Time to quit Steemit

in #steemit7 years ago

Like many of you know Im going through a very painfull dificult time and regardless of this I have been trying to continue to post and promote steemit to new users. So yesterday I got the strength to make this post which I thought would be a great way to engage new users and teach them about the benefits of steemit. An hour later and with quite a few positive comments I managed to get to almost 2$ payouts which really lifted my spirits and got me smiling and motivated again.



@abit and @smooth decided that it was time to flag my post.

I saw it this morning and feeling angry and confused I think this will be my last post here, all my promoting and posting for steemit seems to be of no value. I guess its just a whale game here and small users are not valued so congratulations you got it your way. I hate this because I have met so many kind hearted and driven people who have supported me both in the good and the bad times throughout the last 6 months.

With Kind Regards im sad to say goodbye but I just cant find it in me to continue with this. My time will be better spent on other projects including concentrating on my own health and well being.



I'm sad to read this, you can always come back... Blessings !

Bravo!!! Creo que es lo mejor que puedes hacer invertir tu tiempo y dinero en ti y tus seres queridos que se lo merecen mas que las Ballenas que se reenvolsan nuestro dinero y tiempo para una lucha sin conquista

Sorry to read that. I completely get your frustration.

Many a user has left for similar reasons, this is not the way to get new users onboard its a terrible way to market what seemed like a very good idea.

I agree completely!

sorry to read this, but I can understand you, it's really frustrating. I hope that something/someone solve this "issues" a soon as possible.
I wish you all the best for your real life and please, come back soon on Steemit!

Maybe one day , but for not I am advising all my friends to power down and pull out of here. The whales can be happy and keep steemit for themselves they dont need new users or minnows marketing it aparently. thanks for your kind words @silviabeneforti

These countervotes will be gone soon. They only exist because of the current reward curve, which ensures that without such votes, only whales would have power.

Steemit Inc will be introducing a linear reward curve in the next hard fork which will eliminate the need for such countervotes. Maybe you should take a break for now but check back once hard fork 19 is in.

Maybe flagging should stop until hard
fork 19 or there will no need for a social network without people.

Its a total joke as far as Im concerned. Not worth my time and effort, I like the idea of Steemit but getting flagged so I dont earn more than 2$ on a post is ridiculous. Ive done too much for Steemit to get this treatment. I wish you all well.

I had the same issue when this started and I came to the conclusion that I needed to write to heal myself. It's the best way I have to explore my subconscious mind. I didn't start writing for money, maybe just take a breather and figure out if the way your feeling is about the money or the way it feels to deal with people not considerate of your perspective. There is going to be a lot of them in our lives. Regardless I hope you continue to heal and be well.

thanks @clayboyn. I wish It didnt have to be this way but Im too frustrated with these stupid flagging situations. Who knows maybe I change my mind and come back one day . But for now Im telling all my friends to power down and withdraw what they invested the whales can decide whats best for Steemit like they always have.

I understand that. I was actually powering down over it too. I know most therapist recommend using journaling for our mental health. I just know from some of your post that we have been in similar situations and I really wish someone had been there to tell me that regardless of whether or not it's on steemit or the wall in your bedroom, keep writing.

Its a total joke as far as Im concerned.

A lot of those flags to other users have indirectly resulted in your posts gaining more rewards.

I see you are also busy powering down your account. Can u honestly say that there is nothing strange going on with steemit?

Yeah I'm powering down for a week to support a project I'm building for the platform and to cover some other expanses.

Did you forget I was the first to send you some funds to help you out when you were in need? Afterwards I followed your childs account to vote his posts up too. Without knowing you one bit or having any ulterior motives - so please trust me when I say the experiment is for the greater good.

But sure, go further on the offensive instead.

I have not forgotten about all the great people on Steemit including yourself, I am not on the offensive and it makes the fact that I really loved Steemit all the more dificult to have to say goodbye.

Okay than, if an experiment that is supposed to make 95% of the users votes more value-able is the reason you want to leave, I don't know what else to say to that...

It makes my work I put in here feel even more gone to waste when users like you just give up because of something that is supposed to make users like you have more weight behind your votes.

The reason I responded so negatively is cause you decided to check out that I am powering down and use that as fuel for your argument which made me even more disappointed in your actions.

If people feel this entitled about posting rewards and cry when some are cut because of an experiment that is there for the greater good, I don't know what else to say than good riddance.

My thoughts of the experiment is that its about time it happened - users who have invested or earned a lot of SP have been leeching off the daily distribution pool for months now resulting in the price decline, although many of them are free to do as they want - many choose to create multiple accounts to vote themselves to more rewards while dragging down the whole platform.

Had it not started your votes would have been dust compared to what they are now (or before the hardfork) and the price would probably be laying around 5-10 cents instead.

I think you are overreacting. You are frustrated and going through a bad phase. You quit smoking and you are going through a difficult personal time. I understand this. You need a break..not a quit. Take a break and completely stay away for a month or so. You are frustrated and need change. You can do whatever you want but....

Really sorry to hear this but I totally understand. I haven't made a post for well over a month due to the bullshit flag wars. I feel that we can still make a positive impact but this Idea of whales flagging down a post just because they think it's going to pay too much is utter crap and is totally counterproductive for the long term. We've lost almost many great authors in the past 6 months because of this petty shit. I feel that Steemit is an opportunity lost.

Thanks for your insight, im in a bad place right now so maybe Im over reacting. I will keep my out for another similar project to support once I get back on my feet. Steemit really seemed a great place...

Dang. I certainly understand your frustration. I can see why many regular users have left. Just check back in in the future. Maybe these volatile experiments will be over by then. Best wishes!

thanks for your understanding @countryinspired it breaks my heart to leave but right now its how I feel

Do what you need to do now and come back when and if you're ready. We'll be thinking about you and hoping you're well.

thanks @boxcarblue I will miss the great people I met here on steemit

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