law of a good faculty and this is what should be avoided, be popular and be followed by many people do not necessarily want say that you are able to fulfill the task as it should, this type of wrong decisions is for the sole and exclusive responsibility of the people, we must focus on the media coverage of our candidates and how they do it, which aspects cover the profile and what not; It is not enough to know the number of people who follow them and what image of them the media have. we must remember that today not all media have experts in the field.

5. Voting is an exercise in every sense of the word.


If we exercise regularly and lead a healthy life is a future benefit for ourselves, this principle also applies to voting responsibly, the vote is our sowing and if something we know for sure is that in this world we all reap what we sow.

It is important to consider these points in order to contribute in our communities to educate ourselves and to be able to expand this message to avoid being the product of our own destruction. The best we can thank history and life is how much it has given us to learn from one and how much we still need to learn from each other, if we know how to adjust that principle to one's own life we help to envision a better horizon for our people, today is the product of yesterday and tomorrow is today's responsibility. 

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