RE: Is There Really an Advantage to Being a Woman on Steemit?
Also every time I mention to the people that I am in a group with, Who are women, that we should become a witness it becomes this huge thing. Why? My guess is because a lot of women do not want to make waves so on the surface we can say oh yeah steam it is very excepting of women but is soon as you start to poke holes in that surface you will get a lot of shit. This is and to say that I don't love steam. And fact I think I think the block chain is is very malleable and we have a lot of opportunity in this way. Additionally being that the whole concept is freedom of speech and decentralization et , can't really shut us down when we are talking about feminism or issues like this. But it can be a slippery slope because this is a meritocracy which also often turns into you know of a popularity contest. If people who have more power than you don't like you then you're screwed. But if you find the right people who get your shit and who support you then it's awesome