in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

A great debate is one thing...but to call someone a "retard" is a bit too MUCH! I enjoy a great debate as much as the next gal.....

But we should all be RESPECTFUL to one another. Calling one another an "idiot" or "retard" is unacceptable and should be no need of it. This is why it's called an "opinion" and everyone has their rights to theirs. You can disagree with it all you'd like, but that doesn't make it okay to call someone an "idiot" for voicing their opinion.

And I must add, the word "retard" should NEVER be used. It is such a disrespectful word.

Unfortunately, this is a problem that will never be resolved. Maybe not now, that is.

Some are not afraid to voice their opinions and this includes bullying others. I thought that we were all grown adults? It's cool if you're having a simple and friendly debate but when the name calling starts, that is crossing the line.

And to argue on someone's blog is just disrespectful, for one.

And I see that the flag button is still being used for unflagging purposes. I have had to repeat myself many times or maybe you are just not seeing this? I don't know what the case is but please be aware, flagging someone because you do not care for their post is very upsetting for the writer.

FLAGGING is for posts that do not follow Steemit guidelines. Not for the purpose of "disliking" a post.

But anyways, seems as if I'm getting off topic, here.

Let's be respectful with one another. Stop with the name calling. Stop the bullying. These are lessons I teach my 7 year old son. Unfortunately, the lessons are needed here as well.

It's all fun and games until somebody ends up getting flagged and it becomes WAR on STEEMIT.

If that's not embarrassing, I don't know what is.

Anyways, I hope you all enjoy the rest of your evening!

Your Friend,


omg ew. FLAGGED! ......;P

lol unfortunately, I've had a lot of my blogs flagged so it's nothing new to me. lol. it is quite annoying...but what is one to do?

I agree for the most part. there are some things a person deserves to be called an idiot for though IMO. For example i don't really care if i hurt a racists feelings because as far as im concerned a racist deserves whatever he or she gets.

Yes, I absolutely agree when it comes to a racist. It should not be allowed and I vote YES for flagging one that is. Have you come across a racist here on steemit?

yeah sadly..some more obvious then others mind you. you will find all types of people anywhere on the internet though so its not terribly surprising.

It is unfortunate that, because people can hide behind fake usernames, they feel it is ok to say terrible things to one another. It isn't just Steemit, but all social media sites where people feel it is their duty to bring others down. The only thing that can really be done is what you are doing: trying to educate others that there is a human being on the other end.

You're absolutely correct. It definitely isn't only steemit but facebook, twitter, and all other social medias. It's one of those things that really can't be controlled. Maybe if there was a way to report the accounts that are abusive? Hopefully this will be brought to the attention of STEEMIT. This definitely needs to be addressed, not only here, but other sites as well. We are all supposed to be adults and unfortunately, some can't behave like one. I have to say, it is quite embarrassing to educate grown adults to be respectful of one another.

I can hear you! The problem is that we have 'supposed' leaders being unfair, unmannered, and downright violent every day. Their followers love their ginned up vitriol, and respond in kind! Many of these 'trolls' follow their leader in kind...they've called for an end of 'political correctness' so they can be as obscene...insulting...uncourteous...& just flat out BAD MANNERED as they please! We need to call out these bully's for what they are...& take away their power!

How is one to do so? I am all ears!

@lkong87 ...Well for one thing...don't feed the 'trolls'...they are just trying to get you p.o.ed...I know this is a big order, but it can be done...the bad thing about flagging here is it ends up hurting your value as well as the commenter you flagged...Don't build up a 'bad' rep here...it also affects your steem power...when I first came here, I though flagging was like Facebook...but it isn't...flagging is downvoting & it affects your score...I think that is intrinsically wrong...But if you mute somebody, I STILL don't know what that does...the annoying posts are still on the block chain as they never truly go away...the BEST thing here is to upvote your followers & friends...and leave the Negs be...if curious just check out their blog...they don't post much because they are way too busy attacking members...They are a negative drain on the platform...just roll over them & pay no attention to ad hominem attacks...refute their posts & comments...just don't get into a flagging war with them...Nobody WINS!

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