I was scrolling through my feed and i saw a contest. The Steem round Giveaway and all you had to do was talk about someone who was special to you here on Steemit, so here goes.
I want to nominate @cryptoandcoffee
The reasons why i nominated him are actually quite long but let me begin anyway. I just joined steemit last month and i didnt really know my way around it and the upvotes were not really coming. Even though i'm a very person i was starting to get a bit discouraged, and it was at this very critical time that he did something little but it meant a lot to me. He dropped a comment on one of my posts and that totally made my day when i saw it. The reason was because seeing someone with that many followers engage me was hope giving😂😂(if there is a word like that). It gave me hope that i was doing something right and that i was still on the right path and should stick to the path i was on. And that i am doing even though it is rough and discouraging at times, but when i remember that i could make him engage because he probably liked what he saw it gives me hope to continue.
Then something else also happened. A few days ago he also ran a contest and we were to guess the scoreline of a rugby match and i also dropped my prediction and i won. Though i had started getting some upvotes from some of my posts and i was already getting a few steem in my wallet it really meant so much to me and once again it served as a source of encouragement to keep pushing and not give up. Even though i haven't seen the tokens in my wallet i trust that he will send them soon and he has being like an encouraging angel, standing afar but giving me encouragement to continue on this road, and i know it will lead to a nice end.
Needless to say, he is one that knows how to engage his audience really well. His posts and the way he engages others makes me come on Steemit everyday. I am kind of a stalker on his page always watching what he does and i daily get inspired. When i see how large he has grown his audience to, it gives me a big feeling of hope that i can also do this too. That one day my followers will grow from the lowly ten that they are right now to thousands round the world. That thousands of steemians will find my content good enough to want to follow me, and that one day too, people will draw inspiration from me and my actions just the way i daily saw inspiration from him and his actions. He is truly a man that deserves to be celebrated and i decided to use this opportunity to do just that.
He exemplifies and typifies everything i want to be and all i want to achieve on steemit and that is the reason why i am selecting him as the one who is special to me on steemit. It would truly be an honour if we win this. I nominate him and i hope we can win the #steemroundgiveaway
That pic thouhh hahaa 🤣
😂😂😂 thanks.
The Picture alone, is worth a Thousand Words...

October 1, 2019... 2.5 Hollywood Time...
It is actually😂😂😂