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RE: What NEEDS to change NOW in order for Steemit to Survive. (Partial Payout Declined Self-Voting)

in #steemit7 years ago

Interesting ideas, but I'm not really a fan.

  1. It (IMO) over complicates an already complicated payout system.
  2. I think Sean King has made some good arguments for why self voting isn't as bad as many say here and here. If this blockchain doesn't allow it, a fork in the future would (and you can't really stop it anyway due to sock puppet accounts).
  3. Top down "solutions" to problems which can be solved via community response (i.e. shaming, unfollowing, etc) don't seem very effective as solutions and usually have a way to be gamed anyway. The point is to get people to want to be good community members, not just stop bad behavior in a sterile way.
  4. The bot abuse spam is simply that: bot abuse spam. There are already projects working to help solve that problem. The self-voting part of it doesn't really matter. I can create account 1 and have it vote for account 2, so the self voting removal doesn't solve anything there.
  5. I see some suggestions to change things without fully understanding the technical details involved and it makes me think it would be better to understand the technical details involved more first, or chat them over with someone who does. Otherwise it communicates (to me), "I don't really know all the details here, but I have an opinion!" I think we get a bit too much of that around here, at times. You may understand more than you let on, so this may not apply to you specifically, but I've seen so many examples where people don't understand game theory, what a Sybil attack is, how psychological motivations come into play, etc, etc

The real thing that will take Steemit to the moon is for the price of STEEM to skyrocket. For that to happen, people need to be motivated to buy STEEM. The suggestion here seems to be removing one aspect of that motivation. Yes curation brings rewards, but so does some self voting. If this was implemented, I'd imagine many would just create multiple accounts and auto vote them up.

  1. This is very true luke! I agree that complicating a already complicated system is not really a good move. But I do feel change might be in order, its hard to say what, when there are so many opinions and hard evidence.
  2. I have read these articles and I do see the big picture on this as knozaki2015 continues to mention ;) but I do see this being gamed and especially with the sock puppet accounts , not only does that though my idea out the window, but it's almost impossible to defend against.
  3. Agree with you on this of course, I do think having the option to decline your self vote , keep your visibility but also show others that you believe in your content and have no need to self vote (The partial up vote decline is growing on me a bit) gives a chance for more pure content quality control (which I do feel can't be truly done by oneself) Being a good community member is to give more then you take.
  4. Good point to bring up and again is disheartening a bit, with people not contributing but cruelly trying to game the system.
  5. As a programmer myself with the knowledge of many many different languages fro malt of hard work and experience I simply didn't want to pretend to be an expert on everything and I know that some very intelligent people put good work in and other aspects as you say that are forint to me come into play.

Thank you very much for you comments Luke!

That's is a very good point. That you could just find away around self vote removal by creating one account to upvote the other.

About "Being a good community member is to give more then you take".
It seems that proportion of givers seem to deacrease according to the rise of their SP.
It seems that minnows are more likely to be generous than dolphins and whales, despite that they can offer so little with their miniscule voting power.
It seems that the more Steem Power some user acquires, the more greedy he/she becomes (with some few exceptions), and less likely to share with minnows but more likely to upvote sockpuppets or circle jerk.

How about if all voting bots not allowed, then self-voting award limited to some degree. The biggest problem is "Account1 voting Account2 Same Owner" scenario, this may be solved by checking the source IP address, same IPs can not vote each other.

Haha I am no whale here, but may this idea solve the issue a bit. Regards all.

And VPN servers not allowed, if this can be done. I am just throwing ideas so that others might improve.

Yeah VPNS are the problem. I don't think there is a way to block it :-)

Hey man, just a dummy question as I am new to this platform: If I reply to you, is this automatically seen by the people above you in this chain? Or do I have to Reply at the topmost to be seen? Thanks.

Yes I think so. They probably won't see if you reply to the topmost comment.

Thanks man. If you can drop by ny posts I am now on my fifth as a newbie here. Regards.

I'm acting as admin temporarily for our band site @primatives-usa - this would mean I would get flagged for upvoting something on my personal page and vice-versa, even though the other band members are in full support of specific upvotes- same for when Jesse and Lila-suka return. I'm willing, for the greater good, to NOT do this, but I'm sure other people are in the same situation.

How about if all voting bots not allowed, then self-voting award limited to some degree. The biggest problem is "Account1 voting Account2 Same Owner" scenario, this may be solved by checking the source IP address, same IPs can not vote each other.

Haha I am no whale here, but may this idea solve the issue a bit. Regards all.

IP Addresses are not involved 🙃

Luke have you looked at other people putting self voting in perspective? link
Personz comented in the first link, 'self voting is a rampant and a huge problem', although he said I said rampant amounts to argument of the beard, I'm leaning to agreement, self voting needs to be shunned and flagged, we have the tools already, lets put them to use to trim this beard down, I think it has become a beard.

It's simply about perception, when people see others GAME THE SYSTEM, it devalues the overall experience,but I disagree with @blueorgy where he said that flagging will drive user away, I think flagging is a tool that would keep users more than drive them away, especially if people downvote bullshit self voters, personz quote the prisoners dilemma, which is exactly where we are headed if we encourage this behavior.

The naive voting process creates a Prisoner’s Dilemma whereby each individual voter has incentive to vote for themselves at the expense of the larger community goal. If every voter defects by voting for themselves then no currency will end up distributed and the currency as a whole will fail to gain network effect. On the other hand, if only one voter defects then that voter would win undeserved profits while having minimal effect on the overall value of the currency.

Thoughtful comments. Polite way to tell blueorgy much of his post was ill considered

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